UAD Thunderbolt Apollo is not being detected by PC

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by SDFMusic, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Thanks for boosting my courage! I'll be going the cyanide route.:) The lady positively just loves her almond milk smoothies and will be none for the wiser after her morning workout! Now about those Barefoot monitors, which model do you....
  2. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Hi The Pirate,
    I'm calling on your kindness and knowledge to potentially (save) help me.

    I'm facing the same problem, my Apollo Twin is seen in the Device Manager and Thunderbolt Control Center, but not in the UAD Control Panel (Windows 10)


    On Windows10, downgraded to UAD 10.2.5, then updated to UAD 11.0.1, no luck (clean install)
    On Mac OS (Macbook Air) downgraded to UAD 9.15.1 and updated to 11.0.1 and both were working fine.
    Did this as a user suggested here to downgrade and update and it worked for him

    Do you have any suggestion please? I'm running out of ideas
    Thanks in advance :bow:
  3. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Your Apollo Twin is not listed in Device Manager, only UAD-2 System driver. Apollo IS detected by Thunderbolt Control Center, but not by Windows itself.

    Try with hardware reset as described HERE and let us know does it fix the problem.

    Also, HERE IS MORE possible solutions.
  4. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Thanks for your quick reply and yes my mistake, it's only the driver showing up in Device Manager

    - Did the hardware reset
    - Uninstalled/Reinstalled the UAD Software
    - Data cable is working because detected on Mac OS X on Macbook Air
    - Computer meeting requirements as shown by the Thunderbolt Control Center

    Still not showing up in UAD Control Panel :sad:

    Thanks again
  5. Chandos2021

    Chandos2021 Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    I recently bought a Lenovo Legion I5 Windows 11 Notebook with TB4 support and connected my Apollo X8 to it, on first boot i got a message that it had to update my apollo firmware and after this it worked right out of the box without any issues.. it even works on first bootup .. so if it works also on mac it could be the TB of the windows system wich makes problems.. I have also our studio DAW wich has TB support but needs a additional TB card.. I willl test if this is working too..
  6. JohnTheKlingon

    JohnTheKlingon Noisemaker

    Jan 27, 2023
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    Apparently I've been lucky not having to encounter this because I made two partitions and installed MacOS on one of them and W11 on the other. The only thing that goes fubar is when Windows goes into Sleep or Hibernation mode so be sure to disable that crap, your footprint will be bigger but with less frustration. Believe me. The TB4 connection is lost and a reboot is the only way to get the UA device back. I tried all sorts of things in Device Manager, the Intel Thunderbolt tool, name it. Reboot is the only way unless you are prepared to spend "some" cash on a Caldigit Thunderbolt Station 4 (TS4) that is. ANd yes I know, UA is quite expansive but Caldigit is surfing on the MacIntosh wave of price tagging. I dearly hate it when companies try to pull my leg(s)...

    For you'll with no Mac or Hackintosh, I'm going to try to hint to a possible solution source which is known on the sister site (frontpage) under the "Friendly links" section. My hint is this, what if a well-known Virtual Machine developer has a tool that can run an image containing macOS Sonoma version 14.1....????

    I really hope this helps because USB ports (TB4=USB4) can be set in the VM's config as direct access devices. If this fails you can check this site and welcome yourselves into the wonderful world of Hackintosh using Opencore. Love that solution because you can use UA's LUNA which I use for my mixing and mastering work :) :) :)

    Good luck all
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In more years than I would care to list, I have observed manufacturers of really good products change.
    In earlier days you paid for the software because the developer went to enormous trouble to write an incredibly detailed manual, backed up by fantastic support.

    UAD, AVID and a few others, have grown so popular, it almost is crime how they have the arrogance to think that their shit does not stink anymore and how crappy their support is. Everyone's shit stinks unless they're deceased. Nobody has ever made a 100% bug-free piece of software. Additionally, hardware every so often leaves the factory with a minor flaw that crept past quality control. This is normal and common
    In summary, no vendor or manufacturer has the right to avoid responsibility for what they sell if they made the product. This century accountability is only given with a lawsuit or it will not be given it seems.

