Is there a good 64 bit Autotune Plugin about?

Discussion in 'PC' started by google, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Is there a good 64 bit Autotune Plugin about?

    Natural is best

    Easy to use to kick a vocal into the right key without messing it up

  3. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    Celemony's Melodyne.
  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    IK Nektar, Waves Tune, probably yours Daws internal ressources?
    You known, telling about your daw, os, style, hardware can help...
    GiYF... But you are google :rofl:
  5. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

  7. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Autotunes should all be destroyed. See if I can start an argument. If I detect one used as correction on vocals (and to good ears even the best ones can usually be picked out) I tend to lose respect. If I hear somebody rapping through one, like Kanye West, it just sounds like wonky machine drivel to me. But you know what they say about opinions. :rofl: :bleh:
  8. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    +1 What Algae said, and besides that whole "Cher effect" is getting so friggin' old now, it's been like 15 years already.

    Time to move on..... it's boring (and lazy) as hell.

    Just get a singer with a lovely voice. You'll get waaay more respect, even if he/she is a tiny bit flat or sharp. That would be much more cool than using AutoTripe.
  9. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I disagree, sorry to say but you guys sound's just another form of expressing sound. I find it sexy when the effect is used within the feel of the composition, otherwise we would all start to sound the same, non?!

    This is what people said about Synths, they're not real piano sounds, they sound fake, I hate we can't create without them, tweeking them, trying to find even more new frequencies, etc.

    Create and don't put limits/boundaries on art yourself cause there are already too many....if it feels good, do it!
  10. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    I don't use autotune myself but it is just an effect and like all effects they have there place...
  11. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    Vari audio in Cubase i use and sometime waves tune.. i like Vari audio as there is almost no resources required to run it. great lil feature in Cubase :wink:
  12. simonshep

    simonshep Newbie

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Absolutely! All use of Autotune and it's ilk should be punishable by a slap in the face with a stinky fish. And while we're at it, lets have a revolution against reverb, and compression, and anyone who records with electricity. Only wax cylinders from here on in! That's what I say!

    But seriously, despite the abominations that fill the charts and the turd polishing of tone-deaf-sexually-attractive-young-people's-singing-ability, blaming the tools is just stupid.

    You can use tuning with subtlety and taste and I defy any self-proclaimed golden ears to tell if it's done in moderation and well. And frankly, I don't care what they think. If you are after authenticity (back to the wax cylinders) and the respect of beard-twiddling audio nerds and fundamentalist musicians then by all means, throw away a tool that might be useful otherwise. If you want to create something for other people to enjoy (or god forbid, maybe even sell your 'product') then you just might have to use the best available tool for the job, which may not be a singer with perfect pitch. Most people don't know what regular recorded singing is like these days anyway. If you want those people (maybe your audience?) to think what you've worked on is out of tune then fill your boots. You can explain that you don't like autotune, and the singing is real, but you'll have to be there every time the music is played to explain this and most people will just ignore you and your 'out-of-tune' music anyway. I might quite like it myself, though. I enjoy real singing. But then, I'm not likely to buy it, am I?
  13. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    OMG! Its common that many stay out topic? :rofl:
    God singers, like me, do proposital out of tune notes, such as blue notes and autotune kills awfully.
    I only correct notes when:
    1 the singer is bad
    2 the singer do lines out of his/her voice range.
    For exemple:
    I stayed 8 years and 2 courses at university and I like MUCH vocals as possible, BUT sometimes I do all by myself. When I do a sopranom contralto and bass I need to correct the tune sometimes because I am a baritono. Magic that only exist in studio and mucu better than any choral or inteligent parallel chord effect.
    The thing about FX its to enhance the star: the voices, not the FX itself.
    Autotune is real good for a bandoneone, accordeon, shitty brass or a bass with arm out-of-tune because its common (in Brazil at least-150%of import taxes) that instruments never beer in a hand of a good lutthier.
    Its poor that someone thinks that autotune is a thing that we use one time only in a music (poor too) with one singer only
    For mw 20 voices are the minimum accepted :rofl:
  14. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    most of the crap u hear today is based on autotune to make a moron who spends most of his/her day finding a trendy hairstyle instead of trying to sing in tune.So no,it s not a way of expression,it s a way to cheat.
    Now,if some moderator here thinks i deserve to be banned,i won t protest,but i m going to say this:
    I am fucking tired of talentless lazy people who don t want to try to put a little effort in what they do,they define themselves musicians,singers,producers...whatever u want...and the only thing they do is desperately searching for magic tools to cover and mask their incapacity.
    mine is a general statement,nothing personal against google

    we who?speak for yourself,i can.

    another solution would be to sing in tune,what about it?
  15. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I do like a vocorder type of device to shape and trigger synths. (Earth, Wind, and Fire did nice things with that) Other than that, either get a singer that can sing, or make the artist do another take. And pure pitch never seemed to bother singers like Jagger or Dylan, or their fans. I think autotune is a black hole where "soul" gets pulled into to disappear. It is a powerful tool as a last resort. Doubling, delays, and reverbs can smooth pitch over, and are more interesting to me. I am not jaded, I just like the music to drive the machinery, and not the other way around. Personal style/preference/confessed old fart. :drummer:
  16. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out.

