The Recent R2R Softube Model 80,82,84,72 does not work.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Imnotr2r, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Imnotr2r

    Imnotr2r Newbie

    Nov 27, 2023
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    Getting this error message "the splice license for softube is not valid" in Protools, ableton, Fl studio.

    Is it because i have splice app running?

    is anyone else facing similar issue?
    I have seen some others facing similar issue mentioned in sister site.

    Does anybody have workaround or solution?

    Currently, i will either have to stick to splice app, or uninstall it to use the Sofutbe model vst, generate license everytime i restart my system.

  3. trz303

    trz303 Producer

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Having both legit and cracked software from the same company running at the same time is a very bad idea.
  4. Dark6ixer

    Dark6ixer Kapellmeister

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Best Answer
    I'm not sure about the splice app but if you have the softube central app on your computer and r2r versions of softube the central app will disable them, So that's probably the same with the Splice app.

    You should be blocking your daw and your daw's plugin scanner app with a firewall. I use win defender to do this and nothing can call home. Splice is an app that needs to be online so it probably is that doing it.
    for example FL Studio - Block the 1.FL Studio exe, 2.IL Plugin scanner and I block 3.IL Bridge just to be sure

    If I want to try an R2R softube product I need to uninstall softube central first, and If I want to install a new paid legit softube product with the softube central app then I simply move any r2r softube plugins out of my vst folder where the softube app scans to check what you have.

    Hope that helps someone, I was having the same problem for a while, very fustrating. I've actually bought all the softube plugins I actually use now. There have been some great deals on offer here on audiosex
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
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