Help deciding on a midi control device / interface

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Cclcng, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    So: i've been through many devices over the years and haven't found the perfect midi controller to pull the plug on yet, so i figured i'd ask y'all to weigh in.

    I predominantly use Ableton, but dabble in just about everything I can get my hands on, and that is not just limited to the audio realm. I also mess with video editing, 3D, and various other mediums. So if something si flexible enough to have transport control for video editors etc that would be a plus.

    I had a push 2 f
    or a while, but i haven't ever really felt the need to muck about in the session view, although that might change (potentially with a new control interface) And I miss it due to the number of velocity sensitive pads it had, as well as the deep-editing options / integration with simpler, operator etc. it was really nice that way. Slicing things w/ the screen and knobs just feels exciting and inspiring and intuitive.
    and i'm wondering If I can recapture some of that magic without having to spend all of the money I've got. I'm thinking that $500 is the absolute upper maximum of what I can responsibly spend, sadly, but I welcome all suggestions.
    I also have an MPC live, whcih I hoped would have some kind of integration with ableton, but there is nothing but sync as far as i can tell. If i'm wrong, please let me know.
    In addition to that, ive got a couple lpds.. the 18 and 8 i think . They're okay but limited, and I'm not a fan of the editor. I just recently foudn my kordbot, and I'm remembering why I lost track of it in the first place: it seems like a half-baked, product all over. I've got a qunexus and that is nice and It would be cool to have MPE in this new controller. But the editor is also fiddly, and could never get the sequencer working.

    I've been looking at 2 in particular: The Presonus Atom SQ, and the Nektar Aruba, which are somewhat similar, but I feel like the Aruba probably has better / more sensitive pads and more functionarlity. THey both have screens, but i'm not seeing how well or much they integrate from the videos ive watched and reviews ive read.

    do either of these have better / deeper transport etc control ? IS there anything in either of them that brings back the magic of slicing w/ the push2? Or stock instrument editing? Both of them have integrated standalone sequencers, which is neat but unnecessary for my purposes.
    I kind of like atoms bastard key/pad layout thing, but think the aruba takes the cake in terms of layout what with the little row of buttons at the top of the unit, and nicer-looking screen.

    I'm by no means limitiing myself to these, but theyre both affordable for me, and seem to have what I think I need. I just came across some other controllers in the MPD line that look promising as well, so any reccs for those could be useful.
    HAs anyone messed with these things, and if so, how intuitive and FUN are they? That's another big desire is for the thing to be fun and inspiring to use.. Even though that's highly subjective, most people have probably been through multitudes of devices looking for "the one" ( that isn't inscrutable and doesn't feel like a chore to use) .
    So: anything I might be overlooking? ANy recommendations? I'm trying to avoid making an impulse buy of the aruba (but its so cheap!) and (I NEED it!) hehe...
    I hope that the post nails down what i'm looking for and is also readable. Also forgot to add the APCs... eyeing those too
    Thanks for reading, and helping
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  3. seniornegative

    seniornegative Noisemaker

    Nov 20, 2023
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    I'm missing some knobs, but consider launchpad x. I love this device and im very very nitpicky. Maybe you can add launch control xl (and still be under your limit) but i dont have experience with it so i cant recommend.
  4. MPC Live is meant to go with the MPC Beats DAW...which is free. I've had an MPC One and an MPC rid of both because with the software MPC Beats, I didn't really "need" them.
  5. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    My latest Midi Setup consists of an Akai Midimix, Minilab 3 and a Launchpad Pro mk3, and you know what i use most? The Midimix from Akai:- It cost £73 quid and has 24 knobs, 9 faders and 21 buttons all configurable within Ableton. (They say it can be configured to most DAWs but I've heard some horror stories when people have tried)

    I make basslines and melodies using the Minilab and I rarely use the Launchpad, but you can setup templates in Ableton 11 to save all the major settings in your favourite synth. (Midimix)

    I find knobs and sliders have a far better feel than sliding a finger up and down a series of pads. AND when they bring out MPE in a launchpad? I think that will be just as unfriendly.
  6. iCe!

    iCe! Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2018
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  7. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I had Presonus Atom. Not bad, but all functions you may need work in Studio One only.
    Then I got Aruba. So much better, leaps and bounds better. It has deep intergration with all major DAWs including Ableton.
    Built like a tank, versatile and so fun to play with.

    And most important - support is excellent.
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  8. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    Is it Good w navigating around live? And is there any neat slicing stuff? Also can the screen display any of the stock instruments etc ? That may not be possible with anything Other than oush idk
  9. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I watched a video on that Nektar Aruba. I have to say it looks VERY impressive. Is it as difficult to get around it though as it looks?

    The features it has for Ableton look incredible, but it looks to me like you need a degree in Quantum Physics to understand how to use it.
    Watch this:_
  11. Bits'nBytes

    Bits'nBytes Guest

    Just to add, I bought a Nektar product some years ago and it developed a minor issue due to wear, so I emailed them for advice. Despite it being out of warranty they sent me parts with detailed instructions on how to fix it, all free of charge. Brilliant service.
  12. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    Aye ended up springing for a push 2 that i found used for $375 … do-able .
    Hopefully the best choice …
  13. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    No, not really. It took a brief look at the manual and couple of videos fo me to get it going. I use ARUBA with Groove Agent mostly and with provided GA patch it just works as expected :)
  14. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Same here. I had slight wear on my Nektar P4 knobs. Emailed support and they kindly sent me 2 (two!) complete knob sets without any charge.
    Really good customer service is a huge plus for me.
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