Snoop Dogg Reveals Exactly How Much Money He Made From 1B Spotify Streams

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Choosename, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You forgot something, people who made a living from something their entire life successfully, probably are more entitled to be a know-all than a smartass kid who thinks computer music is the only thing of value when they know fuck all about the roots of the very idiom they profess any knowledge. So far, if you think you know more than someone who has done it successfully their whole life, I am secure in the knowledge that one day you'll piss off the wrong person who can open the door you want, who will instead, slam it in your face permanently. That is in any style of music. I won't laugh because I do not delight in anyone's loss. But take it onboard, or not.

    By the way - every person on this planet is relevant. Trying to make others look irrelevant because they do not agree with you is a very childish look. Some people base their statements on decades of experience. Because their experience does not fit with someone's beliefs does not make them irrelevant. Most intelligent people who have made millions from music, and I know a few personally, as some people who know me here are more than aware of, never made those who came before into lacking relevance. If the world was made up of that philosophy, technology would not have advanced and you wouldn't have the little 'puter you value so much. The thing is some people in your genre are towards the top of their field on this site. Resorting to insults is pathetic and as I said, childish. Grow up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  2. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    It is different on where you look at (Now Deezer change their system to a user-centric payment system, and is more like 0,0043). Here they talk about this
    In this study Amazon pays almos 1 cent per stream, what it is a lot.
    Problem is not 100% transparent market, and is changing all the time.

    According to this you are making almost 20k a month. :cool:
    It is really pleasing people here talking about this, cuase the attitude here is some kind of "defeatist" some time with the possibility of making profit of your music talent.:headbang:

    That's the point, life isn't fair. But nobody can walk with your feet.
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  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Understand that in any idiom, and music is an idiom, there is never one way to do anything.
    I think some people are very clever to manipulate a system that was not set up to be in the general populations benefit, and make a good living from it.
    That stated, in the area of music I make my living in, one good job pays me more in a month than some popular streamers make in a year. i also do not care if anyone who does not know me on here believes that or not, it is both truth and fact.
  4. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Super cool BassDude, I like that too. That's super cool, sharing and learning different paths, to make a living of our passions. No matter the idiom, no matter the tool. Of course there are paths and paths. Everyone has his reasons to choose. People exploting algorithms of Spotify producing thousands of shitty LOFI music everyday, or a perfect jewel of a unique song every ten years. But maybe and for me is kind of a reveal from this, is may be all this is related. And Spotify is paying in the middle, between lofi and Super talented musician. Some users are profiting exploting algorithms, and other are profiting less beacuse of that. Allways you find bad actors on markets.

    Other day we can talk, about the curated playlist, and the business behind them.
  5. korniceman3000

    korniceman3000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Here's a few interesting articles that might interest some of you... Apparently, Spotify will be reallocating $40m from what they would be paying to smaller artists to artists who are already making money. What are your thoughts on this, especially in this day and age where so many artists are using streaming farms to gain views while legit indie artists struggle to earn an audience??

    According to The Guardian report "starting in 2024 Spotify will stop paying anything at all for roughly two-thirds of tracks on the platform. That is any track receiving fewer than 1,000 streams over the period of a year. Tracks falling under this arbitrary minimum will continue to accrue royalties – but those royalties will now be redirected upwards, often to bigger artists, rather than to their own rights holders." Isn't this basically stealing from artists???
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  6. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    YEESH!! That is desperation. Like at that point there is really no reason to even pursue a contract when everything you (as the artist) do results in making someone else rich...
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The thing is the governments of the world with what appears to be the exceptions of France and Ireland (there may be more?), do not at the outset value their musicians. No genuine created music is truly shitty. All anyone has to ask themselves is "Did I create this myself or did I use someone else's work to create it?"
    If the answer is totally themselves without anyone else's samples, then it can never be shitty. :)

    The word MUSICIAN is such a many-faceted thing. I may give the impression sometimes of little respect for some music but this is not true. It may be my wording, but it's not the case. Anyone who creates something NEW in music that nobody else has done or thought of, I applaud them.
    This is what it is all about, and always has been from the moment humans learned to play and write music. I do not, and cannot applaud anything that steals ideas from something else or someone else. If a person gets on a computer, or an instrument, and creates something brand new without using someone else's work, this is creativity at its finest. Using someone else's work is theft, regardless of whether it is legal or not. Nobody should applaud that. That doesn't take any kind of genius to do that.

    If they stand up and say I am a great musician, or I am a genius and do not play an instrument and are under 30 it is difficult for anyone with brain to accept that. Einstein, Hawking and all the people who actually have been geniuses, never thought of themselves as one.

