reFX Nexus v3,v4 and v5 (Mac/WiN) workarounds, fixes, crashes, etc

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by ArticStorm, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    I also have face this problem while trying installing recent Analog Lab version which doesn't shows up the GUI but as a black SCREEN though it installs. After some research and tinkering I found that I can click on the preset area by guess and it plays different presets but the visual Gui is absent. Later I found this is due the open GL requirement for Arturia recent VSTi not being supported by my old processor. There are other new versions of VSTi too which causes similar problems though older version of the same VSTi still working fine. BTW AFAI can remember I was able to successfully install Nexus 4,so give it a try
  2. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thanks again,

    Uninstalled nexus 4, grabbed the 4.5.13, reinstalled, went fine until the update library location step. The error came up again. The file is in fact not in my system 32 folder as well as in my syswow64. But I did a little research and this seems to be pretty common on win7 with software that is not meant to be run on win7. Maybe this has something to do with those 2 updates that I can’t run. Maybe these updates are needed in order to run it.
    Tbh I’m a little scared to uninstall earlier visual c++ versions as well my old nexus. I don’t wanna run into problems with all the stuff that’s already running just fine just to find out it still won’t work.
    i also have w10 on another drive. But as I do the midi part of my production on win7 because it gave me a much better performance, I wanted to have it on my win7… but it’s not that I really need it.
    I really appreciate your help but if I delete the old nexus files,I’ll have to spend a lot of time just to find the installer again as it’s backed up on another drive which is organized well. It’s just not worth all the hassle. I’ll rather just set my w10 to run my stuff as well and see how it performs there.
    i mean, give it a year or 2, I just saw it with Kontakt. Let there be newer libraries that need k7 in order to work with them, then I’ll have to move to w10 anyways.
    I guess I’d need the missing DLL files in order to run nexus properly. I could download them and place them in the system 32 and syswow64 but i don’t know which sources to trust and I don’t wanna mess things up. Everything’s runnin just fine so far and messing things up just because I’m too greedy isn’t worth it I guess
  3. TheGam3Chang3r

    TheGam3Chang3r Newbie

    Jan 8, 2022
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    Somebody know why nexus 4.5.13rev2 is not working on mac? some of the factory presets works fine but the expansion presets are not working
  4. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @Ichos My Problem is solved now, my gpu failed and i didn't have proper drivers for my internal graphics installed.
  5. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    For the very same reason I couldn't run new versions of Analog Lab. They require newer graphics like open GL 4.5 plus I think, which is not supported on my old processor.
    HAPPY that your troubles are over. Happy music making.
  6. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    oh no, i wish you'll find a solution to that too.
    Thank you very much my friend, wish you the same :)
  7. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    The Nexus v4.5 Library is in the /Library/Audio/Presets/ReFX folder. Your third party presets are probably in a different place
  8. Suministro La Serenisima

    Suministro La Serenisima Newbie

    Feb 19, 2024
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    aguante la leche (milk)
  9. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    Installed Nexus 3 + Main Library's effortlessly and everything runs perfect and clean ever since this got out to the public.
    (MacOS/M1 MAX - Mojave - Logic Pro X)

    So there is really NO WAY to run "old" Nexus 2 presets on "Nexus 3" or even "Nexus 4" ?
  10. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Running Nexus 2 presets with Nexus 3 is a bit tricky and cumbersome. The Nexus 3 Plugin cannot decrypt the Nexus 2 era old presets. Legit you need to connect to the reFX-cloud to do so. :facepalm:
    The soundsources of Expansions remains the same though.

    Since you already have Nexus 3 installed up and running it would be easy for you if you had the Nexus 2 Expansion Soundsources folders saved as back up somewhere. You have to find the decrypted presets for all the earlier released Nexus 2 expansion floating on the Internet. Search for it.... :woot:

    So just download the decrypted presets file, extract it and select the presets folder of expansions you want to use and paste them inside the presets directory of nexus 3. You will also find the NKS folders too from the extract. Copy and paste them too inside the respective directory. This helps in auditioning the sound. Then put the corresponding Expansion sound folders (either from your earlier back up or download again) in their respective directory..

    Start your DAW, initiate the plugging and I guess everything will just ran fine.... :wink:

    But....... With Nexus 4 installed...
    If you have the old Nexus 2 presets/sounds/NKS from your earlier installation backed up, you can simply copy them along with their corresponding expansion soundsources/NKS folders and paste them inside their respective folders in the Nexus 4 directory. The Nexus 4 is able to decrypt Nexus 2 presets easily so no difficulty in running them. :wink:

    Infact even on WIN 7 Both Nexus 2 and Nexus 4 can ran simultaneously. :rofl:
    That's a different story altogether BTW...
    Hope it helps... :dj:
  11. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    An M1 MAX with Mojave installed? How can it be? Why? Also Mojave accept Logic until 10.4, no new updates
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Wouldn't you be able to run it in a VM? I don't have an M1 so it would not occur to me to even check.. On Mojave, Logic can be updated to 10.6. and the 10.5 upgrade is the one to care about. Nexus 4 runs perfectly on High Sierra.
  13. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I mean why use an obsolete os in a computer that can accept macos 12? In Mojave, most of app/plugins won't work anymore, even Big Sur is now outdated, the first officially macos supported by Apple is now Ventura
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    there are some good reasons to run Mojave, but that is a bit of a different conversation. The reason I think it is strange to have Mojave on a M1 Max is because normally you can only downgrade a Mac to whatever version of MacOS it originally shipped with. People can maybe get around that with stuff like OpenCore Legacy patcher, but I've never seen anyone mention doing it. People always use oclp to run newer versions of MacOS than their mac would normally support.
  15. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    I am so thankful for this wonderful message. Thank you so much for your time :)

    So since ill stick with Nexus 3 (since it runs without problems) ill be on a mission to find all the Decrypted Presets...
    Ill took a search on google with literally "nexus 2 decrypted presets" but could not find anything unfortunately..
    Its most likely because of my poorly knowledge about this since i have never heard about such a thing.

    Is there maybe any more hints about where i am able to find decrypted presets?

    kind regards!

    - and also since i dont want to post twice in a row and i dont know if thats allowed...

    i am so sorry for the ultimate confusion about my OS on my Macbook M1 MAX
    I did not mean to write "Mojave"... i wanted to say "Monterey"
    but its been so long for me since im back at the studio producing.
    So im really sorry and hope that everyone that was confused about this is reading this...

    Have a wonderful day guys i hope everyone is doing good
  16. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    You seem to didn't search enough...
    I can find it so easily.... :winker:

    Just need to search the right Web site I guess... :mates:
  17. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    hmmm so the right website.... It could not maybe be the sister site?
    Im sorry for my experience with this i never dealt with Nexus expansions ever... :(

    But ill will keep searching. Thank you for the hint my friend! :)
  18. timsmusic22

    timsmusic22 Newbie

    Nov 24, 2022
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    Hi Everyone, so I got nexus 4 (vr version) working on Apple m2 MacBook. Could someone tell me if I need to block any hosts, ip address etc?
  19. jagctl

    jagctl Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2021
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    is there an established method for deleting unwanted expansions on mac? can't seem to find one after searching. All the samples folders have weird names
  20. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I have the same release, V.R., on my Intel and no need to block anything
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