Do you really need to know if you have Autism?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by passeee, Feb 8, 2024.

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  1. passeee

    passeee Guest

    Hi, I just took a random free test online on autism and is says borderline

    i can't understand what difference it makes to know if i'm autistic or not since i am already fully aware what i'm not good at and what i need to work on...

    why do some people even as adults need to know if they are autistic or not? given what i explained above that you know what you need to work on...

    why not concentrate on what you need to work on rather than knowing if u're autistic?
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  3. Audioguydaz

    Audioguydaz Producer

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Maybe because big pharma want to sell you lots of overpriced speed.
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  4. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    Go to a doctor do not trust random online tests do not trust random forum advice besides this and things expanding on going to a doctor. If you're actually worried about it that is.
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  5. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    I am autistic myself, i think you might be misunderstanding some of the point. The 2 things are not mutually exclusive, knowing you're autistic can have a noticable effect on your ability to "concentrate on what oyu need to work on". Especially for autistic people, you may not realize the issues you are having socially, you may just not notice, and assume things like "i think everyone does this thing". there are more intricacies to it than that, having to do with different possible features of autism, but i dont want to bury you in the intricacies of it.

    So to put that in perspective let me test your statement a little as well. Concentrating on what you need to work on is a constant, we all need to do that all the time, noone is perfect. Learning you have autism isnt something that takes constant work, its jsut something you do once, and from now on you havea new tool for "Concentrating on what you need to work on".

    Now that i understand my neurotype, i have a better idea how others see me, how my actions effect them, and how their actions effect me. Not only that but i have a robust community of people with similar minds who can ask eachother questions about how they handle complex situations that arise due to their neurotype.

    For some other people (this doesn't apply to me so much), they feel somewhat ashamed of their personality traits that arise from their neurotype, and having a diagnosis, as well as a community, helps them internalize that these are not "all their fault". That might sound like passing off the blame of your actions on your disability/neurotype/diagnosis, but the fact is that many of us are shamed for making mistakes that we can't help but make, and we can both take responsibility for those mistakes, AND understand it wasn't ALL our fault, we didnt choose to make these mistakes, it has to do with things we have little to no control over.
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  6. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    This is an irrational statement, an autism diagnosis makes it harder to get drugs even if you do have (extremely common) co-occurring ADHD, because the classical criteria overlap so much that many doctors make the poor decision to omit dual-diagnosis because of a misunderstanding of the limitations of the DSM as it currently exists.
  7. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    I just shove my papers into people's faces when they demand me to be normal. Makes life a little bit easier sometimes.
    Others tho.
    I saw a lot of people spending their whole lifes trying to force themselves into normality and constantly bashing themselves for not being able to accomplish that. For those, diagnosis is either a liberation, or a complete breaking point, hopefully followed by a liberation later, depending on how strongly they have internalized the societal expectations.
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  8. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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  9. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    The symptoms described in these videos and tests are often so broad and vague that they could fit virtually anyone at some point in their life. Just yesterday I briefly thought that I might have syphilis based on what the Tubes told me!

    I guess online tests and 'top ten signs you might have this or that' videos offer some comfort by rationalising away one's current fortunes and happiness as being outside of one's control.

    You're quite brilliant, it's just your autism that's holding you back. You're not a cunt, it's the neurodivergence caused by your parents' shitty parenting.

    Whatever the case, you have no agency in this life! Like and subscribe, click here to watch more of my videos and sign up for my self-improvement course. $$$

    I'm not saying people are making unjustified excuses, I'm saying knowing that your parents suck or that you have autism fixes nothing unless you actually do something about it. But most people don't have the drive to genuinely work on themselves, a quick fix from a top ten video is as far as they can get.
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  10. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    @Margaret Might wanna leave this topic. It's gonna turn into a shitshow shortly and you will not be able to let it go.
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  11. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Leading doctors and scientists in the field of autism research state that the proper freely available tests are the best first step for adult diagnosis, and depending on various criteria, it may be all thats necessary for a person to benefit from self-directed autism therapy and research to help understand their neurotype.
    I believe the numbers were something like 80-85% efficacy when administered by a well educated adult who is not a medical professional. Numbers rise once a medical professional is involved, but regardless, by the standards of medical institutions, as long as they are using the proper test, this is actually the best first step for OP, and possibly no further steps are necessary if they don't feel the need for a professional diagnosis, therapy, or other support.

    TLDR; Doctors recommend taking these tests as a first step.
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  12. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Look away @Margaret ! Protect your innocence!
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  13. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Medically speaking Autism is a neurological and behavioural disorder. Autism is where your brain develops differently to non-autistic people. It is not an illness per se and hence there is no cure.The symptoms generally appear in early childhood. It's persists but doesn't get worsened with age but symptoms may become more pronounced.

