Is it worth it living a life without drugs ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by KUSHSMOKERLIT, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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  2. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    I stay high on life brother. Don't have any interest in drugs and the such. I don't mind having a social drink every blue moon, but can do without it. You'll find your experience changes when your perspective changes, you started using drugs around the time most people start developing a sense of self awareness, so you started seeing life through a distorted lens from the get go. Once you start embracing your natural and sober mind, you'll realize how distorted your experiences were in comparison to how things are when your body and mind are clear. I don't personally judge if people choose to indulge in recreational drug use, but you have to be aware of your limits and know when its crossed over from therapeutic to habitual.

    Asking if 'life is worth living sober' is like asking "is it harder to live with with legs, than without?" the answer is obviously yes, its easier to live and walk with legs, unless you've been handicapped and bed ridden your whole life, then you'll have to get used to walking before it feels normal.

    Start embracing who you really are without any additional substances, and you'll find the legit creativity that's always been present in you, and appreciation for many of the beautiful aspects of life.
  3. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Well, you won't live long on drugs.
  4. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Yeah. Sugar is everywhere.
    Peanuts in paprica or other snacks? Sugar.
    Flavoring for soup? Sugar
    Onion sauce? Sugar
    Garlic sauce for pizza? Sugar

    Sugar is added everywhere in every type of food. Not only to candy and cakes.
  5. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    I hope. Life sucks.
  6. Audioguydaz

    Audioguydaz Producer

    Oct 23, 2015
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    My position is: life is subjective. Theres a lot of subjective opinions purporting to be objective. Just try and be real about what you are and what living means to you. Then decide if the chemicals are integral to who you are. You may kick the habits and become someone else, that's always an option. Personally I've always found this other character to be someone I'd probably not want to have a pint with.
  7. irunak

    irunak Member

    Jun 18, 2023
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    I f you are able to do both, that is keep a job, consume on your time (if possible not on the job) if you are able to respect the amount of money put aside for the purchase and these conditions in general, that would be preferable than never taking ot trying out something. But if for someone who has tried and does not succeed, in order to limit financial desaster and other problems, perhaps full time abstinence is a good idea. the possibilities vary with each person, as does preferences for substances. Either way, i prefer practicing and readjusting if I must that have others decide for me, or nag with judgment. This way, I am finding pleasure in being myself in both states, Being high all the time creates unbalance in the seeing to the needs of myself in both states. make sure your choice comes really from your own opinion and don,t be afraid of going a bit over sometimes or needing a few hard attempts at getting it straight and keeping that way. Everyone I talk with about this (except fraterinty memebers) find it is the best of both worlds and those completely addicted to a drug admit they were able to do more efficiently with a budget and limits, all while having a job, a weekly salary, and altoghether much more fun that survival addiction.
    I stopped with a girlfriend who has cancer at 4AM in the church parking lot so she could smoke some crack (freebase) to alliviate her pain. While we just sat and stared at the church, she asked me if I thought God was alright with it, I told her God approves 100%, he knows most drugs have a bad reputation and aren't considered acceptable trends on account of all the misery shown associated with out of control use. You won't see anytime soon friends and neighbors sitting together after the BBQ to enjow a powerful hit.
    biker groups behind the scenes use the same 2 approaches to buisiness common everywhere':
    one will do anything for profit, even at the cost of quality, health anything. The other values only the most pure and potent products sold as such all down the chain. The idea is profit comes naturally from satisfies users and word of mouth. It is a double edged blade, but better to learn how to use and prepare for big potency safety and how to stop when it's the time.
    In canada we are fortunate to have legal weed outlets everywhere, but online ordering is a major business sites legally selling dried mushrooms from around the world or mixed in food or drink, complete LSD blotter sheets, DMT chews or vape.
    Apparently more is to come along with the decriminalization of hard drug possession and carrying, while still craking down on dealers.
    Life is life with or without drugs, but personally, I love to try out new stuff, but my personal favorites are speed, weed, hash and always willing to take a rave ecstacy, not the other kind that is like taking a powerful narcotic. When I hear people say ''let's get some juice GBH, I always think with humor, sure, take the rape drug, what can go wrong if you statrt parading half naked or pass out somewhere.taking drugs can be a fun and satisfying way of enjoying some of the pleasures life has to offer. a good read on the changes in states of mind, perception and woders is the famous ''doors to perception'' by Aldous Huxley. Timothy leary makes a good read also:)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2024
  8. Magic Max

