Logic Pro - Opening Projects but not loading

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Vincent Price, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Hello,

    I have a problem with Logic Pro.

    It has worked fine up until yesterday and now when I open certain projects, almost all of them, Logic Pro opens, I get the Logic tool bar at the top etc, and the Plugin loading box appears, but after that nothing. The project doesn't load up and when I click on Logic in to dock it doesn't open the project either.

    Has anyone else had this?

    When I right click on Logic Pro to close it, it just ignores me. The

    Thank you in advance for any help
  3. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
    Likes Received:
    You can try closing Logic from the Dock or by force-closing it with Command/Option/Esc keys.

    Regarding the problem, the first thing I would try is to clear the plug-ins/Logic cache.

    Plug-ins Cache
    1. Close Logic Pro X.
    2. Using macOS Finder go to “~/Library/Caches/AudioUnitCache/” (without the quotes).
    3. Manually delete the com.apple.audiounits.cache file (to force a complete new plug-ins scan).
    4. Re-open Logic Pro X.
    5. Reboot the computer (mandatory).
    After deleting the plug-ins cache file, on the next run, Logic Pro X will re-scan all of your AU plug-ins, and depending on the number of AU components installed, the process may take several minutes.

    Logic Cache/Preference

    Navigate to the following places and move these files to the Trash.
    - HD/Users/Library/Caches/com.apple.logic10/ Cache.db, Cache.db-shm, Cache.db-wal
    - HD/Users/Library/Preferences/ com.apple.logic.pro.cs
    - HD/Users/Library/Preferences/ com.apple.logic10.plist

    If that doesn't work, try reinstalling Logic (I know it's annoying but it worked for me a while ago), the songs themselves remain untouched.

    Or see here if there something that can help you more: :winker:

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
  4. Sorted it now
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