A very basic question...

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Cosmos2019, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hi! First of all, sorry for this very basic question...
    I have been working these last two years with an M1 with OS Monterey where I have many programs, all of them downloaded from the sister site (Live, Omnisphere, Kontakt, Arturia synths, Logic, etc...) My question is: if I update my operating system (to Sonoma) do I lose the crack'd installations? Should I reinstall everything again or does updating the OS not affect anything? Thank you so much
  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    it shouldn't effect installed programs, except for if there is an incompatibility issue. I don't know if it effects the host file.

    The prudent thing is of course to do a complete backup of your drive, to physical medium you own and control. Then do the update and if it sucks, restore your backup. its like magic.
    it will also help if you have a power glitch or your internet goes down or your hard drive fails or any other catastrophe happens while updating.
  4. vuldegger

    vuldegger Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2021
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    it should be called macOS Sodoma
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    First of all, thank you for your polite question.
    @Garamondo Furbish 's tip with backups is good and you shopuld obey it in any case.

    Experience shows that updates to an operating system are never completely without consequences. The problem is that today we have so many programs on the box that we do not see immediately after the update if something is not working well, but a few days or in the worst case months later.

    It's also bad if you urgently need your system when it's not 100% operational.

    So if you don't want to experiment and waste time and nerves, you can take a different route:
    1. Make a backup of your fully operational OS before the update
    2. Devide your HDD in two bootable partitions
    3. Install the fully operational OS onto partition #1 and #2
    4. Make partition #1 the standard boot partition and let it untouched.
    5. Install the update to the OS on partition #2

    Test partition #2 thoroughly over some weeks in your spare time. Leave your working version untouched and dont' install new software to it but to partition #2. Note any/wich changes you made to #2

    This way your machine is fully operational for your day to day business just by starting it and you can try the new/updated OS as you like. And you can fall back in a minute if you want just by restarting.
    If you are sure everything works as desired you can delete #1 a few weeks later.

    Ofc you can do the same with a second bootable drive.
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  6. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Thanks for the answers!. And I understand that if I update the OS there may be incompatibilities due to having software that, for example, Sonoma does not yet support. The issue is whether the update destroys the cracks, which is something different, which apparently from what you say is not the case.
    As an aside, I've heard quite a few people complaining about Sonoma. Why?
    Is it possible and would it be advisable to update to Ventura instead of to Sonoma?
  7. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    Why do you want to update? What benefit will you gain from your efforts to change your 0/S?
    ask yourself this question and you figure out what version you need.
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