    Magic Max Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2022
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    I face this question almost daily. I even discuss it with my partner and she thinks I'm better off on drugs than off. I'm now 25 years into prescribed medication for anxiety and depression and although it doesn't help, I know that if I stop I am an utterly abysmal human being. I know this because I had liver problems last year and for a month I was forced to stop all medication except Prednisone to treat my liver. I only slept a few hours every three nights and I just wanted to die. As soon as I could I resumed my benzos, pregabalin, alcohol and antidepressants and I felt "normal" again. Of course normal is pretty low and I wouldn't wish for anyone to feel like I do every day but, like you I don't want to die in spite of the fact that at my age if I did, it would not be considered an early death. Sometimes I still go out on mdma or stay in and take psilocybin because it reminds me how my brain used to function back in the 90's...full of feeling, love, emotions and hope. But I think the damage is done and my music is the real loser in this. I don't get excited about the one thing I have loved so much for over 40 years.
    And yeah @Sinus Well , I love sugar as well. So thanks for letting me know I have another problem!
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  9. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    If you say that you started using drugs to escape reality and are now trying to quit, you need to seek psychological help to understand why you're trying to escape reality. You must identify what it is and how to confront it, or you may return to drugs to escape reality once again. I emphasize psychological help because one cannot do it alone. Reality can be an enormous ghost that we fear facing. While I don't use drugs, I have other ways of escaping reality that harm me, harm myself. Fortunately, I recently started a treatment to emerge from the darkness, to explore what it is that makes me want to escape reality and avoid seeing anyone. I could be locked away for years without seeing anyone and feel happy in my own world, but life is not like that; the world is out there, and it needs to be faced. So, putting myself in your shoes and perhaps understanding that you escape from reality because there's something in it that hurts you, it's best to seek help to confront it
  10. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    In my current assignment on this planet, I've found that you cannot escape reality. You can attempt to change your circumstances and results may vary. Substances can provide a temporary respite from it, you come down, you want to escape again, and are willing to do anything to get back to that sweet oblivion. Addiction ensues. Many of my friends couldn't handle that, and despite some of them having access to the best medical and mental health care available, are no longer among us and I miss them terribly. My friends who are recovering try to face it as best they can with varying degrees of success.

    Each of us has a path to follow. As far as mine is concerned, drugs are best avoided. I hope your travels here are as smooth as possible.


    Jun 21, 2019
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    spain is very corrupt , once you are in a psychward a judge can decide for you and they will force you on the abilify injections i wasn't the only one forced on it almost everyone that was on that psychward was forced on abilify injections truly barbaric there are no human rights in spain
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  12. :D I glad its been mentioned, but I'm still dealing with mild sugar addiction. That's the drug that physically damaged me the most, it gave me a fatty liver.

    There is such a mix of perspectives in the discussion, its fascinating. Its clearly impossible to talk about drugs as one thing, and then apply some simplistic life advice. Each drug has the possibility to create a whole different set of life choices. Some great, some really bad as highlighted here.

    For me and many others I think, its obvious our own mental reality was our biggest enemy. What my brain did to me when I was straight was terrifying. I can totally understand why so many of us use drugs to escape that harsh reality.

    And the worst bit was, I accidentally let the system collapse because I had no understanding that I was shaping my internal reality. I had no idea how the 'machine' functions, how to steer it and how it was gradually failing.

