Working Plugins install after Hide Plugins... xattr, codesign.command patch !!!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by 2p2oid, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. 2p2oid

    2p2oid Newbie

    Feb 28, 2021
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    cd /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/
    find . -name "*.bundle" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.VST" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.vst3" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.dpm" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.bundle" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.VST" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.vst3" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.dpm" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;

    Attached Files:

  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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  4. tone

    tone Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Im wondering aswell...

    But, this could help me understand why the HCISO KORG Gadget release doesn't work for me.
    Nothing appears after the install. M2, Ventura.
  5. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    The command you've provided is a Unix/Linux shell command that performs a specific set of operations. Let's break it down step by step:

    1. find . -name "*.VST":
      • find .: This starts a search in the current directory (.) and all its subdirectories.
      • -name "*.VST": This specifies that you're searching for files whose names match the pattern *.VST. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that matches any sequence of characters, and .VST specifies files that end with the .VST extension.
    2. -execdir:
      • This is an option for the find command. Instead of just finding the files, it executes a command on each file found, but it does so in the directory containing the file.
    3. sudo xattr -cr:
      • sudo: This is a command that allows you to execute another command as the superuser (root). It's required because the subsequent command (xattr -cr) might need elevated privileges to modify certain attributes of files or directories.

      • xattr: This is a command-line utility on macOS (and other Unix-like systems) to manipulate extended attributes of files. Extended attributes are additional metadata associated with a file, beyond the standard file attributes like size, modification date, etc.

      • -cr: These are options/arguments for the xattr command:
        • -c: This removes all extended attributes associated with the specified file.
        • -r: This flag is used to recursively remove extended attributes from directories and their contents.
    So, in summary, the command is searching for files with the .VST extension in the current directory and its subdirectories. For each such file found, it attempts to remove all extended attributes associated with the file and its directory. This is done with elevated privileges using sudo.

    The command you've provided is another Unix/Linux shell command, and it's used for a specific purpose related to code signing on macOS. Let's break down its components:

    1. find . -name "*.VST":
      • find .: Initiates a search in the current directory (.) and all its subdirectories.
      • -name "*.VST": Specifies that the search should look for files whose names match the pattern *.VST. Here, *.VST is a wildcard pattern that matches any sequence of characters ending with .VST.
    2. -execdir:
      • This is an option for the find command. Instead of merely locating files, it allows you to execute a command on each file found, but it performs the command in the directory containing the file.
    3. sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;:
      • sudo: Executes the following command with superuser (root) privileges. This is necessary because code signing often requires elevated permissions.

      • codesign: This is a command-line utility on macOS used for signing software components, like applications or libraries. Signing is crucial for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of software, especially on macOS platforms.

      • -f: This flag stands for "force." When used with codesign, it forces the signing operation, which means it overwrites existing signatures.

      • -s -: This flag specifies the signing identity. The hyphen (-) indicates that the signing identity is expected to be read from the keychain. So, the command will use the default signing identity present in the keychain.

      • {}: This is a placeholder that find replaces with the path to each file it finds matching the -name "*.VST" criteria. In the context of -execdir, this refers to each individual .VST file found.

      • \;: This terminator is required to signify the end of the -execdir command for find. It tells find that the command sequence for each file is complete.
    In summary, this command searches for files with the .VST extension in the current directory and its subdirectories. For each such .VST file found, the command attempts to forcefully re-sign it using the default signing identity present in the macOS keychain, with elevated privileges using sudo.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    That's all correct. That little batch of commands will search for the plugins with those wildcarded * extensions. It's rather slow compared with just directly codesigning the plugins you just added. It is not finding AAX plugins in it's currently written state. It's also looking for plugins that shouldn't be searched for. It should be the bundle and VST/VST3, or bundle and .Component results; depending on your DAW. If you want it to complete running faster, you can just delete the specific commands related to the plugin formats you aren't using.

    the benefit of doing it that way is that you usually only have to supply the password in terminal one time. You can walk away and let it do it's thing. You can do the same thing with, i.e. entire folders; but it will require the password to be entered multiple times.

    The Korg Gadget 2 mentioned is working for people on Apple Silicon and Ventura. If you had prior versions installed, you need to uninstall them first or it will not work.
  7. tone

    tone Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Yeah, I tried erasing all traces of previous install, but, still didn't work.
    I may have missed a few files....
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    there is that second installer program, which is just for older MacOS. Mojave and earlier. The main thing wants 8gb hard disk space. But there are no directions included with the release, and it's only one file when extracted. There isn't much else you could get wrong. You could try using CoreCode UninstallPKG, it is supposed to be free now.

    I opened the MS-20 and it didn't work. But others work fine.
  9. tone

    tone Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Cool, I'll check out CoreCode Uninstall.

    Im also installing Ventura on an external, to test things out. I'll try to install Gadgets on that fresh install just to see
  10. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Why we use -cr for xattr but for -f -s we need an additional space plus a minus and NOT -fs just like -cr?

    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Because cr is a condition. -f and -s are separate conditions and cannot be just stuck together in the command.
  12. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Thanks for the info clone... :mates:

    but then why does anyone suggest this:
    > sudo xattr -r -d

    and someone else this instead:
    > sudo xattr -rd

    Are these conditions, perhaps, different and not the same? :dunno:
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024