Do you really need to know if you have Autism?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by passeee, Feb 8, 2024.

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  1. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Porn Star
    That's right. I never ask about your school and how you feel when you been there.
    And you never told me anything. So from where do I will know a jack shit about your days in school?
    Yeah so that's right. I know a jack shit about it.
    But I talked about my school. I don't know from where you get conclusion that I was refering to something in your school :dunno:

    Yeah. And I see result of this here in your posts. I am sorry that you was a victim of bullying. And teachers didn't treat you seriously. They shouldn't but world isn't fair and never will be.

    This is only your personal feelings about me at this moment. You shouldn't judge someone or diagnose based on few posts in the topic. Are you readed any other posts from me? You didn't know me. I am completely different than how you quickly assessed me.
    I'm trying to help people, work on their problems and trying to make them smile for a moment in those sad times.
  2. Guru Bug

    Guru Bug Member

    Dec 18, 2023
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    There is a theory that ALL have Autism, but only the level is different. And there is a balance:

    More Autism = more skills in a special area (f.e. math genius)

    More Autism = less social skills (more in his own Universe without external connection)
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  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm not anti-vax, so am not one of "those people" even if it serves you to believe that, and I'm saddened by the incidence of smallpox in your country as it is a harsh disease with lasting consequence. I guess you should be absolutely fine if you (edit: if your inoculation was years ago, perhaps) were inoculated...or are you. According to the World Health Organization, The Center For Disease Control, The National Institute of Health, The National Foundation Of Infectious Diseases, International Geneva and every other world medical organization, Smallpox was eradicated over 40 years ago. According to The National Institute Of Infectious Diseases, "Smallpox is the first and only infectious disease that has been eradicated in humans, which means it no longer exists naturally anywhere in the world. Smallpox is also the first disease for which a vaccine was developed and vaccination played a significant role in eradicating the disease".

    Therefore since you adhere strictly and follow the scientific literature to the end, this unfortunate outbreak could only be caused by the vaccination itself. Do the research. It can't go both ways, can it? Show me otherwise, please.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  4. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    Autism primarily features difficulties in (even basic) social communication and repetitive (stereotypic) behaviors. This can manifest as challenges with understanding social cues, making eye contact, engaging in back-and-forth conversation, finding it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling, and having stable interests. They struggle with emotional regulation, experiencing meltdowns or shutdowns due to sensory overload or difficulty processing emotions. They may also suffer from emotional deprivation, and have trouble recognizing and expressing their own emotions.
    BPD involves high level of emotional instability and interpersonal difficulties. This can show as extreme emotional swings, impulsive actions, unstable self-image, and intense, often turbulent relationships. They often engage in risky behaviors as a way to cope with negative emotions.
    Individuals with autism struggle to recognize and respond to others' emotions, while those with BPD have difficulty regulating their own emotions and therefore have trouble empathizing with others. While self-harm can occur in both disorders, it is more common in BPD and often serves as a way to cope with intense emotions.
    So it is important to know the difference, but people with true autism in most cases are unable to understand their condition.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2024
  5. Professor Casper

    Professor Casper Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2024
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    I knew this kid called Casper...He was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was a little boy.

    His parents took him to various doctors to learn more about this condition.When Casper asked why all of this happens,his parents always found some shady excuse or dodged the subject and as the little kid he was,he could only begrudgingly go.

    Casper struggles in social matters,suffers from OCD and exhibits some behavioral characteristics associated with ASD.

    As he saw himself having a very hard time with socialization and the obsessive compulsive thoughts coming from his head (that he could not so easily escape),he always wondered, "what is wrong with me?" / "am i crazy?" and,for years,he would live with that fear;

    He eventually found the courage to confront his fear when he was a teenager and did a research regarding mental disorders.He learned some things and found some promising information about two of them based on his symptoms (OCD and ASD,naturally.) , but Casper was far from finding closure; As he was not an expert and couldn't make the diagnosis himself.

    On the day of his 18th birthday he had an argument with his parents and,somehow,the topic derailed and his mother ended up confirming what Casper was thinking all along.His family always told him he was very smart after all. (Even though looking at the shit i've done,i consider myself a very dumb man:hahaha:.)

    He was indeed special; (As any being is).His mother explained to him that he was not actually insane and told him what all these doctor visits were for,etc.For the first time,it all started to make some twisted sense.

    You have no idea of the relief i felt inside of me.That uncertainty and fear of not knowing what i was,was killing me.Sure i had other things to worry about now,but i wouldn't trade that comfort i felt at that particular moment for the world.

