Opinions on Live 12?

Discussion in 'Live' started by POOONANA, Mar 7, 2024.


    POOONANA Noisemaker

    Feb 12, 2024
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    What do you guys think of Live 12? I will upgrade eventually depending on what else they add with future updates but would like to hear your guy's thoughts? Even though some of the midi changes are definitley welcome additions (like strumming feature or updated humanisation) most seem kinda redundant that sounds cool in theory but will I actually use them frequently? probably not.
    Like I don't see the need to auto place 5ths or 3rds to chords like it's easily done manually lol

    UI organisation seems decent and sound simularity could be useful maybe :dunno:

    Roar does look cool as hell though and so does the new granulator even though Quanta is still probably better, not rly sure on the new synth seems mid
  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    The new browser takes some getting used to and some time to set up. once set up, its good.

    Roar is fun, nothing groundbreaking, but great for sound design.

    Meld, the new synth, is actually better than i thought it was initially while beta testing. ive spent more time with it and its great.

    The new ui improvements are welcome, though i doubt i will use the split screen.

    midi stuff is cool, time stretching midi leads to interesting results.

    overall performance seems improved. 10 percent faster or so
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  4. LionJamesPerry

    LionJamesPerry Noisemaker

    Oct 18, 2023
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    I don't work with Live, but impresses me how ugly it is. I know we work with audio and looks doesn't matter, but I think they could modernize their UI a bit, or allow users to make their own themes, like Reaper (that is also ugly, but can become lesser with tweaks).
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  5. TeknoGenius

    TeknoGenius Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    CPU load seems to be handling much better then 11, I'm liking everything so far.
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  6. djf

    djf Guest

    I am in the same boat as OP and was going to start a new thread but might as well ask here.. what are the pros and cons of upgrading from Live 11 to 12?

    For me, live 11 works perfectly fine. I don't have many of the issues people have brought up, it just works and everything is fast - or normal I should say. I have a 12th gen CPU with fast storage drives and it all works fast as can be.

    The whole browser thing kind of scares me because I don't want to waste a bunch of time on reorganizing everything when everything is already carefully organized as I like and need it to be in separate folder structures I made. I dont use favorites, colors or tags at all because it takes up too much browser real estate, can be confusing and is redundant for me. Plus too many plugins are useful in multiple application categories. I rather save chains for specific purposes and put them in custom folders for instant recall. I either go directly to my custom folder or search a name and there it is easy as can be.

    My biggest gripe with Live 11 is when I update a plugin that is now only VST3, older projects using VST2 don't automatically swap in the new VST3, it just says missing plugin, which means I have to manually find the plugin used, drop it in and try to match the settings I was using, which is impossible for most plugins. I hate that!! Does Live 12 fix this? I would upgrade just for this one feature.

    Apart from that, is there anything groundbreakingly new in 12? Its not like the sound engine will make projects sound better by itself, so there has to be some logical reasoning to bother with it. I make my own samples so don't care about packs or any of that. The browser and arrangement view are workflow perfect for me now, is 12 really better/faster for workflow or just non-essential gimmicky kind of moving stuff around? I don't need to see everything at once on one screen. I have so many synths already, for me to even care a tiny bit about a new one it must bring something substantially new to the table otherwise its meh for me.

    So I ask, what are your personal pros/cons - Live 11 vs 12 ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2024
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  7. ryu_shiro_878

    ryu_shiro_878 Producer

    Jan 3, 2024
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    [​IMG] I.png
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  8. ryu_shiro_878

    ryu_shiro_878 Producer

    Jan 3, 2024
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    It's Nice! Slower than my 11 release but I'll do with little slowness for the new sleek interface.

    Edit: The slowness just lasted couple hours. I optimized the hell out of it. It's 1.5-2x faster than 11. I'm Lovin' it.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024

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  9. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    themes have been a thing in ableton for at least 15 years, but maybe reaper can do more customization (dunno never used it)?
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  10. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I remember now why I quit using Ableton... Unable to use symlinks for sample library locations.
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  11. djf

    djf Guest

    Why not? :dunno:

