Why isn't this compressor talked about more ...?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Hazen, Oct 29, 2022.

  1. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Guys, what's the matter? I've just removed 15 posts due to off-topic and/or reply to off-topic and/or inappropriate language. Anyone interested in the topic which is still the Material Comp by Voosteq?
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  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I tried it (again).
    I think its main advantage is at the same time its main disadvantage, at least to me, (too) many parameters. It's kind of a jack of all trades and I must admit, this is just too much for me to come to a final decision. I mean, take an LA2A emu, you dial in the compression for taste and adjust the output. Done, next one. Sure, an LA2A is a one trick pony, but as long as you know what you're heading for, it's way faster.
    OTOH, when you're looking for something new and extremely versatile, the Material Comp could be an option but you need to take care of its output which varies way too much, IMHO and AutoGain easily allows the output to become 8dB+ louder.

    Compared to eli Arouser it didn't sound more analogue in any way.
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  3. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    :bow::bow:I think is a great compressor. I like the gui and the way it reacts to sound. I do not like the fab filter comp or the neutron comp, I could never jive with them. I like smartcomp, fircomp, ozone comp, and the kilohearts comp. I like comps in which the gain reduction meter reacts to how my ear hears it, placebo or not ? My problem is I have too many comps! I’ve demoed dmg comps but it’s so many models I get overwhelmed. I like a comp with an auto gain and delta control, limited control set. I like the unisum comp but I’m not sure if I need it, so many controls. Unisum comp is a therapeutic comp, relax and relish in you only have to reach for one comp. I like many comps even the cheap ones. They’re all just envelope controls (from my knowledge! :guru:). Some add saturation, some are clean. Comp on ! :dj: I

    to answer your question, edit; this is a generalization based on my own perceived biases as I’ve been influenced by this person in the past. That said I think many people are influenced by the White Sea video so they think it’s not as good as competitors ? Also it does not seem as popular as the fab filter pro-c2 comp, I’ve seen many people say it’s the only comp you’ll need. I think everyone comps differently, one persons use does not dictate how you will use it. You have to give em a try. Comp comp comp :speaker:
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
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  4. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I forgot about the la2a. I like the one from overload, I like limited control sets, I have to get the input gain just right and really use my ear which means I have to BE CALM AND LISTEN. If I’m not calm I’ll not hear the compression. Much like playing guitar, if I’m not calm my fingers will not go where I want them on the fretboard.
  5. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Apologies in advance if this is considered off topic but I love the way people now can have access to 20 different compressor models and use this one for that color and that one for its clean sound and this one's opto and that one's valve and bitch about them all.
    Back in the day most studios just ran stuff through "the compressor". Really high end places had 2 or 3 and whatever they were, that was your sound.
    Places with boards that had strips with compression on every channel no one could afford.
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  6. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I never thought it was a bad compressor but over time the swiss army knife type plugins are losing their appeal for me, including channel strips which I fell in love with initially but you just can't nail everything all at once just like you can't be everyone and yourself at one time.

    Which is why "the compressor" was the go to because it did what it did faithfully so everyone relied on it, it wasn't trying to "kill WoW' when WoW can only kill itself, or some shit like that. Usually when something that claims to replace everything in your toolbox it's just too good to be true. Either you're good at one or a few things or you're just average in 30 subjects all at once.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
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  7. Golde

    Golde Ultrasonic

    Oct 28, 2022
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    hey, just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I have had it for a while but it kind of sat ignored and this thread inspired me to give it another chance. My goto bus compressors up until now have been pulsar 1178 and the newer kiive xtressor, but I do believe the material comp might be my new one. Especially with the groove turned up high in tube mode and the harmonics boosted, I think it does a better job of staying true to the original track than my other ones while stile giving me that punch and whatnot I like from a drum bus comp. I usually run a tape sim (ik tascam 388) after the comp as well but with all the extra options material comp offers it isn't really necessary. Seems some people are giving you shit for it but I for one definitely think it is worth checking out, and I have tried nearly every software comp out there. The GUI definitely screams cheap or something not so great (especially the icons for some of the mode options), but the sound is certainly there.
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    is because it's usually Snake Oil, created for the sole purpose of taking money from people who don't know any better. Like Click Bait. That has been the main focus of the programming, not coding a good processor. It makes you maybe even suspect they are just a compilation of generic code modules from all over the place.

    Sometimes the little options added are ok, and in a little sub-menu or a small parameter area of the GUI. Like in the Saturn2, as a positive example. When the GUI has a full strip of it taking up nice real estate, and it's everything but related to the process the plugin is supposed to do; that's a red flag, right away.