    If id had a manual 20 years earlier showing me how to maintain it properly I might have avoided some very dark times and the need to sedate myself for years. Mental health and personal maintenance should be taught in schools.
  13. zadiac

    zadiac Producer

    Jun 9, 2022
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    Yes, it is.
  14. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Even if every single brain was the highest functioning genius mind and they all coalesced together to observe the "objective" world, their conclusions would be limited by the human mind's capabilities. Our greatest scientific discoveries are not about the true nature of reality, they're about the limits of the tools we developed to project our understanding onto something that may very well be completely unfathomable to us. There is NO evidence that the so called "objective" world has ANYTHING to do with what we perceive.

    One of my favorite quotes is "reality is a serotonin induced collective hallucination".

    I love it not because I believe it's scientifically accurate -it reduces everything down to serotonin because its molecular structure is almost identical to a myriad of psychedelics, whereas I think even a potato can play a part in our hallucinations lol- but it's a nice way to sum up our discrepancies when it comes to understanding what's "out there" and what's "in your head".
  15. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Anyway, for most of us, most of the time life sucks.

    "Boredom is a disease worse than cancer, and drugs are the cure" -Doug Stanhope.

    MOST people I've known in my life who were categorically anti drugs were the opposite of fun, or happy. Once in a while I meet someone who is awesome, has a unique perspective on life AND they've never done drugs. I respect them, and unlike my teenage self I don't tell them how they should totally try some weeeeed, maaaaaan.

    But seriously, it's almost tragically funny how SO many people who've preached to me about the benefits of being high on life, exercising every day, being Fitter, Happier... are the WORST cases of self delusion I came across.

    Ugh, just thinking about them bores me. Let me hit my vape, I'll be back with some funny stuff.
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  16. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Every time I read one of your posts I walk away feeling that you're the nicer version of me. Just an impression.

    I still imbibe in far too much whisky (which is good for my music composition, but not my metabolic composition) and take THC oil with it which I find makes me drink a little less.
    My liver is pretty bad, my blood pressure is hyper and my cardiologist thinks my heart has a few minor blockages. Yay!

    Look, Ive tried going completely sober but ultimately I found it pretty dull. So every day is a minor battle with my will, my will being tragically weak. Still, I manage to function relatively well. I lift weights and try to get 10000 steps in per day and thanks to a loving partner I eat really well. But its ultimately hopeless battle against the inevitable, which I reluctantly accept.

    The passion for music, as you say, is what suffers the most. Not so much the composition of (although I write at a tenth of the pace I once did) but I still get the odd kick from it. No, its the enjoyment of listening that has really departed. Whereas a glass of whisky and cranking up King Crimson was once my ultimate evening, now its really just the drink and I can take or leave the sonics.

    Which is a shame.
  17. Kratomabuser4life

    Kratomabuser4life Newbie

    Feb 14, 2024
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    dont judge what you havent tried

    experience is the only real teacher
  18. Kratomabuser4life

    Kratomabuser4life Newbie

    Feb 14, 2024
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    Theres plenty of stories online of people who got their life back cause of kratom, however one can very easily find a confirmation for their bias especially with the internet

    experience > information

    i've read through the articles and most ppl posting on there don't even know if their condition was directly correlated with kratom use

    but just listen to medical ''professionals'' instead and get hooked on some real chemical crap i guess thats not idiotic :disco:

    theyve studied for it right? they have the INFORMATION lol
  19. recently? Probably a reaction to social media toxicity and modern teenage mental health stats?

    Good to hear, but I wonder what they cover. I pray its not a lazy lesson highlighting they might have ADHD or depression and should go see a professional therapist/doctor to get sedated.

    That's not what I'm recommending at all, that's an option parents should be considering.

    I hope its practical techniques (mediation, CBT etc) and clear explanations of mental processes. Such knowledge would have hugely benefited me from a very young age.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2024
  20. SacyGuy

    SacyGuy Producer

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Hello, I am a Mental Health professional and, in the past, used every kind of drug I could find, light user.

    Yes, worth living without drugs. But you have to treat yourself every-fu**-day for the rest of your life.
    Exercice, sleep 8hs and water are essential

    When you were really close to be dead, you can see life worth anyway, with drugs or not, with legs or not (my case)
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