Saving a monolith instrument that includes all its resources?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by El Duderino, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. El Duderino

    El Duderino Noisemaker

    Oct 9, 2023
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    I've tried to save some instruments as monoliths but they are still looking for resource files outside of the monolith. Is there a way to get the monolith file to be completely self contained?

    Another similar question is why some, mainly older NKI instruments will look for the gui/wallpaper files even though they are inside the NKR file. Does it have something to do with scripting? I haven't yet wrapped my head around how kontakt and NKI files prioritize and organize their search for files. Relative/Absolute paths and all that stuff. Some instruments seem to need certain files to be located inside a specific folder structure relative to the file itself to be able to find them. This seems to be the case with midi-files for some drumlibraries and NKA data presets. If you move them the instrument wont find them and it doesn't ask to relocate them either, you just can't use them inside the instrument. So how can I figure out the "rules" from one istrument to another?

    I have browsed the through some of the Kontakt manuals and googled around but not found answers to these specific questions.
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You can't save resources on monoliths that I know, only nki+samples

    About the older libs crazyness it's also true. Some older libraries only allow a fixed path between the samples (or perhaps the instruments, don't remember). So you have to move those images+txt files that make the gui if you move the instruments/samples. no other option.

    I had the problem with the png, tga and txt resource files associated with the GUI.
    I don't remember having problems with nka presets. Those older libs didn't have presets AFAIK
  4. El Duderino

    El Duderino Noisemaker

    Oct 9, 2023
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    Xupito: Do you know where that monolith file looks for its recources?

    Yesterday I tried to save another monolith and everytime I load it it says that the NKR resource file is missing and the "search window" in Kontakt refers to the monolith .NKI as the "folder" where it is looking. And even when I relocate the resource file and add it, then save the NKI again it still comes up as missing every time I try to open it.

    I even tried to add the .nkr file to the monolith NKI with inNKX and then it load without "missing files" but it doesn't seem to extract the files inside the .nkr (inside the monolith) because none of the images load.

    Is it that newer versions of Kontakt won't let you save a self contained monolith but some older (version 4?) will? I've seen lots of home made monolith instruments that contain resource images and ir's but perhaps they've removed that function in newer versions of Kontakt? Or do you have to script the loading of those files somehow?

    Can anyone please explain at least a little what is going or point me in the right direction because there seems to be very little on the subject online...
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I don't know about your last questions. Like you said it should had been possible to save the resources in the monolith, but I don't know about full .nkr files.
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