How to lie?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The King, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Audioguydaz

    Audioguydaz Producer

    Oct 23, 2015
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    What is LI(f)E?

    You know, what do you mean by that?
  2. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    that's a very good question my young padawan
    LI(f)E is the word LIFE with the word LIE inside.
    it means that your life and everything you believe in is a lie (sorry to be the one to tell you that :( )

    haha its just a nonsense joke
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  3. Cardamom

    Cardamom Platinum Record

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Believe me, I hear you and have thought this through carefully. Picture the scenario: (God forbid, of course) A man with a clinically depressed wife who struggles with self-harm and sui--dal ideations tragically has an affair on his unstable wife. She has - in the past - threatened to kill herself if he were to have a fling. As he knows this, he has a major choice when she asks him, "have you had an affair on me?" out of unfounded suspicion that she has a tendency towards. He can do what he's always done and say, "I only love you, the answer is no - don't you worry!" (and which has worked in the past). He has fully repented of his stupid fling and plans to never cheat on her again and sees no reason to damage the relationship to the point where his wife may consider taking her life, as she has suggested would occur if an affair took place. Yes, she is in the wrong to make such threats, but remember, she's not well. She's clinically ill with severe depression/bipolar behaviour. What good would it serve the marriage opening up to his one-off fling if he plans to love her fully without fail going forward and see her through her ailment to the point where maybe she's healed/treated successfully?

    I remember how shocked I was when radio host/psychologist and orthodox Jew, Dr. Laura Shlessinger proffered this position. But as I thought it through, I realized that it would be a cruel thing to tell an unstable person anything that could lead to them considering ending their life. Given the (or a similar) scenario above - could you? Would you not lie - wrong as it is - to save someone's life?
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  4. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    If nobody lied, there wouldn't be any politicians!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
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  5. sowhat

    sowhat Ultrasonic

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Buy it canned and put it in your "stories cupboard", add a pinch here and there when you're in need or simply when you just feel like it.
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  6. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    "It is more important to play the game well than to be morally good" - Niccolo Machiavelly

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  7. sowhat

    sowhat Ultrasonic

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
  8. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    For starters, I would not cheat to begin with.
    Second, this dude in question should come back home once in tears with all the flowers he could gather and BEG her for forgiveness, and fulfill every demand he can that she sets then, and agree with every slur she throws at him. He MUST acknowledge that this woman is a love of his life, he MUST acknowledge that he made a grave mistake, he must not blame her for any single trouble she gave him with her unstable behaviour (that would surely push her over the edge).
    She would know from other sources that this happened, and a fact that her husband was doubly insincere would prevent any way of helping her from the outside in this case. Dr. Laura Shlessinger is only concerned with people's subjective feelings and doesn't want to consider where they're coming from. It's like treating cancer with NSAID.
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  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    An old band of mine in like 1983 - recorded on 1/4 inch 8 track, I think we paid $50 a song. The tune...White Lies written by El Jefe on vocals and bass, myself on guitar and Ryk deBouf on drums.

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  10. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    It's just a crappy little article and Carlin is a comedian, after all - Sometimes perceptive and witty, other times just another cheap hack.

    But you make a point about what it all matters in the end, and that's worth discussion, although I am long-winded and a bit of a cheap hack myself. Well, I'm not sure I even claim that, as being a cheap hack seems to imply a professional status.
    For whatever we can GAIN for ourselves, or our children or grandchildren, we might as well be dead already, and soon enough will be.

    If one has feelings of cynicism about that, it may be only due to poor perspective.
    With a little imagination and a bit of time spent pondering the future it's possible to have one's feelings shifted greatly about what is important, and to feel less worry about things which begin to appear as trivial or not so critical.

    After kind of accepting the facts of 'after I am long gone...and everyone i might know is long gone', world problems began to shift in my mind and the problem of prediction appeared larger and larger.
    Prediction may be the biggest problem because we really do NOT know what is best for humankind in the long run.
    All we can do is make our best guesses based on relatively conservative principles.
    But we really have no idea if being kind and loving and trying to save the Earth is what is good for us or not.
    We may have to give up billions of lives to realize our mistakes... or not.

    Humans of the future might look back and curse us not only for our selfishness, or greed, but perhaps for our misplaced compassions, for out lack of insight regarding our own nature and paths we should have taken.
    Maybe they won't be so hard on us, knowing in their greater experience just how hard it is to predict the future regarding what is best for creatures with such wacky psychology.

