
Discussion in 'Studio' started by funkman, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    hi,i have samson rubicon r5a monitors.i should have boughtthe sub way back which was rubicon r10s.
    any recomendations for a powered sub that would suit?
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Have you considered getting larger nearfields with better bass response instead?
    If I had the choice between these Samsons + sub or, say, two Adam T8Vs, I'd always go for the larger monitors instead.
    Could be a personal preference but I prefer to fix what's wrong in the first place (missing bass power).
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  4. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    thanks for reply,no hadnt thought of different monitors. havent much room for bigger ones
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  5. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    when i bought my subwoofer i wanted a hum but what i got was a rumble.
    didn`t use it for long, collecting dust now
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  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I'd highly prefer 6.5 or better 8 inchers over 5 + sub. Less problems with low freq built up and better low mid freq response.
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  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i had one of the samson ones a few years ago. it was something like 100$, maybe $150, I forget. in a 20ft square room, it was way better than no sub, because I was also using very small nearfield monitors only. I upgraded to a more expensive (and way better) sub, but I almost wish I had not, for the money. I later added bigger midfield monitors and have gotten into the habit of mixing without the sub even on.

    I'd still go with the samson, if it meant I could not use headphones most of the time. for a small amount of money, it will get you some bass. just don't trust it to be very accurate. How much can you expect for $100...
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  8. SacyGuy

    SacyGuy Producer

    Feb 15, 2024
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    hi, I have a pair of rubicon 6 and yamaha hs8 with the hs8s sub.
    Without the sub I could not hear anything below 50hz and thats truly important to some musical genres like hip-hop, rap, R&B, EDM

    Like the other guys said, the problem is to get phase right, to match the right position with the monitors. Is not easy by ear.

    bass frequencies travels "faster" than highs because you can feel it through solid things

    Some tools, like the arc 4, could help

    PS.: i dont know if rubicons are well regarded by the critic, it doesn't matter, i love these monitors in front of my face
  9. SacyGuy

    SacyGuy Producer

    Feb 15, 2024
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    I had to come back here.
    I turn on my sub again today after changing the old cables and ooooh man
    its night and day
  10. pcdocstl

    pcdocstl Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    In da' Lou @ da' MO/MS confluence
    Mixing with a sub? Here's a more SOUND idea!

    If you have access to a clothes dryer, throw in a pair of sneakers and take them for a spin while mixing.

    That way you can save your hard earned ca$h for the most accurate and efficient pair of 8" monitors that are ruler flat and capable of reproducing the widest audio spectrum that you are able to afford.

    Many people say the eyes are windows to the soul of a person. I say that speakers are the window to the soul of your recorded material, and nothing else throughout the entire signal chain will make a bigger impact than your choice of monitors.

    Your monitors literally have the last word in your music reproduction arsenal. When all is said and done, your mixes are only as good as the monitors used to mix them.

    Now that I have stressed the importance of researching, locating, listening, and finally determining the best pair of monitors that fall slightly outside of your budget, Once you obtain them, properly break them in, and get them placed precisely in their 'sweet spot' all your previous mixes will sound like sh*t. But that's a good thing because in reality they always sounded like sh*t and your old monitors hid that fact from you only to be revealed by their more accurate replacements. Nothing to worry about as you'll find mixing to be a much more rewarding experience as it seems you are hearing everything for the first time, again.

    Remember to never mix with a sub (or headphones) unless you want a subpar mix!

    Here's a reality check for all the sub-bois out there - If you can hear your sub(s), they are incorrectly setup in your system.

    Everything within this post is my own personal opinion based on 50+ years of firsthand lifelong experiences working within the wild wild world of music and accurate music reproduction.
  11. Rawx

    Rawx Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    I wouldn’t recommend a subwoofer in your case. Given the monitors you have, it seems you might not have room treatments, such as bass traps, in place. A better approach would be to use headphones with a good low-end response to check your bass frequencies.
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