Creating orchestral template for DAW, opinions, techniques and benefits

Discussion in 'DAW' started by nikon, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Researching this theme for a while... great videos:

    Alex Pffefer - creating template from stratch

    This is a template based on kontakt 1 out system... it's not routed to multiout, just multi midi channels and 1 kontakt output.

    I don't know, he said some libraries have default panning and it's alright because of that probably he won't cretae channels for every instrument and articulation.

    Michael Patti - live composing

    Not directly related to creating of template, but Michael uses DP8 with obviously large template.

    and some others from Michael on Cinesamples youtube channel

    In Michaels production there is a big mistery... He has routed almost 10 libraries (CineSamples, ProjectSam, VSL, etc..) with all the articulations, it's a very big list.

    He just pick what he want to use, and everything is available instantly :) I don't know what is the comp spec, but there must be a catch :)

    Using Bidule for routings

    Probably Michael uses Bidule with DP8, but I considering about benefits you get... You must have great machine with a lot of RAM even if we used Bidule instead of directly putting Kontakt etc ... in DAW. Isn't it ?

    From videos of Michael composing, there is a big list of instruments and articulations, so you see per example

    - Symphobia 01 - str ens sus
    - Symphobia 02 - str ens sus DYN
    - Symphobia 03 - etc....

    So, his setup in template is Kontakt or few of Kontakt instances with ALL the Symphobia articulations :)

    My template, for testing purposes

    I create template in S1, with 7 instances of Kontakt and with libraries such as Symphobia, CineSamples, Albion etc..., and there is a cca 25 channels.

    If I create some testing mockup with all Kontakt instances (every instance play minimal one track), CPU is around 40% and work ok on Dual Core machine. RAM is 5Gb occupied, and because I have 8Gb I'm on limit.

    Is there a different way of creating templates for orchestral stuff. Anybody has experience with this (maybe Andrew, he is a orchestral guy :)).

    Today I will try the following:

    - create kontakt instance, put articulations, maybe ten of it and then purge all the samples
    - create another one and do the same procedure

    It's for template purpose... but I don't know, when I save that and open again, does Kontakt will keep this information or it will load up again all the samples.
  3. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    great clips. I wonder how is that possible. I saw he's using Kontakt with a huge list of orchestral Instruments an everything is already loaded. What kind of CPU and RAM does he has 500 RAM or what? Im using S1, Quad CPU with 8 Gb Ram. When Im orchestral Instruments like this my computer stucks. How does this guy do that?
  4. halcyo

    halcyo Newbie

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Could the video be 'edited for time', meaning they cut out all the loading times/switching instruments, etc?

    Beyond that, I'm sure these developers and pros have insane systems. A brand new Mac Pro with 12 cores, thunderbolt solid state drive arrays, and 64gb of RAM has gotta be pretty blazing...
  5. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I've just made some videos and showcases of using DP and Bidule....

    First of all, there is a lot of clicks and glitches because of Screen-o-matic, sorry about that...

    DP8 + Bidule

    In this video I create a test template in Bidule with 6 instances of Kontakt and routed each of Bidule Bus (8) to separate Konakt MIDI in instance, so I have

    - Bidule BUS 1 (ch 1, ch 2, ch 3 .... ch 16)
    - Bidule BUS 2 (ch 1, ch 2, ch 3 .... ch 16)
    - ....
    - Bidule BUS 8 (ch 1, etc....)

    This is need for using a lot of articulations, just it isn't enogh to use only one Bidule BUS. (This setup is under bidule, just raise channel numbers to 8, instead of 1).

    For demonstration purpose I load at each Kontakt instance a few banks on separate midi channels. Output of every Kontakt instance going through OUT 1+2, and that's the bad thing, because Bidule support only 16 mono out channels. Because of that, in this type of template, panning and leveling must be done in Kontakt instances, and we are not have control in DP. Good thing with this setup: DP uses only 150mb of RAM and Bidule uses 2-3-4-5 Gb, relative to samples and libraries used in Kontakt instances.

    video: part 1

    In the second part video I just show bug with DP8. We can't make any bus channel or add some plugin etc... DP instantly crashes :(
    Also in this video I show CPU and RAM usage in system process meter.

    video: part 2

    DP8 only

    This video showing situation without Bidule, only DP and Kontakt loaded directly into DP.
    With this template we're able to have lot of control. I put this one instance of multiout Kontakt and then route out channels to separate AUX tracks, so I have full control in board mixer.
    CPU usage in this sitauation is a lot higher then with Bidule, and that's normal.
    Video also show one more bug, and how DP react to soundcard buffer changes in live :) Crash again... But in this situation we can freely load any plugin etc...

    video: part 3

    Studio One

    In this showcase I'm using Studio One and 6 instances of Kontakt directly through daw. This template is made by same principe as the one in DP with Bidule. Just using midi channels of multi Kontakt and created BUS/AUX tracks with folders.
    It's obviously that S1 uses much smaller CPU then DP, I can make screen capture and play instruments without glitches and crakling :)
    Ofcourese, in S1 we have also all freedom to make routings as we wish.


    mY coNcluSion

    This tests are made on C2Duo with 8Gb of RAM, and we see that I need more powerfull CPU because Screen-o-matic just killed my CPU. It unable to take screen capture and play music.

    If we avoid currently bug's with DP8 or Bidule (I don't know who causing crashes in part 2 video) rewireing Bidule is ok but we loose control of mixing stage and all mixing, panning stuff can be done in plugin instances. At the output of Bidule we can only get 8 AUX tracks, so perhaps with smart routings we can put into categories as I do in this test, left side violins, right side cellos, perc in middle, etc...

    When we want more controle above the mixing stage Kontakt must be loaded directly into DP8. Then we can make a planty of channels for all articulations, for all groups etc...
    Obviously we increasing the CPU usage and then DP proces in process explorer takes all the memory amount, so DP will be 4Gb, 5Gb etc...

    Studio One is the winner in this competition, just because he uses less CPU then DP, but with orchestral stuff I found DP was more exciting and give as a lot of options over S1. Just one note, I wrote quick mockup in DP with speed of light and haven't need to change midi a lot. With S1 at the other side I need more patient and I have to changed almost every time I record something. This DP midi action is represented in videos part 1 and 2, where I just record midi without changing anything, a small amoutn of changes :)

    Great thing about Bidule and this template system is:

    - when you done template with all sounds loaded you can use it in any DAW. Just make 8 AUX or whatever need channels and setup to rewire budule from 1 to 8. Then you create 8 x 8 MIDI tracks, sort and play.
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