    P.S. : Don't be like Casper's parents:beg::cheers:.
  6. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    I mixed up the smallpox and the other pox. They're called "wind ospa" and "natural ospa" in the local language. The one raging here is the "wind ospa" and since it's not smallpox, it's the other one. I assumed since it has "small" in the name, it's referred to the less deadly one.
    And it's been confirmed to spread from muslim communities that refuse to do vaccination of their kids.
    EDIT: It's called chikenpox in English. Chiken pox. Small pox. This is dumb. People die from this shit.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  7. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Why is this even an issue that is argued about on here?
  8. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    what a bullshit! Show me any research about it.
  9. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    While some individuals with ASD possess exceptional skills in specific areas like math or music, this certainly doesn't hold true for everyone on the spectrum. In fact, many people with ASD have intellectual disabilities.
    The notion that everyone falls somewhere on the autism spectrum rests on the oversimplified idea that everyone exhibits some of the same ASD symptoms, just to varying degrees. This theory, however, often fuels harmful stereotypes about individuals with ASD.
    For example, it might be used to suggest that people with ASD are either completely withdrawn or possess exceptional genius. These black-and-white portrayals are detrimental as they can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and a lack of understanding.
  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Unless your immune system is compromised for various reasons such as being on chemotherapy/radiation therapy for cancer, genetically compromised or severely malnourished Chickenpox won't kill you (the common cold could end you if your system is weak like that) or hurt you and in less than a week it'll all be over. I and absolutely everyone I know has had it and fully recovered. In fact when I was young before the vaccination for it there would be Chickenpox parties where if a kid had it parents would send their kids over to their house so they would catch it and fiinally get over with it. I was pissed off when I had CP because I couldn't take my weekly guitar lesson because my teacher wouldn't come into the house and as well had this really big puss blister on my thigh where my old Danelectro guitar sat so I had to lay it on my left leg instead.The issue with CP later in life when you're older and the virus resurfaces as something in English called Shingles which is quite painful, and when it flairs up really sucks. However, if a person as an adult has been exposed to it from (usually) children it helps immensely with that later in life and you won't be affected. My grandmother had Shingles and now too one of my brother-in-laws. It really hurts.

    Stay healthy!

    The same model as my old Danelectro guitar....

  11. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    That's only true for kids. Adults are at risk of having severe complications (meningitis, irreversible hear and/or sight loss) and often have an extreme fever (body temp of 42 Celsius) for days on end.
    You've been very lucky to not see it.
    Oh and guess why there are no more chikenpox parties. Vaccines made them obsolete.
  12. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sometimes I have a scratchy throat after waking up. I asked google. Google says I probably have cancer.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    You guys are going to make me put on my biologist hat on and for my own personal reasons that is not something I enjoy doing.

    The outbreak you are referring to is probably is Measles (measles - morbillivirus), not chickenpox (varicella - zoster). Varicella transition in situ is still robust and unless you live in a very isolated community your chances of not encountering it the wild are very small.

    You could win the lottery a few times over, which can happen and does happen. However, right now Measles is having a good ole time grillin' and fucking at the same time in the US/Central Europe/Eastern Europe/Central Asiatic Plane. Thing is it only fucks with those who are un-immunized and as someone with no built-in empathy, I just see that as an evolutionary pressure in progress.

    Darwin award it is.

    Also, it doesn't have anything to do with the religious affiliation of anybody.

    Those countries you are referring to as Muslim countries aren't actually functional governments. They are anarchies and people aren't passing up on vaccinations because of any belief, they just don't have them or can't afford them or too uneducated and don't even know about them. There is always going to be a percentage of luddites, but that isn't related to religion. Case in point - we aren't having this discussion on a Afghan Tablib website, but we are still having it.

    Chickenpox in adults as a secondary post exposure infection is called shingles, and it can happen regardless of childhood exposure in situ or in vitro by vaccine at a young age. Varicella vaccination is effective even in young adults which as you stated are at a risk of severe complications including fatal meningitis if they develop varicella but that's preventable in corpus by immunization up until early middle age. The probability of being a middle aged adult with no previous contact to varicella is low and for that particular subgroup it can be dicey. The last .0001%, that are immunized (in situ by wild variants or in vitro by vaccine), but still develop morbid meningitis isn't insignificant it is still 8000 out of 8 billion people and those unlucky people are just fucked by random circumstance until further enlightenment on the issue -->7999992000 out of 8000000000 isn't a bad average though.

    Measles on the other hand is an other type fucker altogether. It's also not the measles themselves that get you but the severe immunosuppression that it causes as secondary effect the mechanism of which is beyond the scope of this forum (not saying people here are too dumb to understand but the math and cell biology function prerequisites become a little specialized - you can always go to a library or look it up, use good sources if you do) . You also don't need to be immunocompromised for any of this because Measles will do it for you. This leads to:

    direct viral pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia or rarely tertiary fungal pneumonia

    direct viral laryngotracheobronchitis or secondary bacterial bronchitis

    otitis media (middle ear infection, which can develop into brain inflammation and hearing loss)

    acute brain inflammation and meningitis

    corneal ulceration (leading to corneal scarring and blindness)

    1 in 600 unvaccinated infants under 15 months while more rarely in older children and adults,
    subacute sclerosing panencephalitis which is progressive and eventually lethal.

    Measles can suppress the immune system for weeks to months, and this can contribute to reoccurring bacterial superinfections such as otitis media + bacterial pneumonia successively. Two months after recovery there still is a 11–73% decrease in the number of antibodies against other bacteria and viruses. So those bugs get a 1rst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th run at you.
    Measles morbidity for babies, infants, malnourished, older or immunocompromised can approach 30%.

    Anyways I've lost interest and I don't like to use to remember this part of my knowledge set, I may not have empathy per-say but it doesn't mean I can feel anything.

    There is more than enough solid news and good significant data set on this subject out in the world, I am not to inform anyone just wanted to suggest where I thought an error in translation was occurring.

    Taking a break from this shit - surprised Monsieur Moon and Herr Der Tiger haven't shut this down.
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  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Sorry guys, but with conspiracy theories and members insulting each other, I have to close this thread.
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