UAD Thunderbolt Apollo is not being detected by PC

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by SDFMusic, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    It doesn't support it natively, because it doesn't have a THB_C header on the MB. But there's a workaround, as the THB_C header is not vital.
    I use an external HDD on it and it works just fine, and the UAD Device shows up in the Thunderbolt Device Manager

    Have a look at these topics if you have a minute:

    And if you feel like it, this is where I come from, from the add-on card not working at all to working:
  2. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Again, I'd like to thank everyone for your time and help, I appreciate you all.
    Really hope we can make it work :speaker:
  3. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Did you try a different TB cable? I know you said that you plugged a drive into it. I wonder if it could be a similar cable error to what I had where it partially works?
  4. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I've seen those topics and I'm sorry to say that is not going to work. Your motherboard is simply not compatible to work with UA Apollo.
    Those hacks may work to some extent but Apollos are VERY picky, especially on Windows.

    We tried to help as much as we can but I'm afraid you are trying beyond your hardware limitations.
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    :rofl:In our dreams
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would just like to reiterate that this part from Apple is expensive junk. They fail for absolutely no reason. If you can buy one at your local Apple store, it's a good idea so they will remember you when you bring it back to them for a new one. (joking). If you are having some unexplainable problem and this thing is involved, it is usually the source of your problem. If some other connection option is available, go that route.
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Fun aside, isn't this now the standard for larger companies? Service only on paper and in reality they don't give a damn about our problems.
    I'm thinking of Amazon, for example, where I've had a few small problems recently and in the end preferred to do without a refund. Why? Because so many obstacles were thrown in my way to enforce my justified claims that I would have had to spend literally days arguing for $20 with people I didn't even understand.
    The same goes for e.g. Steinberg, Ableton ... you name it.

    The best experience I've actually had is with Vengeance, where some people go crazy about the poor service. I sent a short, friendly email. After two hours I got an answer and a perfect solution.
    Three cases, three solutions without problems in the last ~five years :dunno:
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The issue was generated by America unfortunately, the land of litigation. In the course of the prior 20 years, companies who owned responsibility were litigated for large sums of money. It spread to other countries so now corporates everywhere, do not say "It's our fault". Their customer service is instructed to avoid ever saying that apparently. It is relegated to support to attempt to fix the problem but never to own it. Very few companies will hold themselves responsible for anything unless it is really heavy and they are caught red-handed.
    Even then, unless they are taken to task, still, they may not admit to it. It never used to be like that.
  9. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I think you're right. Time to give up :) Thanks everyone for the help. Much appreciated :thanks:
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  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    When I was about 11 years old in 1970 I opened up a bottle of Hires Root Beer and at the bottom of the jar was a chunk of glass. I wrote a letter to the company and sent along the glass in the envelope because I wanted them to be more careful in the future so nobody would get hurt. About a month later I recieved a whole case of their root beer in the mail along with a letter of apology. Just imagine that scenario today.
  11. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    No problem, and I'm sorry it didn't work. I saw the specs of your motherboard a bit late, otherwise we wouldn't go through the hoops trying.
    If you need any further help we are here :wink:

    Good luck and have a great day!
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I suspect you would be threatened by the company's lawyer with a cease and desist letter if you made the case public? :dont:

    Unfortunately, bad things are spreading like wildfire.
    I have always considered the unbelievable amounts of compensation in the USA to be unjust. The temptation to become a millionaire in this way is extremely high.

    Its a bit different here in Europe: Someone in a car knocked me off my motorcycle. Consequences are very present for the rest of my life.
    After a little more than 10 years, I received a small compensation and a huge interest payment for the insurance company's delaying tactics. Thank you to the court at this point, love ya all! :wink:
    After the verdict, I said to a friend: "If I had had the accident in the US, I would have asked for a billion dollars and eventually got $500m and could have invited all my crew to retire". :rofl:

    If all sides kept their feet on the ground, life would be easier for everyone. But that ship has sailed I'm afraid.
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I had a similar issue with Arnott's biscuits. I wrote to them because the entire packet was stale. They sent me an entire box filled with a variety of their biscuits, around 20 packets. It won't happen again in our lifetimes I imagine.
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