working towards being an artist/producer + how things are going

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dieughdie, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. dieughdie

    dieughdie Newbie

    Mar 3, 2024
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    so it has been a week since i first posted on this forum

    and i cant thank all of you for helping me out so much / giving me a roadmap on what to do it has really helped

    since i cant use a mouse right now i decided to go with learning an instrument before moving on to ableton

    i found a really old keyboard in my basement it has 49 keys doesnt connect to my computer ( i tried it and it broke my mic ) few black keys are broken i will change it asap though

    i have made a lot of progress on the keyboard in 4 days i spent most of my day playing with the keyboard

    i have 2 daily goals right now :
    - make progress on a concept
    - learn atleast one song or make progress on it

    but i dont know which concepts to learn after music theory ngl could you guys help me out on this

    playing with the keyboard caused a bit of problems in my family my parents are saying that i cant find a work/music balance ( which they are kinda right lol ) and i should focus on my exams since its my last year and there is a really important exam coming up in 3 months aka uni acceptance exam

    but i aint trying to go to college not gonna lie ill dropout in 1 year no matter the college

    i am trying to learn the keyboard/concepts as much as possible before moving on to ableton so i dont struggle as much

    yeah this is it from me for now ill update my progress every now and then

    thank all of you so much for the help on the first ever post i made yall really motivated me

    god bless all of you and good luck
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
  3. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Once you have a tiny bit of music theory and can "slowpoke" build any chord you like, start a daily routine where you simply pick any 4 chords (switch the types like major,minor, augmented, diminished etc., for the daily recipe arbitrarily), and then play those four on your keyboard, tone by tone in different order and direction, both as chords and as tone by tone sequences.

    It's important that the chords are picked without any regard for whether they'll fit together or not, you have 4 fixed chords and you experiment with them till you're completely spent. Next day rinse and repeat. The exercise builds muscle memory, understanding of how chord types relate, which gives you the intuitive ability to play any few notes you want and have multiple branching paths you could "go from there" in your mind automatically that you already know really well.

    The approach is recommended by Kenny Werner's Effortless Mastery method. You can adapt the same idea to other things later.

    Additional practice for when not even at the piano at all:

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024