How to stop gambling (casinos, betting)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. yomav

    yomav Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Ive been gambling for approx 15 years now, Sports betting, I have had several attempts to stop, I simply cant.

    Ive tried counselling through options, aquarius and the national gambling clinic in London. Sadly none of these worked for me. The problem gets bigger each year, my situation becomes more desperate too.

    Ive come to the conclusion that no matter what blocks, counselling, restrictions you put on yourself, if you have a deep seated addiction, it is impossible to quit.

    My advice: dont waste time and money on counselling, it really is a complete waste and most of the time the counsellor will advice you that they cant help you cause "youre not ready to stop" .

    After a lot of counselling, and hearing the same conclusion that the addict doesnt want to stop (well that is really what an addiction is, doing something damaging that the individual cant refrain from) I really, really regret asking for help as it seems the only way to stop has to come from the individual. So please dont waste time like I did for over 10 years seeking help as there simply is none. Just do the best you can on your own.
  2. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Gabor Mate is a charlatan and a fraud.

    Are some people with addiction issues dealing with 'unresolved trauma'? Almost certainly. Is it true of everybody with addiction issues? Not even close.

    Stanton Peele spanks him for his anti-scientific views on a regular basis. Here's one such spanking:
  3. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    Just set a rule that it's just something you don't do anymore .. me and my guy friends play penny poker on the weekends ... save up your change ... and get a group of friends .. it will give you that sensation but won't break the bank
  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Channel all that casino addiction into learning to day/swing trade the market. I don’t mean this as a joke. If you have a certain type of personality that needs the thrill of financial wins/losses with uncertain outcomes while at the same time managing/protecting your risk (which is never possible in a casino) I highly recommend reading “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas & watching some of his seminars on YouTube - like the following. Marks books and philosophies are legendary among traders

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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I read the Peele article that you supplied and found him to be kind of a scary guy. He attacked Matte in the beginning of his screed...

    "We met at a muffin place near my hotel. I tucked into a blueberry muffin. Gabor, slender as a rail, ate nothing. Instead, he was spoiling for a fight. He tried everything to attack me short of slinging his saucer. Finally, Gabor looked at me: “Stanton,” he declared, “you have deep unresolved pain.”

    I guess that he kind of does have some unresolved issues to belittle Matte without explaining and relating to us the reader what exactly the attack was centered on in order to sway us to his own cause and as well to imply his own good nature by eating a muffin whilst Matte, who might not ever eat breakfast or already had had a bite before was just there to rumble. How'd he know that? Kinda aggressive of Peele if you ask me, as well as witness leading.

    Not knowing really anything about either of these two (I do read and follow Gabor's son Aaron Matte, a fantastic journalist and a very nice person who I've seen give the benefit of the doubt to even those he staunchly criticizes, following evidence and only then coming to a conclusion and always willing to educated) I did have a quick peek of some of Stanton's work and titles such as "The Truth About Addiction" or "Addiction Proof Your Children", and it seems to me that he's one of those my way or you're wrong type of people where there are many types of personalities and people who cannot all fit into the same solution of coming away from their personal addiction, wound up in this bind for many disparate circumstances and so might need different ways to come to both the realization of their predicament as well as tools to make it through to the other side. Stanton Peele seems a polarizing person, and if his method works for one group of individuals then it's a mitzvah, but he really can't demonize someone else based on his own narrow mindset of black and white solution sets.
  6. wongiwordsdavid

    wongiwordsdavid Newbie

    Feb 13, 2024
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    While Gabor Mate and Stanton Peele may have differing perspectives, exploring various opinions can enrich our understanding of complex issues like gambling addiction.
    It's understandable to feel apprehensive about Peele's approach in the encounter you mentioned. The importance lies in examining the substance of their arguments rather than focusing solely on their delivery.
    If you're looking for guidance on overcoming gambling habits, check out this online casino and gambling guide. Navigating addiction is a journey, and it's okay to seek help along the way.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  7. Dockered

    Dockered Newbie

    Jun 24, 2024
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    It's been quite a few weeks or maybe a month since I last gambled, and I'm grateful for the peace of mind that comes with breaking free from that cycle.
    If anyone else is struggling with addiction, know that you're not alone. Seeking support from friends, family, or even professional help can make a world of difference. And to those exploring gambling options, I can recommend Slot77 for its variety and user-friendly interface, but I'm always open to checking out new platforms that prioritize responsible gaming practices.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  8. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I dont understand Gambling Addiction

    Its Not Physical

    In terms of addiction
    I suffer from Addiction Problems

    Ive Been an addict since i was 22 and im 48 now,

    Ive been in and out of prison up until i was 30 "So im doing well, 18 years without going back"

    And i will say The following regarding Addiction Of ABSOLUTLEY ANY FORMAT>>

    One Only deals with ones demons once a certain level of self realisation and for want of a better expression "A eureka Moment"

    Ive Done what many deem the immpossible as far as im concerned in that i finally stopped Being a Heroin Addict..

