Cubase 7 Crash

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by agaricfly, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. agaricfly

    agaricfly Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Dear all,

    For the past year I've been using Cubase 7, on a 64 bit PC. All was going well until last week when every project I opened would crash.
    I have located the Cubase crash dump files but am unable to read them.
    I don't want to connect this PC to the internet but installed a copy of "Who Crashed" and "Blue Screen View", which I'd downloaded onto my internet connected 32 bit machine.
    However, I'm struggling with this dump report software & still can't read any of the Cubase 7 logs.
    I even tried installing Microsoft's debugging software on my internet connected 32 bit machine but that won't read 64 bit logs.
    I've tried disabling plug-ins, doing a system restore & reinstalling my soundcard's drivers... all without success.
    For the record, I'm using a Roland Quadcapture soundcard.
    I'm loathed to uninstall & reinstall plug-ins & Cubase again as it will take an age to do so.

    Can anybody advise me what to do, please?

    Thanking you in anticipation.
  3. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Test your ram for starters.
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It could also be that the hard disk is giving up on you. Try defragmenting it and if something happens you'll know it's HD. It reminds me of the situation one of my clients had when Reaper would crash occasionally for no obvious reason. It just started doing so all of a sudden and Reaper is usually very stable. When we couldn't load a few of the projects at all we discovered it was HD that was failing. Of course, it could be RAM but RAM doesn't usually go faulty with time. Only hard disks deteriorate slowly, even SSDs. If your computer is overclocked, try de-overcloking it, too ["load setup defaults" in BIOS].
  5. Vertigox

    Vertigox Newbie

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I assume you made sure to see if all the crashing projects have the same plugin used? That would be the easiest way to find the problem. I myself use Cubase 7.5.20 and haven't had any problems in ages. You said you disabled plugins, does that mean you took all .dll files out of the vst folder(s) and put them back one by one to see when it started crashing again? If not, that's something I would do.. Pretty time consuming though. If it does behave the same way when you're running Cubase only with stock plugins, you can always contact Steinberg to ask for help, their phone support is pretty good actually.

    Also, try to remember if you installed any plugin/instrument back when it started to crash, maybe it's a new installed plugin or instrument which causes trouble already while opening Cubase and then eventually causes the crash in projects, even without using it.
  6. Loland

    Loland Member

    Apr 14, 2013
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    1. Make a Backup of Your complete ' Cubase 7 ' Folder or simmilar like ' Cubase 7 / Cubase 7.5 / Cubase 7.5 64Bit ' ( better all 'Cubase' Named Folders only ) located somewhere around here :

    C:\Users\YourPCName\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 7

    2. Delete 'Cubase 7' Folder ; NOT the 'Steinberg' Folder.

    3. Start Cubase 7 64Bit with Admin-Rights; Now Cubase will create a new Folder with default settings at the same location, like when You started it for the first time, scannes for VSTPlugins,.......

    4. Now set up your cubase workflow, machines, outboard gear, midi devices, audio asio, set folders for vstplugins in the plugin-information and on and aon and on.....

    5. If Your old Workflow is set up start the last 3-10 projects and see if it works without crashing.

    if you do not understand a word what i say, ask here for clearance ;)
    good luck and hope it works
  7. agaricfly

    agaricfly Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Hi guys!

    Thank you so much for taking time to respond, offering your pearls of wisdom. I'll try out your suggestions, tomorrow, & report back here.

    Thanks, once again, and best wishes to you all. :wink: :wink: :wink:
  8. agaricfly

    agaricfly Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    After a lot of head scratching, I finally discovered that the fault was the Korg M1 VSTi.
    I'm still puzzled by this, as it's always been one of the most reliable VSTis in my collection & has never previously caused me any problems. Uninstalling the software & all traces of it from my system seems to have stopped the crashes (fingers crossed).

    Thanks, once again, for taking the time to help me. Your advice was greatly appreciated.


    :wink: :wink: :wink:
  9. Engernettix

    Engernettix Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    I had exactly the same issue with M1 and Cubase 7. The issue stopped when I upgraded to 7.5.
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