Selling my Novation Impulse 61 and rode nt1 mic

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by Hermes The God, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Hermes The God

    Hermes The God Newbie

    Sep 17, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hi everyone
    I’m a poor musician living in a relegion country, iran, which society and our own families are against art and music
    They made me to a very hard and complex situation…
    They stole my everything but happily I survived my soul…
    Now I can’t live without music…I want to buy a hand pan and a small speaker and play hangdrum for people to give them hope and positive energy and to make money to stay alive and can buy food and mushrooms and herb.
    I’m in a hard situation which i just eat once a day and i escapes from my ruthless family…
    I want to sell my only things that have left for me except my phone…
    I may sell my phone too…
    Can someone please buy these or help me to buy some mushrooms to pass through these hard days?
    I can sell through cryp
  3. Hermes The God

    Hermes The God Newbie

    Sep 17, 2021
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    I think we’re all musicians which can understand Ourselves better
    Please understand me, I really need your help
    All my family even my brothers don’t like me to be alive, I promise I will payback your help or I will ship you 100% working and healthy product
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