    There are some great EDM and LoFi musos out there and some of them are also very talented on an instrument. Discounting the roots of music and where it came from, only a fool does that. It is what came before us that gives us the platform today.
  8. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    As the Unites Nations proudly announce the color of their marxist New World Order (ohhh, btw, when people used that term, 1+ decade ago, as everything else, it was a rrrrracist conspiracy theory...), YOU... "will own nothing and you will be happy"

    Part of the program, is the end of any ownership.

    Movies: vhs.... dvds.... blurays.... 4k blurays..... streaming --> people pay a monthly subscription, they own absolutely nothing.
    Stop your subscription : everything that was 'purchased' can no longer be accessed.

    Video games : 80s...90s..00s... gamers could buy a game, play it from a to z, often with couch co-op option, they could rent, borrow, sell, no problem. 40 or 30 years later, gamers can still grab those games, and play them with their son. No problem.
    After 2010 --> games are released with tons of critical bugs, they require a huge 20gigas day1-patch, there are 0 day review embargoes, games are sold with half the content, the other half is sold as additional dlc, games lack core features, physical games comme with no cd, with only a download code, that can only be used 1 time, games are 100% built around monetization, and if a game only makes 600 millions in the first 48 hours, instead of 650 millions, shareholders will call it a flop.
    Because less and less games are sold in a box, by 2022, over 50-60% of games were downloaded. Today, that's probably 65% or more. At that pace, by 2026, over 90% of games will be downloaded, and only a few will be released physically. The 2027 playstation 6 and xbox x 2 could be a 'download only ' console.
    That means, gamers will own absolutely NOTHING. some pass, like Microsoft game pass will give them access to some games. Then,, gamers will be able to 'purchase' the next $/€ 70-80 game. But purchase WHAT ? absolutely
    The day they stop their subscription, they will own absolutely nothing. The 1000, 2000 or $5000 n bucks that they will spend on all their favorite games, at any time, sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, can simply decide to shut down some servers or games, and they will no longer be accessible.
    Eg, ALL the ps4 games required several updates and patches to work. even if the gamer owns the cd, if the updates/patches servers are off, he won't be able to play his 50, 100 or 500 games.
    Games will be 100% digital, downloadable, with subscriptions, subscriptions and more subscriptions. Again, gamers will own nothing.

    And about the music ? Well, no need to talk about it. We all know, in the future, there will be no physical medias printed. Maybe a few vinyls printed here and there...maybe a few audio blurays... and that's all.
    Streaming will be 99.9% of all played music.
    And what that means ? If a few decades ago, most cash was grabbed by the labels, majors, and only a few pennies were directly to the ones singing, playing instruments, engineers,, it's much much worse, with spotify, youtube music, etc etc.
    And the upcoming years, it will be even worse. As all these big companies make less and less cash, because they were forced to hire tons of useless slackers, like tweeter/ x, where the company functions much better, without 3 or 4000 useless employees), in order to please the shareholders, the cash will have to come from some place. They will increase their margins, and pay the artists, etc, even less.
    That means, if today the situation is bad, and artists make very little money, the upcoming years, they will make even less money.

    Oh... i almost forgot.... SOFTWARE
    people could buy a photoshop version, and keep it for 5 or 10 years. Today, adobe are making billions and billions. Need a little plug-ins in an app ? Pay an extra 9.90 per month.
    Too lazy to save your files locally ? No problem, you can save on the 'cloud', cloud, that means 'someone else's computer'.
    Oh, you will be away from your computer, the next 4 months, and you aren't paying the monthly fee ? But you need to quickly access a file ? Sorry, no access to the cloud.
    You forgot to convert got files, you want to simply open your 600 .psd files, and batch convert them to pdf, bmp, etc ? Didn't pay the monthly fee ? You can't access your local files.
    The same with audio plug-ins. More and more companies are going to offer 'subscription ' models. Until the day subscriptions is the ONLY model available. Again, subscriptions, subscriptions, subscriptions.

    Music..... video games..... videos.... just another couple of years, and companies like Microsoft will have fulfilled their wettest dreams : a 100% digital world, where people own nothing, and everything is downloaded, streamed, with online passes, monthly subscriptions, etc.

    Don't forget what the UNITED NATIONS , etc, have been saying : "2030: YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY".

