Is it worth it living a life without drugs ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by KUSHSMOKERLIT, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Thanks! I sincerely hope you manage to overcome that. One day at a time, friend!
  2. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    ive never had to take that but a basic google search, says thats not what that medication does for dopamine
  3. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    The hard thing is, that you take drugs since 12 years old. So your brain didn't even had a chance to grow up healthy in puberty. And because of this it's might be a lot harder for you to stop taking drugs than people who started abusing drugs with 18, 21 ect... But I think it's still possible, to get clean and to live a sober live, it's just really hard to get... But if you really want to accomplish it, there are always open ways for you.

    Did you start drinking more since you can't smoke weed anymore? Alcohol is much worse than weed, so alcohol really shouldn't be a substitute for weed. You only get worse.

    I still have some problems with opiates and drinking, but I'm mostly fine right now. Sometimes I'm really dumb that I get a relapse, but after a few days I realise, that it's better to be sober..... (again and again and again... ect).

    If I can make it, you can do it,too! It's just hard, but not impossible!
  4. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    if it wasnt for a psychiatrist with a very fine sense of "when is shit going to hit the fan" i prolly wouldnt be typing this. of course there are shitty ones, like my family doc from years ago, but most will always be looking what's in the best interest of their patients. unfortunately though physical health care is centuries ahead of mental health care, there is an upside though: atleast they don't lobotomize us anymore and it's not that long ago they still did. the thing is there is no magic solution or a fixed set of steps and it might take some time before the right way and/or medication is found, the right one being the one with the least amount of side-effects at the right time. key is to keep talking with your doc and tell them what is happening, this could be a side effect that hasnt been documented yet (atleast from what i could find) or it could also be that it's something else that's going on.
  5. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i think that could be what i noticed when i quit weed for several years, i had the idea that my mental development was going faster than when i was still constantly high, which i had been since i was 18 orso.

    i still bounce back every now and then but there's nothing wrong with being a rubberball while bouncing. it's trying to bounce with a bowlingball that always causes problems.
  6. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Everything (including drugs) is good in moderation... As long as it doesn't control your actions or makes you unable to do things you'd normally love. The best situation to be in is to be able to find joy in life without drugs ...and use drugs not as a means of escape but more as a conduit to another realm where sobriety won't let you enter.

    All the best.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If they have you on medication for this stuff, and it is the wrong medication; that is commonplace. It's not like taking your temperature and giving you a Tylenol. Like others mentioned in that hoax thread they are following a flow chart, based on educated guesses. They will not know if you do not speak up. But some of these threads are starting to look like the results of possible side effects of what OP is taking. Some of them sound just as bad as what @OP is even taking it for. :(

    Side Effects
    See also Warning section.

    Dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, excess saliva/drooling, blurred vision, weight gain, constipation, headache, and trouble sleeping may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

    Dizziness and lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. Get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.

    Remember that this medication has been prescribed because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

    Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: fainting, mental/mood changes (such as increased anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts), trouble swallowing, restlessness (especially in the legs), shaking (tremor), muscle spasm, mask-like expression of the face, seizures, trouble controlling certain urges (such as gambling, sex, eating or shopping), interrupted breathing during sleep.
  8. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    recreational stuff on the weekend, once a month should be cool. maybe every once in a while you want to get smashed and see what you could write or just test yourself how far your creativity can go at that state, using it as a substance to boost up something that otherwise couldnt if you're being sober.

    doing it everyday and then started thinking, "now im stoned what am i going to do next ?" that's when life is so much better if you're being sober instead.

    all im saying, it's all about control. everything is drug, having addicted to casual sex can kill you sometimes. eating too much non stop can be fatal too. being all sober but sit there playing video games 20 hours a day will kill you faster.
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  9. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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  10. ilsache

    ilsache Newbie

    May 7, 2023
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    Daily user here, Mainly uppers like Speed and Meth if I can some decent gear. No huge amounts, Occasionally I mellow it down with soms Xanax. Also when I'm feeling anxio I had my drinking and coke addiction 10 years ago. But I do function normally in society, afaik. Nobody knows or notices. But I'm strongly weak versus addiction. In all kinds. Since I was young PC, Only parts in my life I was quite sober I had something to focus on and could spend my days on. But psychologists etc didn't really helo.

