Are there some EDM heads?

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by aleksalt, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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  3. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    whew...its pretty bad. i think you should listen to more electronic music to develop your taste more, it doesnt really have much style - its just kinda like tacky sega genesis music

    explore subgenres and genres of EDM - EDM is just an umbrella term like "indie", for a lot of subgenres in a music culture. like how all independent artists dont make indie music, all music made with electronic instruments doesnt fall into EDM. this song is the equivalent of pulling out a bunch of random clothes from a lost and found bin, putting them on then asking what style of dress this is like....none? it has no style and it wasnt enjoyable to listen too, i definitely wouldnt dance too it, i dont see a DJ spinning, respectfully

    as a foundation, most electronic dance music is rooted in synthpop, hip-hop, disco and funk; so if you understand those, you can understand how they evolved into like house and electro: which all EDM subgenres are an offspring of to some degree. so start there and listen to music, find what subgenres you like and what you like about it, what you dont like. heres like some path starters

    House: most genres of electronic dance music offshoot from house. house came from disco and hip-hop; hip-hop was based on DJ's who sampled music for rappers to rap over, disco obviously was music geared towards dancing in the club. so have a DJ sample disco songs and mix them with late 70's-early 80's synthpop and you have house, which started in Chicago then went all over the world. this is pretty much fundamental EDM music and a good place to start

    Frankie Knuckles is considered the creator of chicago house and godfather of house, this song is genre defining and is at the root of most electronic dance genres

    also important foundations

    Electro: electro was basically funk artists who started using electronic drum machines, sampling and synths, and started making groovy synthpop music; which at the time was more robotic and mechanical. so its heavily influenced by funk music, hip-hops sampling and late 70's synthpop (mainly the japanese synthpop group Yellow Magic Orchestra). electro is important because its the foundation of most modern club music and led to breakbeat, which created most other subgenres of EDM that house didnt (or fuses with house based subgenres)

    this song is the genre defining song of electro, it samples the godfathers of synthpop: Kraftwerk, but adds in funk and hip-hop MC'ing

    also important foundations

    so artistically from there, you can understand the roots of EDM music; and listening to subgenres that evolved from the path you liked, you can see where your lane is (or how you can push it further). a lot of the subgenres are rooted here, some blend the two but as an artist it will make creating more targeted; and as a fan, youll have a better chance to make EDM that other EDM fans want to support. if youre not a fan of the music you wont understand the audience, so youll get stuff like what you showed above; respectfully
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
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  4. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    The Audience is what you want to create in the future.
    But first you need the create the sound to get the Audience.
  5. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
  6. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    I really enjoyed this, sounds like some good old music from good old console game, it's also refreshing you didn't go for chiptune sounds, I personally dislike that sound, but dig everything else about it, this track gives me same vibes, really warm nostalgic feeling.

    Just do your own thing, believe me there's audience for it, outside of flavor of month EDM thing or trying to shoehorn yourself into some generic sub genre.

    Keep up the great work brother! :mates:
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  7. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Ok, guys, thanks for replies, and this is a whole compilation ( start listening from 4:25),
    things there are different:

  8. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    The main flaw is that it's not a EDM track, I guess.
    EDM is bass-heavy, relies on groove, harmony and ambiance. Melodies, if present, are simple, catchy and in-your-face.
    There are also unwritten nuances upon unwritten nuances that I've yet to formalize and understand.
    Also it seems like you play all the instruments by hand. Commendable, but fit for another genre. Try to write a vintage Sci-Fi music instead, perhaps? It would play to your strenghts.
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  9. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    1. I added a compilation that has a heavy bass too (see post above)
    2. Yes, I played it on keys
  10. garbage
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  11. aitken

    aitken Ultrasonic

    Apr 26, 2022
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    for me a quick way to approach a style was to do a cover of a hit and try to replicate as best as possible. Then you get to learn quicker than doing own songs, just by the way it has certain sounds , mix, master, etc...then you do your own..
  12. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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  13. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    this is synthpop/synthwave, a subgenre of the goth/wave/ebm/industrial genre. hate to break it to you but you're a goth.

    this really has nothing to do with hardstyle, the kick, the filtering of said kick, the speed, the melodies, all these characteristics that define hardstyle are missing. the only slight resemblance comes from the triplets and the detuned lead but then again those are used a lot of genres so those are not defining. among those other genres is, however, the goth/wave/ebm/industrial genre.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
  14. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Lol, I'm not Italian, but it was really the first thing that came to mind.. Gloria! :winker: BTW didn't know Umberto Tozzi sang it in Spanish.. oh well, you learn something new every day ..:) Anyway, it is very reminiscent of Italian early 80s.

