Halion 7 Issue

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Lonely_Avatar, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Yeah that is working with Halio 7, confirmed see the list of non working libraries. Even with Halio 7.0.20 is fully working.

    That is the Media Bay issue, I mean Media Bay is required for Halion 7.0.20 without it you have not thumbnails for libraries just presets. Well Steinberg is making protection stronger but they have messed up big time with that licenses because I have read yesterday through their some forums, a lot of people have No license found for Halion products, I mean for legit owners, they have no crashing experience but they got Activation Manager launched instead.

    So i guess for the sake of this topic which is very important I guess and a lot of people facing the issues but not much talk, so I am glad that this thread is arised again.
    With Team VR emulators which I must say when you do it repack without his some extra nonsense no offense, everthing works but Retrologue, and other VST. DAW is good also as Halion.
    Therefore I guess that TEAM R2R should introduce activation manager exe in their emulator same as TEAM VR so licenses can be generated from it, valid licenses, and to make it usable with eLicenser. When you have k'ed Avtivation Manager app, you can use eLicenser license for some products you dont own but to work with legit stuff....

    My combo right now is Halion Sonic SE 3 (SAM) licensing, all expansions and libraries are in that app.
    For Halion Sonic and Halion 6 i use eLicenser for the licenses I need in those app.
    For most of my project Halion Sonic SE i just enough except some extra patches which are specifically for HALion 6.
    If I have said something wrong, please dont take it bad, simple my brain is in a serios twist thinking how to make Halion 7 working. Until recent in eLicenser were all licenses for HALION 7, Cubase 12, so they could be used via eLicenser and Activation Manager but now they are deleted from database and marked as obsolete....There was a way to get out, but no one has implemented it.

    TEAM R2R is simply perfect and fastest way and most stable, but I can not get it what is wrong with some products. Obviously they have changed their VSTsound, but it still relies on eLicenser for compatibility for old users, even though eLicenser doesnt show any activity when you launch program , but behind the scene, Activation Manager is taking that license, confirmig it as a valid one, and release it for app to use it. Therefore Steinberg has made prohibited for eLCC to update license database so no one can take licenses into eLicenser and use apps with it... I guess.... Now you have to manualy update database by downloading latest eLCC version or given file which is locked for good.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
  2. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    That's enough for me. :):keys::headbang:
  3. dydythug

    dydythug Ultrasonic

    Jun 4, 2018
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    can someone tell me how to download iconica sketch for halion 7?
    should I download the official steinberg download assistant?
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    The answer is yes.
  5. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    All my steiny stuff is Team V.R. including Halion 7/Halion Sonic SE 7, Dorico, Nuendo, Cubase, Wavelab, etc... However, I had moved all the Halion/Sonic SE content to another location (totally not on C: drive). When installing Halion 7 Full (from sonic SE) all installed content and presets were just there. Plus the full version of ICONICA (sections/players and ensembles). Thought for sure there was going to be hell to pay getting those hooked back up to Halion 7 but was pleasantly surprised... Just ran the B6 activator and viola... There's no internet, A/V, win updaters etc running... Always came up with issues when trying the R2R steiny stuffz. Stuck with V.R. and never have problems..
  6. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
    Likes Received:
    CBGB omfug
    If you're running the Team V.R. vers all you should really have to do is go to each location of the problem libs and click on one of the content files for the lib and the media should begin populating. Just do that for each of the ones that aren't showing up... Might take a while depending on the size of the lib to fully re-connect...
  7. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I am glad this topic is live again.
    My problems with Halion and Team R2R still persist, while with Team VR there is not any problem regarding Halion.
    Well my conclusion is this, TEAM VR is releasing licenses for programs to work, unlike TEAM R2R it is emulating them.
    While TEAM R2R is emulating them then it is calling on some CPU features that I might not have like multithreading for example which is actually a thing with Halion on Steinberg forums, but it might not be the case but for some CPU related reason. There can be antivirus related problem/security policy issues, it needs to be investigated.
    Problem starts with some content, which is still using elicenser license and I can not stress anymore to seek what the content is.
    Therefore there are crashes present.
    So i guess that TEAM R2R need to take another approach to the issue updating emulator or to make an offline KG.
    Right now I'm switched from TEAM R2R to TEAM VR there is no significant difference but startup while listing content licences, but it is about 2 seconds difference and there is no freezeng Cubase for example while checking licenses, while with TEAM R2R that is almost everytime happening.
    All licences are checked everytime program is started and there is log file which shows licence activation keys for every single app.
    The licenses are same as the one in elicenser except for new SILK apps.
    Content and libraries as VST have same activation keys.
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