    I'm using live 9.
  17. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Taste is personal right?
    If we wanna talk about the awfull things done with pitch correction, the damn pooly done things are in the same percentage of the bad/poorly music :excl:
    So, a good musicians use the tools that suits to a special occasion, and a love tool. I only sell or erase a tool when other tool is better or easely.
    The greatest muscisians or engeneers do not exclude a tool that make adifferencial job simply because they like tools. The overdo of fx is a thing of intention (good musicians) o amateur (no mature musicians).
    Theres no forbidden tool when we want something, but we have to became mature.
    Van Halen in the beginning was a great guitarrist, but used TONS of reverbs, why? Because the guitarrist evolves to a musician.
    My values are simple:
    1 you study a lot, compare, listen real great professionals about the way to use a specific type of plugin?
    2 Do you really know what the muscic/client asks for a specific situation?
    3 Do you work hard and accept critics and learn with?
    3 yes and its good for me.

    but if you:
    1 only know a specific genre of music
    2 is an amateur that not work daily and depends of insptration to move your ass
    3 listen only the popstar of the week (who probably will be seling cars or shoes soon)
    4 speaks only what is in your mind and do not accept critic
    Certainly do not deserve respect reight? :dunno:

    Who want to eat the forbidden fruit?
    Certainly I do :rofl:
  18. simonshep

    simonshep Newbie

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I agree about the trendy haircut thing. It's been like that for generations but now that music is not as important a cultural artifact as it was it really stands out. Paradoxically, music is everywhere. But it seems the more there is, the less it's valued. Or perhaps the popular music as expression/art 1945-1995 thing is just over?

    As for the chap who was discussing baritone, contralto, soprano etc. Well, if you are singing a style of music that defines singers in that way then you're lucky. You have a much more educated audience who will appreciate the nuances in real, human pitch. And yes, even the best singers vary their pitch, especially if the music is equal tempered which is a compromise. Thing is, we're used to that scale now and that's what most listeners expect you to hit, tune wise. Anyway, if someone tried to put autotune on a classical, jazz or other 'western art music' type stuff I would indeed hit them with a stinky fish. And if you can make a decent living outside of popular/electronic/rock/TV music then that's wonderful, there's nothing I can tell you.

    By all means, if you can create art in the modern marketplace/brothel/slave market that is now music, do what you feel, and more power to your elbow. However, if you are or want to work in the grubby world of record companies and popular charts then you have to live with the limitations that define what you do. Three minutes, basslines, drums, structure etc. And these days, pitch. As for the comment - 'why not just sing in tune?', well, yes. Excellent. Put to one side the fact that I can't hold a tune (but then I don't record my own singing), neither can a lot of the singers I've recorded. Some of whom were fantastic at communicating emotion (some not, of course) but who may not have had the ear for perfect pitch. If I'd demoed their music without autotune anytime in the last decade the first thing I would have been told is find someone who can sing in tune. Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Johnny Rotten would never have been given a chance if they started today. The world is different, pop music is no longer art, at least not a significant amount of it, as it used to be. I can tell a lot of the commenters here are young, possibly just starting out. I remember being all idealistic and stuff too. Thing is, you'll learn that it's not a sellout to compromise sometimes. It took me a while. I prefer to pick my battles these days and I haven't sneered at autotuning as a concept in about a decade. Well, since Melodyne came out anyway, as Melodyne was the first application that didn't put my teeth on edge. When it comes to purism, as I said - fill your boots. I'm not going to lose sleep over the fact that I try to make people sound as good as they can to the people they are trying to communicate to. And these wonderful singers who are also perfectly in tune (and don't have a face like a smacked arse, as I do) don't exactly fall out of trees. If that's what you can do then excellent, again, I can tell you nothing. By all means, refuse the auto tuning. But just make sure you are as good as you think you are first.

  19. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    +1 for Melodyne.
    Melodyne Essential is all you will probably need. The DNA function is mind blowing, but not worth the price difference in my opinion.
    Melodyne Assistant has audio to midi if that's helpful to you?

    Very easy to use and nice natural sounding that most people would never know. Assuming the original vocal is in the same ball park ;)
    Also great for tuning existing vocals to fit a new song key. People forget that these tools aren't always used to correct sh1tty performances!!

    Worth waiting for a sale on other sites as they just send the serial key that you register at Melodyne. I think Editor cost me $150, I upgraded my discounted Essential to discounted Editor.
    These seem to discount now and again
  20. o1nemusic

    o1nemusic Newbie

    Apr 7, 2014
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    I upgraded to Logic Pro X and actually like their included auto-tune for quick, non-substantial edits. Otherwise, I've recently become a fan of Waves Tune for less subtle, but still light pitch correction, and Melodyne for any major issues.

    Best of luck OP!
  21. fanelli

    fanelli Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    auto-tune can sound great when it's the sound your going for. Theirs a lot of songs that I love because of the auto-tune vocals.

    Future and T-pain wouldn't sound any different if they didn't use auto-tune. It's a great affect. Sure it can be over used.

    Another thing too, I am a terrible singer, should I not be allowed to at least use auto-tune on my own songs to help me out? :D