Anyone capable of resolving a bug?

Discussion in 'Software' started by willy81dp, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    I use a lot Plasmonic vst for mac. Is there anyone that is able to resolve a bug please?

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2024
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    How about telling us which bug you're talking about?
  4. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Hi No Avenger. The bug is this: when i open, then close and re-open Plasmonic interface some parameters keep resetting. Looking for someone that can help me
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  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    never used it but, it has to get those values from somewhere, so look for a config file for default values in the "owners manual" or on the Googles that is so popular with the kids these days. also see if the manual mentions a log file somewhere that might hold a clue to whats going on with the program.
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    This is the synthesiser made by the man who created Absynth. From what I gather, he is passionate about it and will probably answer your problem.
    That said, if it is not a purchased item, then I have no answer.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Make sure you updated to v1.2.7. Check the changelog to see if this was a problem that got addressed already.

    I couldn't get it to do this behavior. But I did notice that the two default save location folders only had read permissions. It shouldn't cause this problem if you are just closing and reopening the interface in your DAW; only if you were saving something. But you could try changing the permissions on them and seeing what happens.

    I do not like this plugin. This concludes any testing i'm going to do with it.
  8. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Many Thanks Garamondo.. really appreciate your answer and i'm going to try
  9. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Hi BassDude, i cannot contact the support ( Brian Clavinger) 'cause my copy of Plasmonic is cracked ( HCISO). Appreciate your answer
  10. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Hi Clone, many thanks!! Just a question: where can i find the Plasmonic vst ( Mac ) changelog?
    So you think that it is not necessary to disassemble the setup file in order to solve the bug?
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    there was a 1.2.5 version, but they updated it to 1.2.7. So they probably fixed some peoples' problems in that update. the change log probably shows what they were. on the dev website, or in the back of the pdf manual.
  12. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    I'm looking at the changelog now.
    Could it be that the problem is due to crack? another question: assuming that I find the configuration file, what would be the parameters to set to avoid resetting some parameters?
  13. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    I tried changing the permissions of the two default save location folders.
    The problem persists
  14. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Assuming that I find the configuration file, what would be the parameters to set to avoid resetting some parameters?
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    you really haven't described the problem with enough detail. i have never heard of a plugin that resets itself because it has been hidden, muted, or minimized. there is no parameter for it to do that. Are you saving the plugin's state before doing this? I have never seen it do what you are describing. And that does sound like one of the crazy behaviors plugin developers will add to stuff.

    Download the official demo and see if it does the same thing. This synth demo did not make it past here for me. It was laggy, overloaded gui, with average sound. The zebralette beta even runs better than it on my mac, so it is gone. The one thing that bothers me more than extensive menu diving, is someone just putting the same amount of stuff on the gui all at one time. And I do not need blinking and animated.

    Beyond that, I don't really care what it does. So I deleted it.
  16. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    found the file of Plasmonic standalone settings and Plasmonic setting. But I don't understand anything. I attach both files here.
    Precisely the problem is this: the instrument is not sufficiently responsive when, once opened, I try to deactivate or activate an oscillator or the impulse or the noise in the resonator or ladder filter section. And the moment I succeed, when I close and reopen the interface everything resets.

    Attached Files:

  17. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    here a short video :)

    Attached Files:

  18. willy81dp

    willy81dp Guest

    Precisely my problem is this: the instrument Plasmonic vst on mac is not sufficiently responsive when, once opened, I try to deactivate or activate an oscillator or the impulse or the noise in the resonator or ladder filter section. And the moment I succeed, when I close and reopen the interface everything resets.
    Below a short video of the problem i have

    Attached Files:

  19. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
    Likes Received:
    I’ve just installed and yes, same annoying behavior. My advice is to avoid closing the GUI after any tweaking, just move the window out of the way

  20. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    so the settings are in "XML" which is a variant or subset of HTML, so you can drag that file once its unzipped into your webrowsers (safari or whatever apple is using these days) and it will display the contents for you.
    <VALUE name="StandaloneWindowSize" val="4"/>
    <VALUE name="Theme" val="1"/>
    <VALUE name="LastPresetFolderId" val="0"/>
    <VALUE name="LastPresetFolderPath" val="/Library/Audio/Presets/Rhizomatic/Plasmonic/Factory Presets/Acoustic and Hybrid"/>
    <VALUE name="MaxPolyPlugin" val="8"/>
    <VALUE name="MidiSetupModePlugin" val="1"/>
    <VALUE name="MidiChannelStandardPlugin" val="1000"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEBendUpPlugin" val="48.0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEBendDownPlugin" val="-48.0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEMasterChanPlugin" val="0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPESlideCCNumPlugin" val="74"/>
    <VALUE name="NoteStealingModePlugin" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="EnablePolyAftertouchPlugin" val="0"/>
    <VALUE name="LastSelectedPresetPath" val="/Library/Audio/Presets/Rhizomatic/Plasmonic/Factory Presets/Acoustic and Hybrid/Udu Plucks.rzpm"/>
    <VALUE name="MaxPolyStandalone" val="8"/>
    <VALUE name="MidiSetupModeStandalone" val="1"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEBendUpStandalone" val="48.0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEBendDownStandalone" val="-48.0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPEMasterChanStandalone" val="0"/>
    <VALUE name="MPESlideCCNumStandalone" val="74"/>
    <VALUE name="NoteStealingModeStandalone" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="EnablePolyAftertouchStandalone" val="0"/>
    <VALUE name="PresetName" val="After The Rain"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone0" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone0" val="14"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone1" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone1" val="15"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone2" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone2" val="16"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone3" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone3" val="17"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone4" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone4" val="18"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone5" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone5" val="19"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone6" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone6" val="20"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiTypeStandalone7" val="2"/>
    <VALUE name="MacroMidiCCNumStandalone7" val="21"/>

    value name is a variable or container for data, and VAL is the current value of that variable.
    most of the data seems to be midi/midi controller values and paths to files
    check your preset and library folders are set to read/write in permission I
  21. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    watched the movie, didn't see you save those settings, you should resave the preset with a new name, like use the old name and the number 1, so you know its related after you make a thousand changes...

    so trying do a "Save as" and see what happens...
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