AI And music and future

Discussion in 'Ai for Music' started by Kate Middleton, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    i would like to discuss the future of AI and use of it in music.

    it is very very ridicolous how easy it has become to make music now. we have ai separation software to separate melody notes, we have options to mimic voice of an real artist. we have opportunities to separate vocals etc.. this is getting out of hand. soon there will be no creativity left for producers. could vocalist loose their jobs when ai can do their vocals? could everything go digital compelty.. is ai going to be inside spotify and youtube?

  3. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    No need to discuss. The results are horrible.
    Unless you like shitty commercial music, like house, trap and pop.
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  4. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    For now the results are not great (even though on a technological point of view it is) but soon it will be, just like Midjourney and other were visually awful 2 years ago but very impressive now. But this should not be seeing as a (future) issue but more as a new shift in music.

    Creativity is part of humanity, and when there's a field where creativity can't be express anymore, human find another way to express it. Just like sampling (which at first seem like an easy trick to not make your own music) became a new art form in itself and change the way music is produce. It didn't take out the talent of a pianist or guitar player, but it add more talent in the industry,

    So AI will surely change the music business, and give a lot of "non-creative-oportunist" the possibility to make music, but the creative ones will use those tools to push the bondaries of sound and make something that can't be replicate without it, the same way sampling was at first something that use an already existing piece of music but creative people made it into something different that you couldn't play with traditionals music instruments.

    Just like photo didn't replace painting, but put a lot of portrait painters out of business, it will go the same here, not destroying the art, but some part of the business (and probably create new business models too, because human is creative but also like to make money).

    The question now is do we want to go against something we can't fight or embrace it and see where we can take it ?
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  5. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    i like pop music and its the most listened music genre! what results are horrible?
  6. Jomexe

    Jomexe Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2022
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    Some will adopt AI, some will fight against it. If it becomes mainstream, something like punk rock might appear as a backlash against it.

    As a very poor lyricist, I'm tempted to use websites that can write complete songs for me. But I won't. I may use them for ideas but that's all.

    As a very poor singer, I record a lot of alternative takes followed by editing, comping, melodyning etc. But at least it's my own voice and nobody else sounds like me (thankfully!).
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  7. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Nothing is going to change really, suits fuckers and tech lords are going to still run the game and make everyone around them poor or struggling. Right now being a professional musician or producer while 60.0000 songs are uploaded per day to spotify is an already devaluated proffession. So my upmost respect to those who can live purely out of their music. With AI is going to be like 200.000 songs per day? Even more? I don't care about the industry too much unless we unionize hard internationally and take the fight back to them like the writters and actors did some months ago in the USA. And that only be happening when the top 1% of creators feel really threathened.

    But on the other non industry part of the subject, is going to be a era of wonders and things we never even imagine that would be possible, is a new media totally unexplored, now we are seeing just a train moving like the lummieres brothers did with cinema. Give it 5 years more and we all going to be amaze, and new proffesions in the "industry" are going to pop up, don't worry, just like in every other technological advancement in the history of man.
  8. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    I heard when industrial cranes were first invented and deployed for loading the big cargo ships at port, the dockworker unions were all up in arms. They refused to use the new technology and sometimes even broke the cranes, insisting on loading the ships by hand.

    Do you care about those dockworkers of old and their feelings at the time?
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  9. pop 5tudi0oz

    pop 5tudi0oz Newbie

    Mar 4, 2021
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    Don't even bother responding to this kind of statement. Art is inherently a subjective matter. Just keep in mind that guitars don't grow on trees, everything in music is artificial! The level of human interaction is therefore a matter of preferences.
    To answer your question, yes AI will ultimately replace the production process that we know and even the way we consume cultural products. Don't worry about music though, I think humanity will disappear way before that happens
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  10. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    AI is shitty yet. Wait for... a few months? At this rate, AI music will evolve very fast. Like any new change in labor, the middle (wo)man, the labor hand, the mediocre job will be gone. For creatives, this is a golden time. The need for studio space is once again reduced, which makes it cheaper for an independent artist to jot down ideas, demos, even full-fledged productions with AI assistance. Will there be quality music as a result? Like the guy from Venus Theory says, quality is relative to what your audience likes. Right now we are at the cusp of change, so we see the losses. It's hard to see the upside, but if anything, I hope AI will make human music more valuable, just by contrast.
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  11. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    It's beautiful how everyone is going to talk about a job as a musician in this artificial intelligence context. "Everyone soon does not earn money from making music anymore".

