We Built An A.I. MIDI Generator and Creators Freaked Out

Discussion in 'Software' started by aymat, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    "Cinesamples CEO Mike Patti addresses very real concerns around A.I. in music. Whether you’re a music producer, composer, beat maker, or simply a hobbyist, you’ve probably seen A.I. begin to creep its way into the world of music making. As a music tech company we were naturally curious about this emerging tech, so we whipped up an A.I. MIDI generator to explore its possible applications within our plugin Musio. However, when Mike shared the brief dive into A.I. experimentation, he received a passionately mixed response.

    It’s true that all technological advancements in music have come with their caveats. DAWs had a massively positive impact on home recording, yet negatively impacted the recording studio industry, professionals worried about virtual instruments putting musicians out of work. And A.I. is no exception. So in this video, Mike explores the concerns surround A.I., the double edged sword of past technological advancements, and posits ways in which Cinesamples can lead by example, turning this perceived threat into an opportunity for music creators. Most importantly, we want to hear from you. Would A.I. tools in Musio be helpful for you?"

  3. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    well firstly the music actually isnt good, its very basic royalty free sounding lion king soundtrack lol

    BUT i do think it should be explored, people always see emerging technology as a negative or apocalyptic throughout history, i mean when the microwave got introduced; people were freaking out about that and how the radiation puts cancer in your food - fast forward to now, most homes have them, did that get rid chefs? no, it just made an easier option for people who arent really good at cooking or dont have the patience or time to make actually great food, get by with something okay or slightly better than average. so they warmup a hot pocket or whatever the fuck, thats not beating out a home cooked meal of a dish you like by an excellent cook

    thats similar with A.I. like we see with plugins, people who either dont have the skill to get their mix or master where it needs to be, or are impatient use it to get, okay results. nothing better than what an experienced engineer can produce. its the same with composing and arranging; the same difference that separates human artists from each other, separates A.I. and humans. you can give five people a guitar, of various skill levels and ask them to write a song - the one who writes a song that resonates with the most people is determined by a couple factors. its the same with A.I. but worse

    so yeah it should be explored, im all for it; i think we'll hear better music overall because A.I. gets rid of a lot of people at a certain experience level; till they pass it; because A.I. is missing key things that make great artists, that will get your music to the next level. people will have to pass that or otherwise A.I. can just do it at that level, as we see currently and even in the example of that midi track in the vid
  4. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    A.I. music is capable of being as good, and probably as useful as anything, oh say, Klaus Badelt has pooped out.
  5. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    last time I discussed topic of AI putting artists out of work with various AI chatbots, we get to rather interesting conclusion:

    true AI will never create same things like people, so the work doesn't even have to overlap when you think about it deeply
  6. shafeeqbeats

    shafeeqbeats Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2020
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    AI is incapable of "creation". It can only emulate what has already been created by humans.
  7. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Crap in Crap Out.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • List
  8. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    As I understand it, AI like Chatgbt right now is just a search engine on steroids so yeah it cobbles together and reassembles what people already put online.
  9. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Now I don't feel bad about pirating Cinesamples' libraries.
  10. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Over-hyped tool on an autoself promoting video
  11. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    What I find interesting about the subject is that I would be curious how easily Ai finds the hidden patterns in what people want to listen to. For example, I think a lot of people have specifics about music they like that they do not nessisarily understand themselves. The pattern is there, but the people are just not aware the patterns they naturally gravitate towards..
    For example, only when learning about scales I found out how many of the songs I liked most were often the ones in the key of the the harmonic minor scale. Also, without knowing any theory or scales myself, out of the songs I had made my favourites also often turned out to be harmonic monitor ones. Where I thought I was just randomly throwing notes together without trying to stick to anything, as all I knew was that chords are (what I thought) 3 notes, whichever they were, ost turned out to be real chords later when I learned some theory, with me just using the 1, 5 and 7 for example if it was actually a 7 chord.
    Of course with scales, anyone with a bit of digging could figure this pattern out. However, AI can see all kinds of patterns in a heartbea t and will know excactly how to generate something that you will like on so many different levels. It will eventually understand which isntrumention you like, which chords you like , which type of melodies you, which type of mixing you like, which modulations you like, which voice you like etc...
    So I think even apart from AI being able to compete with humans when it comes to makign music, it also has the intelligence to completly customize the to the listener in a manner that is unheard of..
    As a listener it both feels scary and it feels exiting. It's scary as it feels like Ai is like that oponenet that yo ujust know you can never beat. But at the same time I'm just so curious to hear what it will be ble to create. Especially since so much music I randomly hear is just just is not my cup of tea and I'm a bit too lazy to keep searching for things I truly find very interesting.
    As a creator of music of course this feels like a deepdive of the value that music generallly has. There will be endless amounts of music and everything that comes in abundance simply loses it's (perceived) value. There is no way to deny that.
    What I will be most curious about as a listener is if (popular) music will (finally) become better again. To me it seems music has become so predictable with each and every song having the same few chords these days, that I hope this might brings a bit of a fresh air. Ever since the 60s or 70s the amount of chord progressions has consistantly been declining in pop music, with each decade having more songs that use the same progressions than the decade before. So will this trend continue? Who knows..
  12. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    is the least hidden pattern of all time, if AI studies trends that's the only chord progression it's ever going to come up with!

    Well, or, I-V-vi-IV, same thing just moved over :winker:
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