laggy fps in fl studio, shared plugins.

Discussion in 'PC' started by arthez, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    mixing vocals, take a few plugin chains. especially with 5 or 6 harmonies. I'm starting to just FL Studio in general it seems, or itching to pay for all the plugins. I am on adhd meds now, and it irritates me watching the screen drop in framerate like some crappy video game.

    "Render out the plugins you are not using to reduce latency"

    Okay I did that, but you're not understanding. I disable most of them, or delete most of them and still have to go back into sessions and they just lag like crazy. unusable, laggy as all hell. I'm tired of it. I own most of them, but there are still some I don't and have tried to use more and more of bx plugins as I own them and slowly have bought many, but I still lag like craze

    anyway. I just want this done with. it's annoying. it's unenjoyable.

    Focusrite 2nd Gen 2i2
    RX 6700 XT
    i7-12700KF - (e/ht cores disabled)
    64 GB Ram DDR5
    NVME / 4 SSDs (all plugins on nvme)

    (list of shared bundles in session: fabfilter, arturia, d16, serumfx and serum, waves mv2 and eqp1a)
  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    One of the best things about FL was always how well it would run on a "just ok" machine. you have something going on, for it to run the way you describe. Serum can be somewhat CPU heavy. Arturia synths can definitely cause lag, with all their bitmap files and bloat. I removed all Arturia synths quite awhile ago, but I still use a few of the fx plugins. They are more reasonable than the synths.
  3. runa_forceful

    runa_forceful Ultrasonic

    Nov 18, 2022
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    Try double klick the cpu meter when you are workin and lets see what happen there...
  4. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    That PC is beefy and shouldn't drop fps. I would first try to load the same project setup in Reaper to single out the troublemaker.
    On a ancient computer those frame drops are normal if the plugin is a) poorly coded garbage or b) just doing more than the gpu can handle (hello Arturia and your million files). The meters look like 10 fps, but the audio doesn't drop. For Live11 I would say, that's to be expected because it's Live, but for FL that's weird and it's probably not the DAW.
  5. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    im being dense for asking but what makes it more noticeable in reaper?
  6. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    what version of arturia fx do you have?
  7. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    I think one of them, might be soothe, and I use something called vocall attenuation sidechain. sidechaining the harmonices to soothes sidechain method to all rendered samples that aren't drums and bass. there's only one version that is cracked it looks like. do you use soothe?
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The reason to try REAPER on the machine would be to rule out it being a problem with your FL. And also the driver software. If REAPER functions well, you could start looking at your FL install. Maybe you have a bad k'd version with memory leaks or something like that. Have you had this problem with other FL versions? If you can narrow it down to a plugin or two that you can't use, that's another thing.

    I'm on Mac, so we have different plugins available to "demo". I do not use Soothe, but if I had a plugin that was causing my machine to run like you say yours is, I would delete it and figure something else out. I have the Arturia Master Bus bundle, Fragments, Intensity, Motions, Refract, and a few others. But I am not using them all over the place either. They are not much heavier than other plugins that can do the same things. Their synths are nice too, but they use a lot of resources compared to what you can get out of them.

    An i7 isn't a processor for some supercomputer, but it's not a toy either. Your machine should run nicely. If there are some plugins you figure out not to use, that would be understandable. The way you are using Soothe could cause an issue, certainly. Just like reverb plugins can. But I doubt it is a problem with your machines hardware specs. It could always be something like a bad RAM module, your hard disk configuration, BIOS, bad FL crack. Who knows... you have to systematically diagnose your problem before you can fix it. You could have something as simple as an incorrect setting in your FL preferences like the one which was causing people to have CPU spikes.
  9. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    I've looked up many videos, and looked into bios and tried to tweak what I could without getting into the overclocking nitty gritty as it seemed it wasn't right, but I own FL All plugins bundle at the moment. I didn't always, but I do now.
    I understand ram modules in certain cases. I believe however, I bought 4 of the exact same chipset from the same day, of the same company, of the same location listed. that said, I haven't physically looked at the chips inside or know a program. but that they seem identical and I game on this machine occasionally so it hasn't been an issue before. The only issue I have with the ram so far is apparently DDR5 memory in 4 sticks of memory can lead to crashes if overclocked
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You can have something as simple as dust beneath them inside the slot, or even less of a "serious" problem; and get crazy results ranging from latency, glitching, all the way to programs crashing. You do not need to be overclocking to run FL. Open the case, remove tham and put them back. this process is called "reseating RAM", and you would be very surprised how much it can fix apparently; especially in the context of buffer in Audio applications.

    I'm not trying to suggest any one thing to fix your problem, because I would be just guessing. Like you are. It could be your O/S install, incorrect installation of your hard disks. It could be a bad choice of Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware software, or incorrect settings within a program like that. It could be a failing hard disk. It could be the driver software for your Focusrite interface. It could be your Focusrite beginning to fail. It could be your DAW, or some poorly cracked plugin. You have a lot of stuff to check.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
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