    Somehow I imagine that thinking in the very long term might be a bit easier for those who grew up with Star Wars as history and relativity as normal.
  11. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    @DoubleTake Aight, a couple of points.
    First, OP wasn't talking about any of that. He was essentially asking "How to lie to make money?" and his argument for necessity was "Human history is based on lies, here's proof: [uasai-specific clickbait article]".
    So basically, OP's concerned with his own success within a botched system and knows no better. No attempt at improving things for other people is implied. Like, none at all, look at the thread's title.
    Second, my own commentary is based on this specific view - not even the material well-being, but the "success". You may argue all you want that you being successful benefits your grand-grandchildren, but in reality, you'll have to juggle children and said "success" at best, and you can only hope your kids will continue your course, not to mention that if one's concerned with "success" itself, children are probably not in their plans at-all
    Second and a half, I said nothing about working to improve things for humanity overall. This is not "success", this is an investment nobody's gonna notice and barely anybody's willing to make, certainly not somebody who asks "how to stop being a shameful liar and become a shameless liar".
    Third, your hypothetical grand-grandchildren, best-case scenario, will see "success" for what it is - a hollow concept, a waste of life. This is, if economy improves and there will be no more economy-related traumatic behaviour like OP displays.
  12. Pinhead12

    Pinhead12 Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2022
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    But we couldn't have Acustica Audio and Tone2 still making money... where's the fun in that? :hahaha:
  14. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Ahhh yes, Tone 2 and Acustica Audio are 2 of the world's most beloved companies... << see now THAT is how to lie :rofl:
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  15. Martin Garlix

    Martin Garlix Member

    Mar 30, 2021
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    Nice paradox
  16. johntitor2051

    johntitor2051 Noisemaker

    Sep 24, 2021
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    if you need to pass the truth test you better book a flight to Argentina
  17. The King

    The King Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2024
  18. Cardamom

    Cardamom Platinum Record

    Jan 9, 2015
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    No duh. Cheating: bad. Fidelity: sexy! :)

    So, admitting she's unstable, you still think the man's wise to risk her life due to her predisposition to self-harm or self-harm threats? You think he will feel great about himself for having done 'the honest thing' if it resulted in her un-a-i-ving herself? "Sorry she's dead, but at least I'm in the clear! Whew!" ????

    Uh, can I just say from first hand experience (when I was a schlep in my prior marriage!) that no, a wife will NOT always hear it from second hand experiencers. You are SO wrong there my friend! Dr. Laura, like me, would rather see a woman live out her days with a good man at her side - a man who privately made a mistake but turned from his evil. He would be the PERFECT man if he could fully admit his imperfection safely - but as this scenario does not present as such, he would be most evil to do that which he knew could lead to a woman's death.

    Let me ask you this, could YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF if this was the advice you gave to a male friend of yours? You'd be fine with the guy coming back to you and saying, "Well, I did the right thing - as you suggested. She killed herself this morning and took out another driver with her car in the process of her suicide." YOU'RE GOOD WITH THIS YEAH?

    Guess what they do in Canada now? They don't readily - if at all lately - treat your pain with opioids even when you need them to get through chronic pain. I speak from example here big-time. They recommend what? NSAIDS ... substandard crap. But let's say that everyone around me was dying from a particularly prescribed opioid due to some odd side effect associated with it. If then they say, "we're not great with this option, but seeing as you might have more life to live if we only give you NSAIDS, this is what we're resorting to. Well then maybe - based on the opioid fails they've cited - they've made for me the right decision. (The thing is, it's not LEGAL opioids killing everyone lately, it's the illegally obtained ones that are and those which have no governance). IN OTHER WORDS, sometimes the substandard - for some - will have to suffice if the other options are problematic and could lead to a worse state or death!

    Simple, life-saving logic here bro.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  19. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    You know when your partner has an affair. By how their behaviour changes, if they aren't a complete narcissist or psychopath. In which case, they shouldn't be your partner in the first place, but that's tangential to the topic.
    I actually did, a couple of years ago, in a sutuation, that's on the surface is exactly the same as you constructed. The problem, of couse, is that your situation is purposefully constructed for a single outcome, and the reality would always be way more intricate.
    She forgave him (and he didn't do it perfectly BTW), then confessed herself, then returned to her self-harm threats. They still live together, there's one less lie between them that can come out and destroy everything.
    They probably treat cancer with chemo and/or surgical intervention, with NSAID being used as a side medication to reduce pain or in palliative care. They don't treat cancer with it. What opioids are you even talking about?
  20. The King

    The King Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2024