Kontakt K'ed big libs latency

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by jasonhs, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. jasonhs

    jasonhs Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Hello! I'm new here so i hope this is the right place to post this. Anyway, so glad i found this place!

    I've been having a really really annoying issue for the last two years with kontakt and hope some of you guys can help me 'cause it's really a nightmare.
    I use a lot of different kontakt libraries which all work great. They are all cracked.

    But for some reason, when i use big libraries and ensembles, i get a big latency playing the track. If it was only a latency it would not be a problem cause i'm able to compensate it (around 25ms), but this one is random with each note, it's really weird.
    This is really subtle but when you hear a loop of rythmic staccatos for exemple, you can tell something is wrong with it.

    I have mostly this problem with orchestral libraries, such as: Albion Loegria, Symphobia 1 and 2, LASS
    The weird thing with LASS is when i use the solo instruments, it works like a charm with no latency, but when I use the ensemble, the nightmare begins.
    With albion, the small percussions work just fine, but when i try bigger percussions/ensemble, same problem.

    I use a lot of big libraries such as Heavyocity Damage, Evolve mutation 1 and 2 and plenty of other big stuffs which work just fine.

    It's not a computer issue, cause i had the same issue on a big PC, a recent mac pro and my actual configuration which is a 2,6Ghz intel quad core macbook pro with 8G of ram.
    I think it's not an hard drive issue cause i've been testing the same libs on an external USB3 hard drive and even on a friend's macbook with ssd, same problem.
    It's not a DAW buffer issue, i've been working in Pro tools 10 in 128, and tested other buffers, same issue.
    It's not a DAW issue, i've been testing on Cubase 7, live 9, same issue.
    I've also been tweaking the cpu ressources of Kontakt, the cores etc, same problem.
    It's not a Kontakt version issue cause i've been trying on several versions.

    Do you think that can be because the libs are corrupted or something like that?

    Anyway if someone had a clue, i would really appreciate cause scoring in these conditions is really a pain in the ***


  3. bob21

    bob21 Newbie

    Apr 10, 2014
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    hello guy! What is your audio interface?
    Are you using the libraries directly from your internal HD?
  4. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    What do the disk and cpu meters at the top of Kontakt show? And what does your poly count get up to when you notice these problems?
  5. jasonhs

    jasonhs Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Hey guys! Thanks for your answer!

    I use a Motu track 16 as an audio interface with the latest firmware and drivers. Before that I used the Mbox 2 as an audio interface and had the same problem. My libs are on my external USB 3 harddrive, but i get the same problem with the internal one.

    The disk and cpu meters at the top don't show anything, they seem to be alright, sometime i get like 5 per cent in the cpu jauge.

    I don't really know what a poly count is, but i'm guessing this is the voices and the max. Usually the max is around 200, but i've already tried decreasing the max and voices and had the same issue.


  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I have heard several times that Kontakt is not the most efficient sampler, especially for huge libraries, and many say that e.g. EXS24 is better in this regard.
    Haven't tested for myself though, and of course EXS24 is usually not an option because Kontakt has a closed, proprietary file format that's hard to convert to anything but Kontakt.
    For any sample library, if I have the choice, I always choose non-Kontakt formats because I could always import into Kontakt later on.
    The Kontakt format is clearly optimized for commercial interests, not for musicians.
  7. jasonhs

    jasonhs Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Hey Fiction!
    Thanks for sharing your experience
    Maybe you're right with kontakt, but i think they have the best libraries on the market


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