Convincing vocal harmonizing - Hardware vs Software?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Roger2009, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Hi 0on3 thanks for the files however, I was unable to communicate with the VoiceLive Rack through the Vyzor editor (Soundsupport2 is okay but it's not an editor) Only the pedal version pops up and not the rack so it won't work for me. So what VoiceLive unit are you using it with - Rack or Pedal version?
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  2. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    yes Roger , the editor workz fine on my setup , are you using only the USB connection ?? You may want to hookup a midi cable as well.
    (ie: from your rack unit , to your audio break out , ok !)
  3. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Thanks 0on3. Firstly, do you have the VoiceLive RACK like me or the Pedal version? For me, the Vyzor app you sent me loads the same VoiceLive interface for BOTH the Voiceworks and VoiceLive RACK which could explain why it's not communicating.

    Update: I just found this file 'Vyzor VoiceWorks 2.00 Setup.exe' on the Wayback machine so that tells me I need a specific version of Vyzor for the hardware. See it here if anyone needs it:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Have you considered trying to use Midiquest for this device? (i do not have one). You can probably find a copy on sister site. It's a good program to have as an option, if you end up with second-hand hardware often.
  5. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Thanks Clone, yes I tried a recent demo version and it's still as unstable as it was a decade ago, with no end of crashes. The editor looks the same as Vyzor too which was built partly by them. Vyzor is simpler and free if you can find the right version for your hardware.
  6. kday

    kday Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    For real Vocal Harmony realness there are a few with Nectar 4, and Eventide Quadravox. These are your own real un-synthesized voices unlike Antares or Melodyne and others. These programs multiply your real voice by up to Four voices and the user have option to de-tune your regular voice. These are the only programs I know of that creates harmonies using your own voices multiplied, all the other programs are fake voices that sounds like chipmunks and vocoders.
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  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Melodyne and Antares do not use "synthesized" voices. They manipulate whatever audio source you give them so if it's your voice the result will be your real voice (whatever that means in context of digital manipulation). I don't know of any system anywhere that can manipulate pitch while maintaining time as a constant that doesn't sound artificial and chipmunky/demonic when you get more than a few steps away from the base pitch; that's why we don't like them. But with formant shifting you can sometimes compensate to a degree.
  8. Warped Effect

    Warped Effect Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2015
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    You should hear what zplane reTune and iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer sounds like when they are chained together, it's the best "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" that i have heard in the audio plugin world.

    I chained together zplane reTune and iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer VST's to create the "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" in the below audio clip, i figured it out back in 2016, because i wanted a good "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" in VST so badly, because there was none.

    You won't find a standalone audio plugin to do this harmony effect or any decent harmony effect in Real-Time, i have searched for years, and the reason it works so well with those 2 plugins chained together, is because zplane reTune uses Real-Time Polyphonic AutoTune.

    I use both VST's chained together, because i use zplane reTune's "Real-Time Polyphonic AutoTune" for pitch correcting the "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" from iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer, and zplane reTune makes the "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" sound a lot better.

    if you just use zplane reTune's "Real-Time Polyphonic AutoTune" by itself on a single voice, you won't get a "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect", because zplane reTune isn't a Harmonizer, it's just Polyphonic AutoTune.

    In simple terms:

    iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer = Creates the harmonies / 4 different voices in Real-Time from your single voice.

    zplane reTune = Pitch Corrects the harmonies / 4 different voices in Real-Time with Polyphonic AutoTune.

