Do you really need to know if you have Autism?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by passeee, Feb 8, 2024.

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  1. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    I thought that You Are autistic. But you only "half-joking" mimic me because you thought that I am autistic :rofl:

  2. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    An inability to understand another persons social expression without relying on your exact framework of social expression is a failure of empathy that is also a part of the criteria for diagnosing autism.

    The statements are not mutually exclusive, i can be autistic, and autistic people can do things poorly, its a part of the criteria for the diagnosis that you poorly understand certain situations and cannot move outside of your own rigid frame of thought.

    I am not mimicking you to make fun of autism or you possibly having it, i'm doing it to make fun of YOU. If you are autistic, that would not/does not stop me from critiquing you, thats the part you don't seem to understand, since you have this black and white thinking (another common trait of autism) regarding autism diagnoses only existing to excuse other peoples poor behaviors. I, and most of us, don't see it that way, it jsut helps us understand who we are, what help we might need, what communities we might fit into well, etc.

    TLDR; You are sure making a dramatic show of blatantly misunderstanding everything anyone says to you in this thread. Its embarrassing, reminds me of a mistake my younger self might've made. You seem autistic, or adjacently neurodivergent, to me.
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    When I was a kid and went to school in the 1970's there wasn't one kid in any of my classes that had symptoms of autism, not a one. I'm not saying that there were no children anywhere in those years, but looking at both the data and my own experience bears out that now something is very, very wrong. Now the incidence has risen incredibly. I witnessed that when I worked in education between 1998-2006. So many times when I spoke to parents with children diagnosed they said that there was a definite demarcation immediately after having certain vaccinations...a night and day difference that took place sometimes within hours. That makes me very angry, angry because those who profess to have our best interests at heart at the national level of government health agencies world wide say the vaccinations are not the cause and that there is no evidence to support that. How the hell can that possibly be? Why is autism the highest in the Middle East?

    I'm calling bullshit. It's not that diagnosis is lately cutting edge and so the rise in diagnosis, anybody that has been around for long enough can see with their own eyes that a preventable tragedy unfolds before us. It's exactly the same with cancer. In my high standard of living country first world European nation the breast cancer rate is fucking 1 in 12 women, my wife having surgery and radiation therapy to try to nip it in the bud. Yea, everywhere I look kids have autism, people are coming down with cancer, myself included. Shit needs to change to prevent people from all this medical madness but I'm afraid the powers that be find it a goldmine. The best cure is prevention itself, and I guess that is off the table.
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    Jun 21, 2019
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    i have autism grade 1 asperger so i feel obligated to comment on this thread , being autistic isn't that bad besides when i hear a sudden loud noise or when i have trouble socializing with non neurodivergent people one thing i have to say don't let doctors medicate you autism isn't a disease thus it doesn't have a cure don't let them put you on the abilify injections like they did with me becouse they will destroy your life believe me
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  5. SingularPremises

    SingularPremises Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2023
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    Most of them have a problem with accountability; why would one blame himself regarding his bad choices, lack of planning and strategy when he can just use some random mental disorder and put the full blame on it? Now, if you stay in line at a supermarket, you go to therapy because you're traumatized;

    oooh, you went through a break up?... you should go to therapy man, it helps... keep your circle of 50 useless 'friends' with which you only drink and with which you cant talk shit except traffic and wheather because they're all dumb (they're not tho... they have a mental disorder too)

    As a species, we came up with as many mental disorders as allergies just to make sure we, as individuals, are pure, smart and good looking... we would all be in the top 1% and have 6 packs if it wasn't for these damn mental disorders, allergies, traumas... its not our actions... no... we are all 'the best'
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  6. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Y'all saying this shit trying to project some image of strength are really just showing how weak and unimaginative you are to all the people who can think of dozens of other reasons why mental illness as a concept exists. I'm not even gonna egnage this line of thinking further, you're a lost cause, i hope you fix yourself, but you likely never will.

    EDIT: actually, one other point: I actually think more than half of all therapy is useless and unsuited to what its treating. Not all of it, but i often advise against therapy, some therapy actually does more damage than good, its a very complex issue and the idea you think anyone with autism, mental illness, etc, are all this exact type of person that you listed is jsut mindboggling, i know very few people who are anything like that.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Well, this is fun :wink:
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  8. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    You seem to be a very angry person and lash out with viciousness at any and all who disagree with your own childish worldview, and I don't need rigorous testing or any self determination to come to that conclusion. Maybe don't be such a dick and use childish name calling to substitute for actual discourse to try to prove your point. I was for years a university and elite high school level debate judge and the way that you argue is a sure way to lose any argument at all. Learn how to be civil if you wish people to understand your your own.