    I hope you find a solution and so far, what Pirate said with the firmware being the issue and it not leaving the factory with the right firmware for Windows, and a subsequent update on a MAC first, sounds completely logical.
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    My friend, i wish i could be of help but my knowledge of UAD hardware is limited because i have not encountered ANY issues with my Apollos besides the one with the firmware. Hindsight is 20/20. I wish I could roll back the clock and stayed away from UAD. Nw, i have way too much money invested in the UAD ecosystem to abandon it without taking a loss. Worst customer support, and sound wise the Apollo is not a top 3 in my book. Indeed, I currently dont even use their converters. It has been a total waste of money because of my workflow.
  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Anybody with a DAW PC should know that Sleep. hybernation and fast start up need to be disabled.
  10. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Hahahaha: $400 for a hub! That's really funny
  11. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Ok, thanks, will keep searching for answers.

    The Apollo firmware is the UAD software if I understand correctly? If so, I've installed the latest version on both PC and Mac, it's showing up on Mac but not on PC. Happy for any suggestion you might have :)
  12. Chandos2021

    Chandos2021 Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    The Apollo Firmware is the internal software of your Apollo device, similar to a PC Bios update.
  13. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Yes I know that. But I believe it's directly linked to the UAD Software ? As in there is no way to update the firmware without updating the UAD Software and vice versa ?

    Thanks for your help and sorry if stupid questions
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Pirate chose what I would have thought straight away. I attempted to indicate that. More often than not, a manufacturer tends to make the release on a single platform stable before porting or recoding on another O/S. I am not remotely surprised that they updated the firmware on the MAC and the PC later.

    OK, you won't like this but it will certainly isolate the issue
    . Lets assume there's nothing wrong with their firmware or drivers for now...
    1. Backup your existing system.
    2. Flatten your system, install Windows and nothing else other than the UAD driver. Does it work? NO? There is your problem. Yes? Then it is something else you have installed that is stopping it from working.

    I know that's not ideal, but honestly, in a bare bones system, if it was configured and made properly, there should be zero issues.

    LAST - I know you have probably done this, but if you have any HDMI or internal audio interfaces as PC is notorious for this, go into device manager, disable them, reboot, and see if the UAD works.
  15. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Are we talking about thunderbolt 2 audio interfaces on thunderbolt 4 windows systems? If so thunderbolt 2 thunderbolt devices will not work on thunderbolt 4 with thunderbolt NVM 36 firmware. Thunderbolt 2 devices will only work on thunderbolt NVM 31 firmware or lower. Thunderbolt 2 devices is officially not supported on thunderbolt 4.

    This thread is confusing to me because it looks like the thread starter got the issues fixed with a firmware update through a mac computer. So in my view people should make a new thread for their specific issue
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
  16. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    My MB is a Z390-P
    I've added the PCIe expansion card

    I've tried what the OP said as my issue is similar, but I'm not getting the same results as him.
  17. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I should be OK firmware-wise as I've got the latest version of the UAD software.


    Indeed I don't like this, but I think I have to do it :)
  18. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Just to make sure, which Apollo model do you have exactly?
  19. Nikizi

    Nikizi Noisemaker

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Just tried to plug an external HDD to my Thunderbolt ports and it opened straight away
    Therefore I can rule out Thunderbolt being the problem

    Apollo Twin Duo Thunderbolt:


    I also have 2x Apollo 8 that I plan to daisy chain later, no point of doing that now


    Hope that helps!

    Attached Files:

  20. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Ok. That's older Apollo Twin Duo (not Thunderbolt 3). I suppose you don't have qualified Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt adapter, right?
    If so, that is most probably the reason of your trouble.

    HERE is the page with system requirements for Windows
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