    As for your question many adults if suffering from Autism may not perceives themselves as having suffering from something like that. Which may again lead to unwarranted consequences like self isolation, inappropriate social interaction, compulsive behaviour, impulsivity, repetitive movements, self-harm, or persistent repetition of words or actions, intense interest in a limited number of things or problem paying attention, unaware of others' emotions or depression etc

    In case of an adult depending on what symptoms he/she have, he/she may or may not be suffering from Autism or may be of Level 1 or 2 instead of classic Level 3. Differential Diagnosis for ADHD, RAD, MR, Anxiety etc are to be ruled out.
    In your case regardless of whatever condition you have the most comforting factor is that you are quite aware of what you are not good at and what problems you have. Since you already have an idea about what is required to do, you are in fact already doing the right thing, in fact treating yourself.
    Carry on with your plan as your already know what is required to work on.

    In case you think you may be suffering from borderline Autism JUST exercise some caution and have some support and observation from close ones so that you are not missing out on something and fully in control of the situation. I guess you'll be fine.

    P. S In case you think you had a magnitude of problems with confirmed diagnosis which can be verified by observations too seeking professional advice is also warranted. Drugs doesn't play any major role in treatment but a good support system combined with behavioural approaches works wonders
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  14. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    While some of those tests may signal an affinity towards.. It should not be used as a source for diagnosis, check with a licensed psych to get the best and most effective way forward. Otherwise, welcome to the club.
  15. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Although you may want to be helpful towards others your reply might come across as completely wrong, are you an expert by experience or a healthcare worker? YOu might want to tone down somewhat with respect.
  16. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Whats about to happen lol.

    I mean, i've seen people talk about autism on the internet before, if thats what you mean. I'm prepared to be called a R***rd, an SJW, a liar, a child, a gay woman, to have people claim that my mind is a disease ,and i should've been aborted, etc.
  17. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    One should take non-medically-trained advice with a grain of salt, BUT gatekeeping basic health information with "Can't repeat that without 8 years of school!" is not productive.

    We all talk about our various diagnoses with friends or family to process them, autism should be no different. Thats not a replacement for medical advice, its being a human who communicates.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  18. Alcide Nikopol

    Alcide Nikopol Member

    Mar 1, 2023
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    Planet 303
    I very much agree with @Grupletruge and @justwannadownload

    You don't need to know, but if you are on the spectrum, knowing and informing yourself about it may be a very big relief!!
    Suddenly a lot of things will make sense and that insight can lift so much weight off your shoulders.

    If I am not mistaken, borderline is something different than autism, there are some overlapping, but it is not the same thing.

    Anyway, I would only trust a dedicated test from a specialist psychologist or even a psychiatrist.
    The online test can tell you something, but the spectrum is so broad that you really need a specialist.

    Anyway, I wish you a lot of helpful insight!
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  19. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Your comment is largely correct, but this part is very much up for debate, there is a reframing of many of these "Disorders" happening in the modern understanding of them, that redefines them as "Neurotypes" (basically just a "way of thinking" or a "way the brain operates") as opposed to "Disorders".

    There are then, furthermore, new personality disorders that would be diagnosable within the criteria of specific Neurotypes. Autism is not inherently a disorder, but having certain traits inherent to that neurotype at certain levels (basically the level at which they cause a certain amount of harm/struggle) rises to the level of a personality disorder or other type of disability.

    That said, many do still define it as a disorder, inherently, but its important to realize this categorization may largely disappear and be replaced entirely by a more thorough understanding of Autism as a Neurotype, with related disorders that may or may not express themselves.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  20. Grupletruge

    Grupletruge Noisemaker

    Feb 8, 2024
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    You are absolutely correct but i believe they are referring to the test result as opposed to the diagnosis, which refers to the efficacy of the test, its essentially saying they cannot quite guess that you are autistic, but its pretty likely, and/or you may have a mild expression of autism.

    Its funny this language has caused a lot of trouble talking about these disorders lol, especially as borderline can overlap with autism diagnoses.

    Many people misunderstand borderline personality disorder because of its poor naming, and autistics in particular have trouble with literal interpretation of more abstract language haha.
  21. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Everything in your health that prevents you from acting in your interest is by definition a disability.
    A "social model" of disability doesn't work IMO because the socium is built by people who don't have any of the special needs and don't have to accomodate. It would be a kind and helpful thing to do but it's like calling lack of legs a "socially created" disability because not every ladder has an adjacent ramp.
    And I sure as shit know that my mind traded a leg for another arm.
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