IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. Kama Sutra

    Kama Sutra Noisemaker

    Nov 21, 2022
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    Tonex pedal’s analog circuitry and components...

    Absolute rubbish! Tonex hardware is %100 digital, lol.

    AI has zero idea what Tonex hardware is. As it sees the word "pedal" it automatically assumes that it is something like a Tube Screamer or similar and labels it as "analog".

    Tonex Hradware and Tonex Software sound identical. It is just a software running either on the dedicated mini computer (Tonex Hardware) or your PC (Tonex Software).
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  2. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    Look at the specs on Amazon. The Tonex pedals signal format is stated as being

    Technical Details

    Product Dimensions ‎14.2 x 17.6 x 5.5 cm; 1.3 Kilograms
    Item model number ‎TONEX Pedal
    Hardware Interface ‎USB
    Signal Format ‎Analog
    Voltage ‎9 Volts
    Item Weight ‎1.3 kg
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
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  3. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    The software that runs in the pedal is merely a port to the pedal's hardware format. Any difference is due to the input level calibration that can be different between your interface's preamp and pedal's preamp or any input circuit adjustment/processing limitation of the unit. Just like the Helix, a lot of people complain that the pedal sounds better or vice versa, once it's calibrated, it sounds exactly the same.

    Edit: Maybe the software can sound even better if you consider the cab/IR resolution can be higher than what's in the pedal i.e. In software you can run the IR at full resolution while in the pedal it probably get cut at 2048 sample points.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
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  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yes and still no analog circuit like on e REAL analog pedal or amplifier or other analog equipment so no resistors or capasitors or clipping diods or transistors etc etc that you find in REAL analog equipment.
    That signal format is analog is just a selling trick like some pedals or modellers that has a nice little glowing vaccum tube in them that is many times visible (so you really know it has a tube installed) but if you take out the tube it still works and sounds the same
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  5. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    "Jason, I asked a.i this very same question a few days ago and it said..."Tonex guitar plugins and the Tonex pedal are two different products designed to achieve similar results but through different means. The Tonex pedal is a physical hardware effects pedal that processes the guitar signal in real-time, altering its tone and sound as it passes through the pedal’s circuitry. On the other hand, Tonex guitar plugins are software-based effects that run on a computer or digital audio workstation (DAW) to simulate the sound of various guitar pedals and amplifiers. While both the Tonex pedal and Tonex guitar plugins aim to provide users with a wide range of tonal options and effects for their guitars, they inherently differ in their implementation and sound characteristics. The Tonex pedal’s analog circuitry and components can impart a unique warmth, coloration, and responsiveness to the guitar signal that may not be fully replicated by digital simulations in guitar plugins. Conversely, Tonex guitar plugins offer the convenience of digital processing, allowing for easy recall of presets, extensive parameter tweaking, and integration within a DAW environment. Ultimately, the choice between using a Tonex pedal or Tonex guitar plugins comes down to personal preference, workflow considerations, and desired sonic outcomes. Some players may prefer the tactile feel and immediate control offered by a physical pedal, while others may appreciate the flexibility and versatility of software plugins. In conclusion, while both the Tonex pedal and Tonex guitar plugins serve as tools for shaping guitar tones and effects, they each have distinct sonic characteristics due to their analog versus digital nature."


    4 days ago
    OH NO! Does this mean I need to argue with A.I now??? :) LOL

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  6. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    The A.I. might be considering other learned factors in this response. Analog warmth usually comes into play when comparing an analog circuit of a pedal like a tube screamer to its digital simulation. This can also happen when comparing tube amplifiers to digital models. Whether this difference exists or not depends on the quality of the simulation.

    However, there is a 'general' view that, in most cases, digital doesn't have the same warmth or analog feel as real equipment. The A.I. might have considered this general consensus (often false, considering blind tests and the difficulty of distinguishing analog from digital) and provided the response.

    This applies not only to this case but also to many others where AI is applied today. I can give you many more examples in completely different areas than what I'm talking about, and I believe you can come to this conclusion using AI in some other context as well.

    Anyway, the tone in the pedal or the software doesn't come from an electronic arrangement of components but is converted to digital, and, in this context, transformed into the model, converted back to analog, and sent to the outputs (or sent digitally via USB to a host).

    This conversion to the model uses the same software, so it should be identical. The differences may only occur due to limitations, conversion factors and adjustments in the circuits surrounding the software, not directly in a more accurate model
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
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  7. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I'm no an a.i expert so I can't say what the a.i. does but it did cite the official Tonex website along with some gear forums which I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention here as it's sources. All I was doing was trying to help out another member who asked a question. In the future I will let people do their own research.
  8. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Perhaps this wasn't very clear in my response, but like you, I tried to contribute more information to the topic. At no point did I disapprove of your actions; on the contrary, I think what you did to help is great, so there's no need to abandon that path. All good, man!
  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I just look at the specs its the TRUE BYPASS circuit that is analog but it also has a software version of the true bypass.
    You shouldn't trust what you read on amazon this is how they advertise leveling beams for fret leveling
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
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  10. Wowbagga

    Wowbagga Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Anybody here using any software plugin as a boost or dynamic/tone shaper before Tonex plugin? I have been checking the sound clips which come with Tonex (Wood, Space etc.) and some of them sound like they have been heavily compressed/EQed
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
  11. storming heaven

    storming heaven Member

    Aug 21, 2023
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    I'm not using anyting before Tonex, but I believe you could try to use some eq or compression for different results. The app itself allows you to add compression and I believe you could adjust the eq to be before the tonestack.
  12. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    So i found a ToneX pedal second hand for a bargain but since the seller is the third owner he cant transfer the licence to my account so i wonder does the ToneX pedal work juts like a legal software with R2R version? a.k.a i can transfer profiles between the padal and the computer using librerian or must i be online and choose ToneX CS version instead?
    He also had some bought presets that he unfortanetely couldn't transfer
  13. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Hi Guitarmaniac64, tell us if you have an answer, IK is incredibly bad with software licensing.
  14. funkdialout

    funkdialout Guest

    Is anyone trading paid packs for Tonex? I'm sitting on over 3800 captures from 13 different vendors with over half that I have paid out of pocket for, so just curious if anyone was sharing with each other outside of the sister site? Link to my capture list here. If anyone interested let me know.

    Also have over 350,000 (70gb) IRs too from all the major vendors: Ownhammer, ML Sound, York Audio, Celestion, Valhalla etc.
  15. Wowbagga

    Wowbagga Member

    Feb 24, 2022
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    Why has it been so quiet about Tonex now? No updates or or other shares on the sister site, and no more discussion here
  16. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    Packs and swaps have already been shared on the sister site via a third party. I have messaged funkdialout with a view to doing swaps but as yet I have not received a reply. The problem is that there are way more leechers and some people just sit on their packs without sharing.
  17. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    send me a message with your tonex list
  18. storming heaven

    storming heaven Member

    Aug 21, 2023
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    And there hasn't been a database update from this year, am I correct?
  19. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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    I think that´s correct.
    Maybe because Olymoon released the last updates.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
  20. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    The last upload was in 2023 by anonymous.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
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