    I predict the same model will be applied to, eg, electric cars.
    You can buy this car, for 60'000 euros/$ , or...
    ... you can rent the car, 200€ per month, with A LIMIT OF MAX 20km/13 miles per Day, maximum 500km/200 miles per month, to prevent the icebergs from melting.
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  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    This might be the most accurate thing I have read on this thread so far.
    Very sad and very true. In fact already, the objects you think you are buying are almost at this point, where you will never really own anything. Everything is becoming subscription and fee oriented.
    Streamers will in the not too distant future if it continues, might well have to pay a fee to put their music up monthly that might exceed their returns. So for some of them, they will have to run at a loss regularly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  10. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Thanks for calling me a kid, I'm 39. Not once did I say computer music was the only thing of value(more boomer assumptions because you're triggered) I said computer producing is as musically valid as learning an instrument, you, you're ego and you're self-appreciation don't get to decide that it isn't. And I didn't try to make you look irrelevant, you made yourself look irrelevant, and bitter. Your whole paragraph on relevancy is comical considering this argument started because YOU very clearly stated people who make music with computers aren't as relevant as people who play an instrument. So now you're a hypocrite too. Adios.
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Man, insulting people because they do not agree with you are the actions of a child.
    Your age is irrelevant.

    If you're 39, you should know better. If I was triggered, I would respond to every insult, by quoting them...but I haven't. I can say though I was already professional musician which means I made money from it, before you were born. Most people know who the imbecile (your word) is here bullyboy. Bully someone else fool. Better still, put some of your music up because you're so amazing and show everyone how much better than everyone and more knowledgeable you are than everyone else is so we can all bow to your hubris. Somehow, I doubt you have the balls for that.

    You can't help yourself and did again. Act like a man then. As I said, grow up. Try stating things in context. Which part of a 600+ year history of music do computers play a role in? How many years? Get it right and read your own comments while you're at it. You attempt to make your music relevant and everyone else's irrelevant. Music is NOT one style or one genre. EPIC FAIL. Learn the roots fool.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2024
  12. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    The audacity to call me a kid and say "act like a man" and at the same time try turn this into a schoolyard pissing contest by getting me to post my music. I didn't realise you were this much of an idiot. If my music was great or terrible what relevancy does that have to me calling you out for saying computer production isn't valid!? How juvenile can you get? And you're right I won't be posting my music, because I'm not going to identify myself on a site where I come to do nefarious things.(I'll post a tune if you post one of your cheques/bank statements that you claim make you more in a month than popular streamers, how about that?) When I questioned your relevancy it wasn't in relation to your music vs. my music, it was because of your outdated and irrelevant opinions. At no point did I mention my music or if I even make music at all! Just another in a laundry list of wrong assumptions you've made, and yes I can't help but respond because there's fallacy in everything you're saying. I promise I won't anymore though as it's become clear you're a complete tool.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2024
  13. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Ey people, stop this ego battle please. If you wanna keep insulting each other do it in private.
  14. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    i second that. stop or move to PM :dont:
  15. John Ronson uncovers the origin and the actual context of this phrase. Its an interesting story, and not at all what conspiracy theories would have you believe. It was never a WEF strategy.
  16. Another aspect of the streaming debate isn't just raw pay out figures its that the majors have taken advantage of aging licencing loopholes to make sure a much higher percentage of streaming royalties go to them rather than the artist. Again, well documented.

    It has parallels with Actors strikes, in that aging residual systems just don't cover modern digital formats, and the studios took advantage of this.

    We can fight about the value of streaming but the levels of malicious accountancy and legal manipulation utilised by media corporations now is utterly disgusting. They make the Colonel Parker's of the past look like pussy cats. A big chunk of worldwide media laws have to be updated to fairly support creatives.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2024
  17. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower

    This thread has delved into such levels of stupidity I suspect you're all a bunch of sockpuppet accounts of Snoop getting high and entertaining himself lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2024
  18. Regarding subscriptions models. Its worth reading into the uptake and sustainability of the format. Its not been smooth sailing for the Studios.

    Huge amounts of money are being lost right now as users evacuate the platforms. Users are wising up to the poor value proposition and unstable nature of the format, especially when it come to purchasing titles.

    Its now common for people to jump around, subscribing only when they want to view a specific thing, and in some cases they aren't coming back. This makes the format unsustainable.

    Expect to see a whole load of TV/movie platforms consolidated over the next couple of years as the studios go back to licencing out their properties to Netflix. Netflix also need this content to hold onto the users they are losing as well. Right now the market is bleeding out.

    The console subscription models are also roofing out, with growth slowing down.

    Subscription models are not popular once people realise how bad value they are.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2024
  19. Bllyboy

    Bllyboy Ultrasonic

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Check the script big dog, I was keeping it peaceful. In a respectful manner I challenged his notion that computer production is not as valid as being a proficient musician. He then took it down childish Street and started with the insults. If someone gives me shit they're getting it back.
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  20. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    yeah because an eye for an eye is always the best way to respond and the best reason why you dont need to follow the rules.
    this is the reason why we, as a species, are as civilized as we are today.
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