Transitioning from cracked to legit Logic Pro...I have ?(s)

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Something Wyckid, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Something Wyckid

    Something Wyckid Newbie

    Jan 4, 2024
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    So im not gonna go into my history, pretty much just gonna jump to it. So been using a fair number of cracked AU/vsts.... along with a cracked Logic Pro for a couple years. Ive got quite a few tracks, many more partials and around 600 original loops. The vast majority of the loops were made from drum machines i put together using Drum Machine Designer ( which i have made dozens of). Others on Addictive drums and Superior Drummer, and a few other vsts/au. So pretty soon here (end of month) im upgrading, getting a Mac Studio M2max. I will also be getting legit logic Pro with it. Now heres my questions. How do i go about transfering all that work (just the logic stuff, so most of my work) to legit logic...? I cant go about it like a regular update... or can I...? Will i need to find were all that different information is stored save all those folders... then erase crack logic, then after legit is up and running put saved folders back into corresponding location...? if so where are they stored all, the user data, DMD, etc..? i do know that i will need the same au/vsts that were also used, thats easy some i own so will be the lastest cracked version. Anyhow thanks in advance!!

  3. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    I, without fail, start a new machine with a fresh install of all programs and optimise everything. It's a good time to purge all the program's plugins you're not using and start from scratch. Just back everything you wanna use up and transfer it piece by piece. Anything you have made in Logic will work. Just install all the plugs you think you wanna use.
  4. Something Wyckid

    Something Wyckid Newbie

    Jan 4, 2024
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    Sweet. Thats what i figured. and thats the plan. Just wanted to be sure my user data would be transferable coming from a cracked version. Im tech savvy but not a coder, programer, or warez cracker. Anyhow Its an arduous task, but look forward to it. Thanks! Have a good one. Peace