How to connect two audio interfaces to Cubase 13?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by maxy_10, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. maxy_10

    maxy_10 Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Hi, first of all happy new year!
    Im having troubles to have both audio interfaces working in cubase 13.
    Im using windows 11 with an audient id44 mk1 and my new audient evo 4. As far as i could see, they use the same driver version but diferent software controllers. In windows i have all my in's and out's of both interfaces to choose, but in cubase i cant choose both of them at the same time. Im interested in recordin audio loopback with my evo and capture sound with my id44. Is that posible? Thx!

  3. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You could either install a universal ASIO driver that works with both interfaces at the same time (Steinberg has this Generic Low Latency something, another one is ASIO4ALL) or switch to a different driver model, i.e. WASAPI.
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  4. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    You can't use two audio interfaces at the same time in Windows at least not in one DAW, you can have multiple interfaces installed and swap between them, but only one audio device is active at any one given time your DAW.

    I think ASIO4ALL might be the way but that's using a third party driver.

    You can do this on OSX by aggregating the audio interfaces together, but Windows doesn't offer this currently.

    You could route an I/O output in to a second DAW using the second interface or something like Audacity and do it that way, you can even use something like Reastream and run this through OBS to capture audio and video of your main DAW.

    Are you sure your interface software doesnt have a dedicated loopback channel?
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  5. maxy_10

    maxy_10 Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2021
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    I havent tried it, but i will as soon as i confirm that i cant do it with audient drivers! Thx for the tip
  6. maxy_10

    maxy_10 Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Yep, i dont want to try a third party driver yet. I will try what you said about audacity, its a light daw and maybe it will allow me to do that, i dont know how but i will search a tutorial.

    About what you said of my software, evo has a loopback dedicated channel, but in cubase it doesnt exist if i pick my id44. Is there a way to route that loopback channel of my evo4 into my id44 outside cubase, in windows?
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    It can be done with optical cable. If the reason is to expand channels, I'd recommend selling what you have and buying only one with more. But that is me, not you.

    Here is an OLD video using focusrite but the principles are the same if the hardware ports are available on your audio interfaces.
    The only other way I know of if this video is unrelated, is what has been suggested above and also in this video - ASIO4ALL. It is pretty stable. It won't hurt to try it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2024
  8. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    As said, you can't aggregate ASIO on Win (you sort of can WDM/KS, WASAPI etc and that's why you see it, but not as ASIO in Cubase)

    Your EVO 4 is capable of Loopback (iD44 mki not because of HW), but you must use its SW to do it. With EVO you can "capture" multiple SW outputs at once (like DAW, Standalone synth, YT video..) using Loopback + any recording SW. With Loopback you basically route the outputs of ONE interface to it's inputs internally (and that's why you can record them in addition to external inputs, like a mic).

    What else do you want to achieve.. "capture" the captured audio..? :unsure:
  9. moolloom

    moolloom Noisemaker

    Jun 10, 2020
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    With this one I can send the 6x outs of the ASIO driver of my Roland TR-6S to the ASIO outs of my RME in driver's loopback mode to the ASIO ins in DAW. This way I can stay in a full ASIO path. Maybe it could help to see what's doable...
  10. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    Best Answer
    Odeus Audiolink should be able to do this sort. one asio device and the others will use WDM. best thing is it's free

    "This ASIO driver extends your audio interface ASIO driver and adds windows audio with no additional latency. It also allows you to use your ASIO driver from more than one application with the inbuilt multi-client support, and you can even send ASIO audio over the network.

    The driver is great value for money for people who need to monitor or record from windows audio or just want to jam with their favourite tunes.


    • Extremely high performance for Pro Audio apps.
    • Zero added ASIO latency.
    • 64 IN + 64 OUT virtual ASIO channels.
    • 32 IN + 32 OUT WDM audio channels.
    • 16 IN + 16 OUT network audio channels.
    • Multi-client mode means ASIO for up to 25 apps.
    • Works without internal WDM or ASIO audio resampling.
    • Record lossless 8 channel audio to FLAC file.
    • Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
    • Route audio to/from WDM/MME/DirectSound/WASAPI and LAN/NET."
    This effectively allows you to use more than one ASIO interface at the same time in CbB (even ones on an external networked PC), allowing up to 64 input/output channels. At the moment I've no idea how this affects latency, but I guess if it's lots of inputs you need then it's likely it's a whole band you're recording and this will be less of a concern. I can also see it being really useful for making tutorial videos.

    The good news is, it now looks like the developer's nephew has authorised it to be released for free with a patch to remove the registration/authorisation:

    You can download it here:
  11. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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  12. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    an almost 7 year member should know the rules by now, no warez links dude
  13. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    This is free software, not warez. (Donationware, to be exact.) But as you wish:
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  14. maxy_10

    maxy_10 Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Very interesting video to expand channels, its not what im intending to do now but ill keep it in mind in the future, thx!

    What i was trying to do was to improve the workflow inside the daw, but as you and others said, you cant add another ASIO in Windows as you do in Mac, sad. I can capture internal audio with my evo 4 but i have to close daw and open it again to continue using my main interface. Thx!.

    @moolloom @statik @Piszpunta thx for your suggestion, ill try those 2 programs and report back soon!
  15. maxy_10

    maxy_10 Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Well, im here to say my finals conclusions. Honestly i couldnt manage vnb-audio matrix. It was really complex for my little understanding of asio's internal routing. However Odeous audiolink seems more user friendly with all that cable managment. Even tough im really noob to this kind of settings and couldnt get it to work in the way i wanted. I'll try to watch a few tutorials and see if i can manage with one of this two programs, i really like Odeous tough. Thx for sharing your expiriencies with me, much appreciated! Time to learn!