We need new teams in 2024 to defeat ilok

Discussion in 'Software' started by KUSHSMOKERLIT, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    What a stupid post .. you really don't have enough? Like seriously?
  2. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    True. However thru a boycott the only ones who really lose in that game are the end users sitting around waiting for an industry wide (or even a single corp) cessation of using iLOK which may take months to years to maybe never to come to fruition. IMO the only way to be sure to get rid of iLOK for good is to crack the shit out it and release everything iLOK protected into the wild. R2R and the other teams might not be that interested in doing iLOK protected stuffz, but they have been doing them all along when the need arises. So have the rest of the teams. I still do not get the community opinion that teams don't, or haven't cracked iLOK as I see stuff coming out every other day being DE-iLOK'ed. But since time waits for no one, the witches will get to what they get to in the time it takes them to get to it, iLOK or no iLOK. We all have our requests on what we'd like to see released. Some of those requests might be iLOK'ed some may not. I do not believe that just because something is iLOK'ed is why that something hasn't been released... It's a question of time not of protections...
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Not in this case, because we really have a choice, as I said, there is nothing iLok protected that can't be replaced by another plugin, or several combined ones. There is no plugin we can't live without... So we will not sit and wait, we simply continue our life without ilok.
    I actually dont own nor use cracked ilok plugins (because if I end-up using a plugin professionally I buy it, so I only use cracked plugins that I would buy if..), and I make music every day.
    No one ever told me, listening to my music " it sounds that you miss ilok in this track" :rofl:
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    How to crack iLok dongle in three easy steps:

    1. Pick up chisel and hammer
    2. Carefully at 90 degrees to dongle place chisel vertically on iLok dongle.
    3. Hit chisel gently with hammer

    VOILA - Instant crack

    As you were.. (I genuinely hope this thread opening post is not indicative of the critical thought processes coming in 2024). This thread deserved this silliness.

    SERIOUSLY - R2R, RET and others solved the iLok protection over a year ago. They could release any iLok application if they wished. This thread should have been closed before it got past the first page.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2024
  5. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I suppose we should look at software like housing and have a section 8 pricing category. Oh we do, its called a subscription service. And if times are so tough that a sub service is still out of reach, then thats when they pull out the goverment cheese/food stamp price. (I suppose if you could prove that you make less than X amount a year, you could qualify) :dunno: I know, a pipe dream but still, there could be a solution that fits everyone. The music/film industry adapted, and now its time for the developing companies too. Unless there is a specific need for the R&D (and I mean, you have a trick up your sleeve) then there is no need to throw so much money at it. You can reinvent the wheel, sofa, chair and tv only so much. Its like todays processors, they peak in performance but yet some companies will always boast about more performance to increase sales. *boring* :suicide: The more a company can save, the less they have to charge for their product.
  6. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I think that the fact of not deciphering everything related to Ilok is not due to a lack of ability, but rather to a "user's need," that is, users really need everything about Ilok to be "overcome" (so to speak). In my opinion, teams like R2R know perfectly well that behind a type of security that can be overcome, a stronger one will be implemented. So, if they perhaps already have a way to extract a VST that comes with Ilok, why overthrow a system that can later be replaced by a stronger one? That's how I see it. I'm not saying that it really is like that, I don't know what they think, but I put myself in that perspective. I mean, if I did it, and I knew that in some way it's vulnerable, but that at the same time bringing down all its components could compromise the security of the VSTs and then be replaced by a stronger one, I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't decipher everything. I don't know if I explained myself.
  7. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    @ KUSHSMOKERLIT ..... wow , thats a terrible thing to say , i think you should do maybe one of two things.
    START BUYING the products you so desire , and not be a freeloader , OR .... START learning code and how
    to crack stuff on your own , maybe form your own little crew or something !!??
    takes alotta nerve to run down a team whose brought SO MUCH to the table already , then sit on your ass and
    demand new teams ..... WOW .... wow !!!

    yer just another self intitled little person , and here i thought you were kind'a kool at first - when you let us hear your music , glad ya show yer true colors !!
  8. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I think depends purely on the individual. I don't find it invasive for the way I work, in fact quite the opposite. I prefer it over 99% of most security implementations because it makes authorizing the software I've purchased so much easier for me. I cant even begin to imagine having to authorize every plugin I own individually on Ilok with a serial the way I have to with something like U-he plugins.

    I understand some people have had bad experiences with it and if you have then I sympathize with you. I'm not trying to convince anyone they should be using it, but based on MY personal experience, I prefer it over everything else. Ilok has never nagged me for re-authetications, stopped working, or any of the problems I've had authorizing previous plugins. It just works and I can't hate on that.
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  9. Guru Bug

    Guru Bug Member

    Dec 18, 2023
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    What´s wrong with you? Instead of being thankful that 80-90% audio-stuff is open and teams like R2R spend uncountable hours of their lifetime doing that for us, you cry for what? Maybe you are simply not able to find it ... ;-)

    Greets from South-West Germany :) - ex MICROPOLIS BBS Sysop with 3 x US-Robotics Modems running with a Novell-Network on DOS ... around 1990 - most people now did´nt even know what i´am talking about - but believe me, it´s now easier to get all that stuff you want than ever.
  10. kday

    kday Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    They make crack programs to defeat iLok already. They're not gonna work on iLok because they don't need to. It would be more extra work, in that they would need to work iLok and the program itself, instead of just the program in which they only do today.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
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