    For three years I worked with a great, brilliant autistic child named Caio sitting next to him, one on one in a mainstream classroom setting with the other 16 students, as his parents, doctors and with of course with the blessing of the school administration felt integration would help him engage socially with others over placing him a class with less intelligent children, those with learning disabilities where he would surely lose himself in his machinations and not move forward with his education. It was an International school here in Europe. Caio was a fantastic artist, could render objects and places from memory, created beautiful art with natural and found objects and had encyclopedic knowledge all all things dinosaur as well as a minutiae of detail about Tolkien's The Hobbit series of novels in the 5th grade after reading them all the summer before. I was in awe of his intelligence and creativity. When the family moved here from England he almost immediately picked up the new language spoken here. In the afternoons I would tutor troubled kids who were having a hard time in their studies and needed the extra support so was deeply immersed in the education scene in the city which I live.

    I was exposed to a large network of parents with children diagnosed with varying spectrum of autism through Caio and his parents. About 80% of those parents saw an almost instantaneous change in their child after one or more of scheduled vaccinations, so this is not some theory that I come up with out of thin air. And about my not seeing the numbers of autism when I was a child in grade school, my eyes did not decieve me. It just wasn't a thing then and the statistics prove that. There is absolutely no argument against this. And yes, I would notice any kid that was at school that had autism back then as well as spoting children now. It's not very difficult to observe behavior. It's like asking someone to pick out a carrot in a foto full of broccoli. I hope that you can appreciate that reference.

    Your argumentative skills need polishing, 'nuff said.
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  9. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    There is *indeed* no data to correlate autism with vaccination. Just bloody none. The singular study that started this conspiracy has been deprecated bu the authors themselves due to errors in methodology *and* data.
    And I'm telling you, you won't be able to notice a person that is nowadays diagnosed as having ASD by their behaviour. Cause you're a normie. You will find them dumb or rude or weird.
  10. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Aight @Olymoon lock this cesspool down, gonna be downhill from there.
    One thing is autistic people arguing, another is anti-vaccination conspiracy.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    No you don't need to know if you are autistic or not. It changes nothing. I have a few highly functional autistic cousins, one of them is one of the most respected physicians in her speciality in Canada (she lived with her father till he died at the age of 95 though and barley goes out of the house unless it is to work and can't stand loud noises) the other is retired and lives in a McMansion on a lake he sold his start-up for big bucks 20 years ago and retired at the age of 42 (he sleeps in the basement of his large house in an isolation chamber basically because the noises of normal humanity keep him from feeling rested) he is a great father and husband he is caring, ect... There are a few I suspect have Asperger's, but they get one and are living and none of them gives a shit.

    We always had special children in school and everywhere else. We didn't apply this autism label to everyone and it's not really the kids' fault. The parents want to make every excuse for a kid that isn't on track to win the fucking Nobel at the age of 18. Human beings are variable and some are different but for some reason people just can't let each other just live and be happy. We tend to always remember life a little rosier than it actually was.

    It's always been like this and it going to keep on going.

    Cancer got my Grandfather(p) 72, Grandmother(p) 91, Grandmother(m) 86, Grandfather(m) 44, Aunt (p) 14, Great Grandfather (p) 58, cancer has been killing people for a long time and it's one of those things that if nothing else gets you it's always around the corner.

    Life is a glorious crap shoot, live it, stop trying to give yourself reasons to fail, there is no such thing as a standard human or standard human parameters and remember that physicians are just self absorbed car mechanics that don't always understand the shit that comes out of their mouth and they are human too. Shit happens, it's not always someone's fault and most of the time it's our fucking actions that fuck the most. Sack up and give your a balls a tug, keep her movin'.

    Fuck it and live your life, unless you are actually looking for a reason to suck, and you want to blame that suck on something else then by all means find the one guy who is going to tell you that you are autistic, they are about as easy to find as the guys that would write you script for oxy because you stubbed your toe or you hair really hurt after you got it cut at the salon.
  12. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I don't understand the "you don't need to know" stance. It is not going to do you any harm and the benefits of knowing surpass the not knowing ones, that can bring you nasty unexpected surprises in the future. So if you are in doubt, just reach for help and knwoleadge.