    But I do think life matters without all that. I actually know. People just have to learn how to moderate, with everything not just drugs.

    No shame in not believing in god. I don't either but that has nothing to with the drugs etc.

    Anyway I hope you start thinking about it different soon. You haven't failed life, because you have or had an addiction.
  11. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Worthiness has got nothing to do with anything.

    Life is life.

    My mom never took any drugs in her life (except one glass of wine at dinner, some days of the week) and she's a miserable, pathetic sad old woman. Her addiction to fear and her attachment to anxious thoughts makes any junkie's fentanyl laced meth addiction look like a walk in the park.

    I've done all kinds of drugs for more than half of my life. They gave me so much that I would've never found otherwise, and took some that I'll never get back.
    On one level, I've wasted the best years of my youth, I've missed many opportunities, I HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND I CHOSE TO THROW IT ALL AWAY :suicide:
    On another level, I laughed SO hard, for SO long that if I knew I'll die tomorrow I could say "well, at least I've had fun". I've experienced BEING, with no ego filter, with no thought. It was pure bliss, and it was pure horror. I've been to heaven and hell, literally. I've felt eternal, infinite love. I've felt utter meaninglessness.

    I've talked to "spiritual" people who tried to belittle my "illuminations" because I've had them on drugs. "I'm a serious practitioner! Drugs are cheating! You have to have DISCIPLINE in order to attain illumination!"
    I laughed at their face. Poor cunts, so full of themselves lol. Their discipline doesn't include evacuating all the bullshit you've ingested along the way, apparently.

    Remember this : if some teacher, or teaching, or anything really forbids you to do certain things in order to become whatever it is you are seeking, most of the time that only means they don't have any viable alternative to what that forbidden thing can offer you.

    Life is a dream. Life is a joke. And no matter how hard you detach yourself from fear and desire, in the end you give up the ghost like any other living thing.

    That being said, I'm not advocating for drug use either lol.
    In fact, for you, KUSHSMOKERLIT with a bottle of jaeger as your avatar, moving away from substances would probably be a good idea, at least for a while lol.
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  12. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Holy shit, I don't even remember writing that. Maybe I was high.
  13. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I think everybody needs a relief valve to survive on this evil world. You don't need drugs, but maybe you can have other experiences that can be as satisfying as drugs. Adrenaline maybe? I do graffiti on my free time, illegal graffiti. Its double satisfying for me because it has the adrenaline of being on the streets where anything can happen, while i'm making art and working on making it looks better all the time i paint (c'mon i don't want to be a f*king toy and look to a shit ass painted wall. I want to make it beautiful). You can find such adrenaline on sports, for example. Biking also gives a crap ton of adrenaline.

    Don't focus on the pleasure, focus on the sensation. On a drug or any other activity. This may not look obvious on the first moment, but for sure you can find other ways to feel dope on your brains on the case you want to leave drugs. Others already mentioned a lot of good ones. Wish you best while i smoke my opium poppy on the avatar :cheers:
  14. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yes, a drug-free life is worth living. But you need to discover your own real motivations so that you hold this proposition firmly, otherwise you may incur in escapes (when these motivations don't really connect with your inner truth/purpose). Now, this is easier said than done. Given the nature of this difficulty, I increasingly realize that we all need to learn to deal with it (discover motivations and undertake a coherent set of actions that transform motivations into potentialities and the subsequent transformation from potentiality to achievement). Again, I think it's the greatest challenge of our lives: discovering our own motivations and staying consistent and paired with them. For example: if you have short-medium-long term goals, you know you'll need psycho-physiological health to get there, and so on.
  15. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Except for Keith Richards and Iggy Pop lol
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  16. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    if you don't have a goal, it's not worth living any life, whether you're sober or not.
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  17. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    This is a weird question. You're not living your life if you're constantly escaping into the world of induced hallucinations while simultaneously developing dopamine tolerance and poisoning the rest of your body in the process. You're thoroughly making sure you ain't gonna live a single moment of your life.
  18. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    How do you know?
  19. I've swung all over the place, I'm not sure I'm good advert for anything, other than 'keep going'. I can verify you can survive without drugs but its a rocky road getting there...