    @aleksalt, It feels like you might be 'fighting' the current direction of your music/production.. why don't you just embrace it, maybe spice it up a bit with something authentic, and see where it takes you? One way or the other we are all recycling something.. just a thought.
  15. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Yeah, you got whole that nostalgic old game soundtrack thing going on, look up on You Tube, older game soundtracks have nice following, there's folks who are into it big time. Sure, there's plenty nostalgia involved in particular thing that have warm place in their hearts, but still it's a thing.

    I would drop any EDM resemblance with anything you do, it's not EDM like at all, you can put anything you want underneath, it's never going to work on dance floor or people expect to hear something like that when they click on something that have EDM in the tittle. That was never sound of EDM and what it was is soundtrack music for games and you should probably stick to that umbrella and let your imagination run free.

    Same thing like before, old game soundtrack, I would put it in same compilation as before, it's hitting in the same spot.

    Either way, I really like it, puts me in warm place. :mates:
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
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  16. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Tozzi, Tozzi is glorious. There are a lot of Italians making a career in Spain in 70's and 80's and later. Raffaella CarrĂ , Franco Battiato, Eros Ramazotti, Laura Paussini, Andrea Bocelli, Tiziano Ferro, and more and more. They all have two versions of their songs.
    Lately this tradition of Italian artist making double career on spain (and viceversa) is dying slowly.

    Good vibes, this is
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
  17. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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  18. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    I'm sorry, but Hardstyle is a heavy, often heavily distorted kick, and a sense of unrelenting aggression, and there's no kick at all and the melody is rather cheefrul.
  19. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    did you listen to the songs that people posted and compare them to yours? i mean that like stylistically, you're making a different genre than what you're saying it is. which is obviously fine to make whatever you want, but its confusing to call it one thing and have it be something else. like if i said, " HEY FOLK MUSIC HEADS CHECK MY ALBUM OUT" and then it was all electric guitar and me death screaming they'd be like.... this isn't folk music, except to you.
  20. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Nah, EDM sub genres aren't just about the typical sounds, it's more about the style of composition, arrangement, vibe and etc. You have same approach to it, that's the thing, no matter which sounds you pick it end up sounding in the same ballpark. You overdo it with melody lines, you might had something going on from 0:13 till 0:20, than you just kept going and ended up with another old game soundtrack.

    D part in EDM is important, dance music, melodies are just bonus, but groove is the king there, you can get away with minimal melodies and great groove in some sub genres, but you can't get away with no groove and melodies, people can't dance to that. There's sub genres like techno that sometimes have few one shot stabs and rely entirely on groove, there's something like progressive psy trance that might not have a melody line, but single note bassline, rhythmic changes and bunch of one shot stabs over the course of few minutes into the track.

    You got too much "unnatural" melodic variations for typical EDM, little to no actual drive and groove, which is again opposite of what typical EDM strives for. Which is fine, you excel at something different and that is actually quite enjoyable in that respective field. If you want to shoehorn yourself into some EDM style, than you will need top adopt quite a few generic trades there and that genre really should tolerate those melody lines, something like melodic dubstep, future bass and etc, but again, you need to really nail generic groove of that styles, than you can probably get away with those melody lines.

    ...or screw all the EDM thing and just make music some people including yourself already enjoy listening and making, instead of trying to fit in genre style that just isn't your thing. Anyone that makes EDM should experience it on the dance floor, than you realize what is really important and what is the actual groove that makes you move, how kick&bass combo should work, how rhythmic lines enhance that and what is the purpose of whole arrangement.

    Here's one example to paint some picture, great EDM remix of the great 80s soundtrack, one would empty the dance floor, other really works great on it, different approach to it, same theme.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
  21. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    You're on a spot! Do you know what's my hobby? I just open any synth preset pack, and improvise with the containing sounds...this 1st point, and the 2nd is: my HDDs are full of unfinnished projects in various genres/styles, sometimes I take one of them (maybe 10 years old) and try to make a finneshed song/track with the sounds I found today!
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