    I stopped taking methadone too and switched to Beupronorphene, after 6 months of switching and many many sleepless nights,

    Yeah Im CLEAN!!

    i Struggle like fuck mind you

    But addictions something that Nobody has the answer too, Because everbody struggle is very very personal and unique to them

    I said a million and One times That id fix up and finally stop killing myself "I tried many times but the only time ive ever been able to stay clean is when im in prison!

    Sad isnt it!!

    "Well that used to be the case but i say again, after 28 straight years of Herion n crack cocaine addiction, and full on intrevenous useage

    "I indeed had that eureka moment"

    My addiction has ERODED My life

    Eroded Every part.

    I cant explain what went on in my head but i just said "Enough"

    This was 6 months back when i finally started to have clarity,
    "And now i truly am not the person i used to be"

    I Simply Cannot pinpoint One singular reason>


    Theres so many things regarding my personal experience that made me truly give it everything i fukn had emotionally physically spiritually etc etc

    I remember this xmas past, I spent it in bed, Vomiting uncontrolably over chrismas eve/day/boxing/ and a few more days after, i remember on new years eve getting pissed off with the town i live in because at midnight the fuckers woke me up with all the fireworks etc>>

    "i couldnt help thinking what the fucks there to celebrate"

    But it was start of a serious change to both who i am and to my life in general

    Prior to the last 6 months of my Being back at Home!

    "I was homeless from early last year up untill 6 mnths back when i finally got my house back"

    that has nothing to do with it btw

    addiction doesnt give a fk if your homeless or if your a millionaire

    It does not discriminate

    The thing is you might perhaps make a mistake reading this by thinking >>

    "Well old Jynxy was homeless which made him stop"

    Youd be WRONG!!

    Prison didnt make me stop

    not the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/or/7th time i was at her majesties pleasure!!

    Getting shot didnt
    Getting stabbed 7 times DIDNT
    Being clinically dead more than 10 times and having my wife ressusitate me and save my miserable life more times i can count DIDNT STOP ME EITHER

    Nor did being homeless "That just made me go into full on self destruct mode

    I think if you Pressed me for an answer>

    Id say>> "i came to the point where i just thought, shit, ive wasted so much time, so much of my life, 99% of friends i grew up with are all dead, via O:D Or due to illness after sustained drug use..

    "BTW, I do admit my drive to write/program is now much stronger than my drive and need to relapse is"

    One thing i can pinpoint is that i had to stop to be able to pick up where i left off many years ago on a proffesional level that is!

    I dont want to die without trying to make my mark on this world

    Ahh actually you guys wanna know one thing that has infected my mind to the degree that its a partial reason for why i decided to fix my life/ myself?

    So my dad died at 53,

    "Hey Stop, dont give me sympathy, the bloke was a violent asshole and did nothing for me "

    One thing is that although my health isnt as bad as his was at my age, it did make me think, But it took from the moment he died, fukn years ago, i think i was 24 or something, until now when i implemented it as part of my motivation

    Im an open book, i have no issue telling the truth regarding my life

    Addictions a beast to even attempt to deal with, and is inherantly a subject that most people bullshit their reasons for this or that/ and arent capable of taking responsibility/nor tell the truth of their own unique story!!

    And despite me being clean, dont go patting me on the back because i do struggle

    For the record yes im old now "But i dont look over 35 nor do i act it"
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  9. farnoshee

    farnoshee Newbie

    Jun 6, 2024
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    That’s a really honest take on dealing with gambling addiction. I’ve been there too. I used to play online slots at, and while it was a lot of fun, I had to learn to manage my play carefully. Now, I still enjoy the occasional game, but I’m much more mindful of my limits and the stress it can bring. It’s great to hear you’ve found a way to move past it. Sharing stories like yours can really help others who might be dealing with similar issues.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2024
  10. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    mmh, sounds like a drug addict who has no clue about whats life is all about and i mean funwise(i was one of them)...
    there are so much better stuff to do...never to late to change your own programs your brain is running...
    but get harder as you get older and your options may decrease but even youre old allready its always worth it...
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