    Listen to the below audio clip.

    zplane reTune + iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer (Both VST's Chained Together) (Set to use 2 Harmony Voices)
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  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This trick is really great. You can use it also on guitars to double/quad track them which is common in metal.
    The only downside is takes longer time than real-time plugins.
  10. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    ..... yes , I have the VoiceLive RACK unit.
  11. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Thank you, so that means the Vyzor 'Voicelive' version is compatible with both the Rack and Pedal versions. Looks like I might have a hardware issue then. BTW the Vyzor VL app only has the provision for x1 MIDI Input and x1 MIDI Output port at a time, you can't combine MIDI with USB. Will press on...
  12. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Roger , I only use my 'midi' connection , not the usb cable ; ( sorry , I should've stated that in the beginning. )
    You might want to do a revoot to your system , disconnect the VoiceLive from the usb , and then try a midi cable ,
    see if this resolves your issue ??
    As well , I did pull up my midiQuest proggie and my unit shows up and works fine in it as well.

    ALSO :: you may want to update your firmware to your unit !!! i know i have the latest if you need me to upload it !!
  13. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Thanks 0on3, yes please send it through! Is it possible to check the firmware version without using Voicesupport2.exe? The manual is no help.
  14. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    check the firmware version you have thru your Live unit itself , I am sending you the firmware update for the unit itself , ok. Plus also the updated version of voice live support 2 , new build. i included again the manual , it will show you how to update your live unit firmware.

  15. Roger2009

    Roger2009 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Hi 0on3, thanks for your great help so far. One thing, I am concerned that the Voicelive app you sent me may not be compatible with at least my Rack version as there seem to be several inconsistencies when viewing the attached screen grab of the UI/About page. Functions and effects for the Rack are missing from the UI (or are hidden?). It clearly shows that it's meant for the Pedal version. Do you see the same image on boot-up?

    If the app indeed does work on your Rack version then I might have a hardware issue. All communication is working flawlessly with the Vyzor for VoiceWorks app which also shows the correct hardware on boot-up.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
  16. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Hmmm.... Am I missing something? Was the effect being displayed in that example supposed to be "convincing" or just a computer simulated harmony demo? TO me, that sounds almost vocoded, sterile and very computer-esque. The harmonies are definitely there however the "convincing" part is pretty much non-existent.
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  17. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    You can use Melodicflow instead of Zplane Retune, or Scaler. It is just to fit an scale.
    And also Sound Particles Density can do the harmonic part.
    There are others
  18. Warped Effect

    Warped Effect Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Here's a fun challenge for you, can you create a better "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" with any of your so called superior Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST's ?, this should be an easy challenge for you, considering the fact that my "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" apparently sounds like a vocoder and it's not convincing (according to you) LULZ LAWL.

    Good luck creating a better "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" than mine with your so called superior Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST's

    Here's a friendly tip, don't waste your time trying to create a "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect" with Antares Harmony Engine or Waves Harmony, because i have tested both of those VST's, and both of those VST's sound like inferior toys when compared to zplane reTune and iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer VST's chained together.

    Let's face reality and accept the facts, because there isn't any other Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST's that can compete with the lethal and unmatched combination of zplane reTune and iZotope Nectar v2.04 Harmonizer VST's chained together.

    Prove me wrong and post a better sounding "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST audio example" that was recorded with VST's in Real-Time with your voice (no DAW offline created harmonies or hardware harmony vocal processor created harmonies)

    I already know that you won't accept my challenge, because we both know what the results will be with other Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST's, and your "Real-Time Harmony Vocal Effect VST audio example" will be inferior and average when compared to mine, over and out.:cool::chilling::yawn:
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
  19. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Yeah! Or... just fukin get whoever sang the lead track to sing some fukin harmonies, or hire someone on Fivr for the price of a 6- pack and quit bitchin about if it sounds real or not.

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  20. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Hey, no disrespect intended. It was/is unknown what kind of result was being sought here. IF (if) the intent was to create REALISTIC SOUNDING vocal harmonies from a single base vocal track using your technique then it quite misses the mark according to my ears. IF the intent was simply to quickly create correct harmonies, for effect, where none existed before then you nailed it. The only sure fire way to create proper sounding vocal harmonies that don't sound sterile, manipulated and computer-esque, that I know of, is to simply record more tracks with someone actually singing the harmonies. Again no offense intended, but the audio sample pretty much tells its own story.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
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