    Yeah, it is advisable to gain some souvereignty in creating quality/niveauful music, because he knows that it will give him some life advantages. :yes:

    I am absolutely certain that this way of thinking about music production is the most unsenseful way of thinking about this activity.
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  12. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    AI , has no skin. No Feeling. It can even not be created by whoever thinks that a synthetic thing can have feelings.
    Machine parts are objects that are created for the creation of an robot.
    In the future, the will try to connect the human brain to "AI".
    This is what they are trying to do.
    I will tell you this... As hard as they try, it will never happen.
    This is another scam like "global warming, virus, etc..."
    In the year 2030, there will be an smal war created by those that think they are in command.
    I will tell you this...
    Theyre "plan" will fail misserably.
    Humanity build and create our world. Not politicians, banks or lobbyists.
    Money is the most unspoken belief system in the world.
    Paper or Plastic money is the biggest scam of all times.
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  13. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Let's talk about AI graphics, a much more advanced art form than AI music: at the moment I no longer even wonder if a photo is real, photoshopped or totally generated by the algorithm: if I like the pic, if it gives me emotions, then its mission has been achieved.
    I love art, however it comes out of a human or a computer it doesn't matter. Who cares about artists: if they can't handle evolution and progress, they should find another job
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  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    AI music is useful for documentaries, shows, social media creators, elevators... and for background music in general. You will have an AI music producer program which can produce music according to your liking or mood. However, when it comes to vocal music, pop music, creative music, there will always be performers. Kinda like circus performers. Music has generally been like that for a good while now actually. :wink:
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  15. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    Throughout human history, much of the music created has been perceived as lacking in creativity, excitement, and originality, bad, boring, formal and routine. This sentiment extends even to the works of renowned composers, with approximately 80% of their work falling into this category. For instance, J.S. Bach, despite his genius, faced the demanding task of composing a cantata each week, leading him to recycle material from his earlier (mostly secular) compositions. Out of his extensive repertoire of around 300 cantatas, only about 60 are widely regarded as truly inspired. It's conceivable that AI could seamlessly integrate into this majority of less remarkable (or worthless) music, largely without detection or concern.
    We mustn't overlook the fact that the emergence of the music industry marked the onset of many of our current issues with creating music. Recently, with advancements in technology, this industry has seen a proliferation of 'music makers' simply because they happen to own a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and a MIDI keyboard. This has led to an inflation in music production even before AI became commercially available, yet there were hardly any complaints.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2024
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  16. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    I agree. Music could be the more "ready" place to AI landing. Because it was previously disrupted, with napster, streaming, youtube, etc. So maybe is a new born, and for the better. If the cost of making a song would be close to zero, there will be more songs, and more competence, but also at the end more quality, and better songs.
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  17. k0d3g3ar

    k0d3g3ar Member

    Jun 13, 2023
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    I think the issues and challenges here with AI & music apply to almost all art forms. The truly great music and art out there required some form of human struggle to emerge. That struggle is a part of the art - if you take away the struggle it typically gives some meaningless experience for the consumer. AI and computers don't struggle - they follow directions and they consume data and mimic what is already out there. If we have been composing music that is simply a mimic of music before it, then you probably have a lot to be worried about with AI because they will do a much better job at copying the past. If you are a truly creative person, and you create out of life experience, perception and struggle, you are more likely going to be consumed. Both by the audience, but also by the AI that will find you and try and mimic based on what you created.

    To me, AI may help us along. It might just force us to get back to creating something new and original rather than just regurgitating what already existed, since a machine will do that far better than we can (eventually).
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  18. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Welcome @k0d3g3ar.
    Sorry but, this words could be said many times in many industries, with new technical improvements that is gonna change everything. For example imagine CGI, in films. They could say exactly this, but at the end, CGI is there, doing his part, making the films with amazing visuals. They are just tools, the human expresion is not gonna be different. The machines would adapt to our likes. And people will be feeling & struggling the same with AI. And I dont thing perception and struggle make something more likely to be consumed. Depends.
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    How do I know you aren't an AI sent by some malevolent troll farm for influence operations. Stop chasing the red herring down that slippery slope and make something. As I've been told many times in my life - take a shit or get off the can.

    If you have music in you, let it out and if for some reason an AI does it better than you or I then so be it.

  20. semilla

    semilla Ultrasonic

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Los Angeles
    just gunna leave this here for y'all!

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="560"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All Neural Networks. All Autonomous. All 1X speed <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; 1X (@1x_tech) <a href="">February 8, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

    oh yeah, and OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman is trying to raise 7 trillion to make their own AI chips, and I think he's gunna get it.

    regardless of how you feel about these technologies , its inevitable that everything is going to change in the next 4 years or so not only for musicians but for almost every job position.
  21. GABDAR2020

    GABDAR2020 Newbie

    Feb 10, 2024
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    im not sure you have tried the new heres a song i made on it