    Personally, I dont use those but I just put large sample libraries in a custom folder with custom subfolders, on high capacity SSDs, both internal and external, "+Add Folder" in browser, and they are always in the left browser section for quick and easy access. If say I want a Linn kick, I can find it in 3 clicks by manual folder / mouse search or via type text and 1 click via search function. I dont know how it can get any quicker and easier than that. If say its a Kontakt library on external SSD, the slowest part is Kontakt itself loading. I never run into any issues with latency or slow operations.
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  12. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    It looks quite pleasant to the eye, the new midi tools are fantastic, the other workflow additions to the sample browser, etc are more than welcome. Unfortunately I still find the UI to be annoying and the workflow to be extremely inconsistent otherwise I'd be using it right now.
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  13. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I don't call this ugly. Pretty sleek, modern, minimal design. It can't have too much graphic because as the name suggests, it was designed to be used for live shows in mind. So it needs to minimize the CPU usage so the DAW can run at real time without any noticeable latency. All its stock plugins run at zero-latency mode. Depeche Mode used Ableton Live for their drum sample layering at their live shows.

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
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  14. ryu_shiro_878

    ryu_shiro_878 Producer

    Jan 3, 2024
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    I just can't get used to Dark themes...lol! That why I never even bothered with Cubase.
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  15. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    The global microtuning support touted in this release feels unacceptably basic & limiting, so much so that existing m4L and external tools already do it better than what they implemented into Live so far.

    I intensely dislike the fancy browser and awkward access to plugins, without normal folder-based sorting that previous versions had already.

    Everything else is fantastic, really great and snappy midi editing tools are the highlight for me.
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  16. trz303

    trz303 Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Similarity analysis on samples is a very long process if you have a large sample library. I had to turn it off.

    On my PC notebook I had a lot of audio crackling with v11 and nothing with v12 !

    Browser needs a bit more work to handle large number of VSTs.

    I'm very happy with this v12, go for it !
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  17. Audioguydaz

    Audioguydaz Producer

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I used to work around Live 11 constant disk-churning by renaming the index.exe to index.xxx until I wanted the indexing to happen, then rename it back to .exe

    Live 12 doesnt like that and constantly throws up an error dialog. So I'm stuck with the disk churning again until I can figure out a new workaround.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
  18. MojoDavey

    MojoDavey Member

    May 20, 2020
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    this is so dumb but the fact that you can now zoom in horizontally on the audio waveform is sooooooo useful for my eyeballs
  19. MojoDavey

    MojoDavey Member

    May 20, 2020
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    also I'm not sure if this was already available in ableton 11, but the new pack called PERFORMANCE, which includes like 4 max for live plugs, is insanee!!!! the variations and "snapshots" of the entire set is insane!!!!
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  20. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Regarding design I personally think Bitwig accomplishes that with much more success. The main advantages of using Live is the DSP, M4L and the tons of content made exclusively for Live. Imo ofc.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2024
  21. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yeah see, i find bitwigs GUI way more unbalanced, to much detail in the GUI, i just cant get creative with it.

    So far i am happy with the new features, so much smaller things, add which i wanted, the scales feature for a project scale is amazing, the new devices awsome.

    Ableton put a lot thought into the browser, but i still dont like, its to much work and i still dont like that it doesnt recognizse my folder structure like it used to be, but yet still throws all plugins into one big list.
    I guess i will keep using Collections with created Racks for every synth plugin, the handful of FX plugins i have added into a Collection too it. SO much faster.

    Another problem is that in midi clips, it constantly changes the grid size, without having a way to fix it until forevery for 1/16 for example, so i have to set it again and again for every single MIDI clip.

    Another problem is the VST scan, i ranted about that, since it was no longer possible to use NoVSTStartupScan in options.txt, why scan when nothing was changed?
    I just want a button to turn of the Plugin scan at startup, thought Ableton would add it?
    Pausing the indexing is a really nice feature.

    Also its 2024, why would somebody still use a HDD with samples on it? But even then a new 5TB portable WD Elements, is still fast for indexing and its silent, but well having the samples on a SSD, it just rushes through 30k samples in 2 mins, which is great.

    What else? I like the new Themes and the feature to make things more readable for the GUI. I really really love the GUI of ABleton, its minimalistic, not to much detail and the default dark theme is amazing on my eyes. I dont want anymore theme, its great the way how ableton has this now ...
    What i could like is a better Splash picture for Live 12 Suite, the black white is just depressing :( But i guess that is no longer possible since Ableton hardcoded the Splash picture ...

    Apart from the few points i have mentioned, which were all already problems in Live 11, i am happy with Live 12 and since its free for me, i wont complain to much.

    Hmm maybe the browser will grow on me, i will see?
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