    I always felt a litle appart form the rest of the society, and all my life I just thought it was a silly teenager feeling that didn't go away. But then I had a son with a very similar odd woman, and the little fucker was very clever but didn't fit hard anywhere as well. So we make him pass a lot of troubles by not knowing stuff and peer presure. Now that we know, everything goes smooth and we can tell a lot of people and social structures to fuck off knowing that we are choosing the best empirical proven paths fo him. So "you need to know", trust me.
  13. Lad Impala

    Lad Impala Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2024
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    In bloom
    you'd have to download an acoustica plugin to know for sure if you're an acoustic person
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    OK. When I met highly intelligent Steve he was rude in a weird way. After shaking his hand and his commenting on my haircut not being appropriate for being in his building (he's worth about 12 million, made by founding his company around software that he wrote as an adjunct to the real estate market) he started talking about me as I wasn't in his office right in front of me. It was a fascinating display and I wasn't at all offended becausecI knew his issue from his behavior. I asked my brother who was his national sales VP if Steve was on the spectrum. He informed me of his Asperger's. Not a tough call. Or how about my new neighbor's kid who grunts and repeats what I say to him, and when asking his dad confirms my suspicion. How about the kid I saw on Saturday in the grocery store who kept putting items in his mom's shopping cart, his mother taking them out again and again and asking him to please not do so as he reaches for two more bottles of the same ketchup and puts them in again, his gaze focused on his task at hand and as if his mother's voice is just a whisp of wind? I guess I was wrong about the kid at the airport who continuously asked his father when his mom was coming back from the bathroom, again and again as nauseum for a full 10 minutes at least. As you labeled me "a normie" I guess it's ok to say that these aren't normal behaviors and are certainly expressed by people with autism. There is no exclusionary club that if only you are a member can discern the obvious. I see these kinds of behavior everyday now and never witnessed it growing up. So, as an expert on autism, what are the causes of this explosion and why are you willing to discount, after hearing through association so many parents saying the exact same thing about the onset of their children's autism that you can discount this out of hand in favor of the one study that as you say, was flawed but never studied again? Why not fight hard to find out why and demand answers? Do you really want to know? What is different about the Middle East to have nearly double the number of autistic people? Help me out here, please.
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  15. vayabahia

    vayabahia Producer

    Feb 9, 2013
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    I have not been able to read all the comments...No offence or annoyance intended. I realised many years ago that when I'm not too stoned I'm autistic. That's why I try to keep cannabinols in my blood 24/7.
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  16. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Why you behave like an oracle? Like only you know what is the best for others and what should be in this topic and what shouldn't?
    This thread is not even created by you.
    And why you call moderators?
    It's fucking annoying dude.
    I hated people like you in school. Those was cancer.
    They spoiled others time and reported complaints to the teacher.
    You behave in exact same way.
  17. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    So because first signs of autism can be noticeable at the same age when the vaccination occurs, and usually not earlier, then vaccination is to blame.
    So because we have better early detection health systems than the majority of the middle east countries, then there is an explosion of autism in the west.
    So because you are more aware on a specific subject and you can percibe it more that the other subjects that you are unaware/uninterested in, then that subject is ocurring a lot more that when you were unaware/uninsterested in it.

    So if you really need help with this, look up for "conginitve biases", "logical fallacies", and "correlation doesn´t imply causuality" subjects. We all, me included, suffer from them and one has to be really aware and constant to avoid falling onto them from time to time.
  18. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Only when I got to your post, I realized he was talking about "vaccinations", not "vacations". Until then I was like "what the fuck is his problem with vacations" :rofl:

    I need to go to sleep...
  19. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Listen. My home country is currently going through the fucking chikenpox outbreak because of you people, and people I care about have been affected. I have little patience for you, but I will muster what I have left for one last concise answer.
    I'm telling you again, the "upsurge" in diagnosis is due to the definition shifting broadly. Your "Asperger's" isn't even a diagnosis anymore, people with it are on a bottom end of HFA with lots of better adjusted people with lighter symptoms being diagnosed as autistic as well. Like me, for example.
    Your own anecdotal ignorance and mass hysteria specific to USA's long-standing obscurantist traditions are not indicative of any actual process other than a very regrettable social one.
    There's been literally hundreds of studies and meta-studies on the subject after the initial false publication, made with proper scientific methodology, great sample sizes and authentic data. *All* of them have shown that there's without a doubt no correlation between the scale of vaccination and frequency of ASD diagnoses.
    Now sod off.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
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  20. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    I was bullied throughout school for not conforming to gender roles. Teachers never took me seriously. You know jack shit.
    Oh, and you are also very clearly autistic. And in a bad way. Obnoxious, clingy, unbearable.
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