    I had forgotten to uninstall this though. So thanks for the reminder.
  9. Golde

    Golde Ultrasonic

    Oct 28, 2022
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    usually all plugin marketing is pretty hyperbolic though. Even the Kush audio guy who is probably the most laid back of any plugin developers has some kind of absurd claims in his marketing. It's best to just ignore that completely and judge based on the sound alone, which I'm sure you already know. Come on though, you have to love the cheesy as hell icons in Material comp. "It's Dangerous Sound!" and "Bass Deep" are two that come to mind. They look like they got a middle schooler with a mild interest in graphic design to do them.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I did not watch the video of it, but did the Snake Oil review work out ok? Did he even test it?

    The price! lol. 150$ and that's not even on Plugin Alliance and 974% off? If I sold this plugin for this price, I would hope others wouldn't talk about it here either. At about 20 bucks, I'd start to feel like I got a bad deal, so to speak.
  11. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Interesting, because I did not think of Material Comp as "THE" compressor that replaces everything else and surely have no intention of using it that way. Does the developer make the claim that it replaces all other compressors? In my perception this is just a compressor with a nice feature set that allows it to produce different flavours of a particular Material Comp tone. But all these flavours are still Material Comp if you know what I mean? Just different variants of it. If you don't like the base sound of it, you will most likely not like any variant of it, regardless whether it you dial in some "S-Type Glue" (whatever that is supposed to be) or set it to "Vintage Opto" compression type or "Cheep Console" (what the hell?) flavour. Maybe the particular box tone of it is not everyone's cup of tea, but aligns very strongly with my personal ideal of sound. I would never use it as the "desert island" compressor of choice, it imparts a too particular sound to be useful in that capacity.

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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    I love gimmick vst's gimm.jpg
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  13. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Refer yourself to the screenshot you posted yourself, this compressor claims to tickle your taint right on it's gooey gui guranteed or your coke straws will be promptly unrolled, ironed and returned back to your bank account within 5 business minutes. Hate to burst your bubble but this compressor indeed is trying to be "the compressor" it claims to be every other compressor in one so you don't need any other compressor. Why else would it try to be clinical, colorful, clean and claim it's mouth is still covered in moms spaghetti, you ready?

    Yes well nobody has a problem with you liking this compressor, the problem seems that nobody realizes what a pro you are and how your recommendation has been buried by stacks of better recommendations and it's shitting up all your pride. Don't be mad your bop it, twist it and yank it compressor isn't getting more love than a 90s toy right now.

    You could have just said this and how much you like itstead of railing against everyone else because they seemingly had something better to offer. In those situations I"m greatful someone landed me in the same ballpark as what I was suggesting but they also provided something better for me to try. I never give anybody any lip for knowing more than me. You can't possibly be butthurt that you like a compressor more than anybody else. Besides you're talking to a general public forum, not one that focuses soley on Hip-Hop or Boom-Bap.

    Around these parts we are a mixed bag of any genre you can imagine so keep that in mind when you think a compressor will cover everybodies needs, let alone one that claims to do so when we know there is no such thing that does it all. Anyways I"m really not trying to give you any shit because I don't even dislike your compressor, I simply think there is something else cheaper and better than this option available so I hope you stick around the forum as there ARE other likeminded boop bap producers around here for you to find and meet.
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  14. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    Yeah, exactly that. Saturn is actually awesome though and you welcome!
  15. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    WTF? Not this nonsense again! Can you try to stay on topic? I didn't ask for your part-time expertise as a hobby wannabe clinical psychologist. Please spare me the crazy 4Chan incel vibes that you radiate.
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  16. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    That's armchair ass hairs pulleur to you, fat boy.
  17. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Actually this compressor is one of our favorite topics during family gatherings.
  18. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    A 90s Bop It Compressor Thanksgiving. It does it all. Just throw it on your mashed taters and it will compress it into a beach castle at the end of your drum buss, magically.


    I can't even tell the difirence in appearance but I think the Bop It just boom baps my snares better, so I'm going with the Boom Bap Compressor.

  19. Golde

    Golde Ultrasonic

    Oct 28, 2022
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    i actually haven't watched the snake oil video of it yet. i guess i should so I can realize that I actually don't like it as much as I do ;)

    yeah though, I personally think it's cool because it saves some cpu by doing everything I was doing before with a few plugins, and sounds good on the drum bus - at least for the stuff I do. I think the majority of the settings are useless for me, but I found the ones I liked and saved a drum bus preset with them- so far it just works better than my usual other stuff in the context of the tracks I've been doing over the last couple days. Probably the ugliest plugin in my toolbox though. It's too bad some people are immediately writing it off as gimmicky in part due to the graphics and marketing claims, as I think it's genuinely good with the right settings.
  20. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Well, with the release of Model-N and a stunning response from users, it seems finally people are acknowledging the greatness and bang-for-buck the developer delivers.
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