    I smoked pot almost every day from 15 to 35
    I took hundreds of acid trips between 16 and 23
    I've taken E a few hundred times between 16 and now (age 52)
    I've taken mushrooms probably 30 times from 16 to now
    I took anti depressants for 2 years in my mid 30's

    Up to my mid 30's i took drugs and had a great/inspiring/magical relationship with them. No bad trips or paranoia. I maintained a successful career, social life etc

    But it was clear I was addicted to pot, it was a mental crutch I thought id never need to stop.

    In the early 2000's the UK drug market changed and Skunk was all we could get. As I started using it heavily low level anxiety appeared when i wasn't stoned. This was a mild concern for a couple of years but i carried on smoking. Finally it was a panic attack while really high that broke my relationship with pot. It was so traumatic that afterwards every time I smoked skunk I would get very anxious. I had to stop smoking.

    Then at 35 after a very long break from Acid I tried it again and had a surprise panic attack that triggered a full out of body dissociative experience.

    Stopping pot and that night was the beginning of a dark 10 years...

    I was completely drug free and over the next 2 years I had a full emotional and physical burnout/breakdown. I went from a chilled confident guy to a hypochondriac nervous wreak, riddled with intense anxiety and weird physical symptoms. The collapse wasn't directly related to stopping drugs but my confused brain chemistry combined with relationship issues, high work stress and terrible mental hygiene just crashed the system.

    It took 3 years of therapy to understand my mind and calm my body. I did it naturally because my system was so wreaked that even a single pill of anything would immediately trigger weird physical side effects.

    Starting to mentally heal I moved to Spain to start a new life and job. Only to injure myself causing 6 months of horrific nerve pain.
    I lost the job to the accident, my father died of cancer and I had to return to UK because I ran out of money. Pretty much an absolute disaster.

    And weirdly, this hellish 6 months taught me about mental resilience when faced with real life problems. It grounded me, helped me properly reset and fully heal my mind. I returned to the UK the calmest I've ever been in my life. It actually fixed me.

    Now a few years later, I'm pretty calm generally, I have normal levels of stress and mild blues triggered by winter, bills etc. All manageable with some good mental habits.

    And drugs wise, mushroom trips a few times a year, the odd mushroom microdose when needed and little a bit of md on special occasions. All used in a relaxing therapeutic way. I do wish i could smoke pot for pleasure sometimes but i just cant shift the skunk trauma.

    I get headaches a lot, so the drug i take most regularity is ibuprophen or paracetamol, and even them i refuse to take everyday, just to avoid addiction.

    I'm amazed how varied my mindset and mental landscape has been at different times in my life. I definitely learned that everything in life is transitory, and time, patience and good habits can fix a lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2024
  20. Kratomabuser4life

    Kratomabuser4life Newbie

    Feb 14, 2024
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    Bro i made an account just to respond to this cause it touched me due to me having been through almost the exact same thing

    i will tell you this:

    1get a capsule machine that allows you make your own capsules
    2 get a big bag of green maeng da kratom (look it up)
    3. make a bunch of capsules
    4. take 4 in the morning 4 in the afternoon

    the treatment that mainsream medicine applies is exactly that; ''treatment''. Note how it's not a ''cure'' now. they benefit from ''treatment'' finanacially a lot and where money is morals die. typical medicine or ''treatment'' only further destroys your capacity to have functioning dopamine receptors and other neurotransmitters, making you more dependent on them - so that the treatment can continue..

    i believe in natural CURES and kratom is very very good, whenever you take it you'll have an overload of neurotransmitters (like dopamine) and therefor feel euphoric, make sure to drink enough water though(about 4L a day) as having all these neurotransmitters has a dehydrating effect.

    Also you can combine kratom with eating weed butter if you really wanna have fun

    but yea kratom helps you regain focus and happiness, its a very functional ''drug''

    muchlove bro
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