Omnisphere Installation and Resources help

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Adam Ford, Jan 7, 2024.

  1. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    I'd like to give a shot to Omnisphere 2 on my Windows machine, could you recommend me what kind of files I need to dw on sister site? (eg. update #, core library, patch, etc.)

    Also, is it possible to install on a SSD?
    Thanks to those who will help!
  3. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    it's too complicated and annoying, I don't know where to tell you where exactly to start T_T
    the installation is simple but you have to understand a lot of things. The Instruments plugins, Library, Soundsources, Library patches, Software patches, sonic extension, add Satellites plugin like keyscape and trillian to it, plus those have their own library, library patches, software patches, updates too. The updates can sometimes cover all the older but a certain one need that compulsory to install before applying the updates. I heard @The Pirate went crazy for explaining this 1000 times to people. Great plugin, but super fucking annoying in warez version to get it working at first. It's not hard to install just hard to understand the components of the plugins at first. So, I wish you Good Luck.


    I think the biggest torrent at the russian tracker (around 150GB) dated back to 2021 is a good place to start for the library or maybe there's a newer version of it just search for it there. That is for the soundsources, factory library and 3rd parth libraries only. You kinda have to make a note of which version of everything (as shown above, they are all the latest.. I guess) installed and slowly updates to the latest.

    For the plugins (Omnisphere, Keyscape, Trillian) there are newer versions shared at the sister's site few days ago.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    you need to start with the very oldest Omnisphere installation files, it is a number of "dvd"s. and then you need the newest installers for the application, the sound sources and the patches. you do not need to do some "incremental" upgrade process. you can skip everything in between.

    and you can put the STEAM folder on an external SSD. you can use a symlink from the original location to your external drive.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  5. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    To Install Omnisphere 2 as mentioned by Stevie Dude please download the latest version of

    1. Omnisphere 2 steam library along with
    (Omnisphere soundsource library update, needed if newer sounds and patches are released after the Original steam library)
    2. Omnisphere patch update &
    3. Omnisphere 2 Plugin

    either from sister site or from Russian tracker as per your convenience Then,

    Create a Folder named Spectrasonics in the root of your drive (Any drive or SSD)
    Eg. Drive\: SpectraSonics\STEAM

    Then Place the whole library [Steam folder] in the spectrasonics directory as given in example above

    Then install the Omnisphere plugin latest version form sister site.Don't initialize the plugin.

    Install the latest patch update. During installation when asked to locate the steam folder please point to the STEAM Folder by browsing to the directory. This will allow the plugin to find the library when initialized later.

    Then install the latest soundsource library update.

    Then initialize the plugin and activate using R2R instructions or as directed

    For Keyscape and Trilian it's also the same procedure.

    If by chance the steam folder is not detected by the Omnisphere or keyscape/Trilian Plugins then create a shortcut to the STEAM folder in the library directory where you unpacked the STEAM and cut & paste the shortcut inside your C drive in this way:-

    C/program data /Spectrasonics/STEAM (shortcut)
    It will solve the problem..
    Hope it helps
  6. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Hope you won't have difficulty finding the Core Library i.e The 57 GB STEAM Folder.


    You can find the latest version of Plugin, Soundsource library update, Patch update from the sister site also.

    As regards the 4 gigantic sonic extensions they are not difficult to install. Once you install Omnisphere 2 and get it up and running the extensions are easy to install. Just get them and install.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    If by this title: "Omnisphere Installation and Resources help" you meant to create a general Omnisphere help thread.
    That's a good idea... :wink:
    Such a good idea that we already have created long time ago a specific section for Omnisphere.... :winker:
    Please, check and search sections next time.

    This thread will be transferred to this subforum now.
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