Shure sm7b eBay

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Vincent Price, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Hello

    I’ve seen a SM7B on eBay at £230, sealed

    Ive wanted one for a while now so am debating whether to buy out right at £230 or offer £200

    The thing is the seller has got previous feedback from selling, but the SM 7B is sealed and it shows the seal on the box itself

    Considering how many fakes are currently flooding the market. I wondered your opinion on this before I took any action

    Thanks in advance

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  3. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I've seen them as low as $177 on Ebay, claiming to be new here in the US. Never know for sure if it's a fake.
  4. What about the seal though? Surely the counterfeits forget the seals?
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    If you are really worried about this, let them give you the SerNo. and contact Sure directly.
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  6. I contacted the guy and asked why he was selling it sealed and he says it is a Christmas present but says he already has another microphone so he is selling this one…is that odd?
  7. I have offered him £200 but he has asked if I. An do £215
  8. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    edit: whoops, nevermind
  9. ??
  10. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Nothing. I had found a sketchy publication that looked similar but wasn't the same. I was fast enough to delete that it doesn't even show as an edit.
  11. So I don’t know what to do, if it turns out it is counterfeit will eBay protect my money?
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Yes, that is weird. It's not evidence of anything shady, but i would count it as a possible red flag. Maybe someone was able to buy it at a great price at a good Black Friday sale or whatever. But otherwise he would get all the original purchase money back plus any sales tax paid, by simply returning it. "i lost the receipt" would be even more sketchy.

    Giving serial numbers to manufacturers does not really work as great as you would like. If the original purchaser registered it, they will have that information. If not, they will only have manufacturing data, like the day it was made, and what distributor they shipped it to. Maybe even an invoice number. but after that you will lose trace ability. If they are smart all they have to do is tell you 1 digit wrong and you will never figure it out.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  13. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

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  14. Bits'nBytes

    Bits'nBytes Guest

    Does sound odd with that old chestnut of the unwanted Christmas present reason. It might be true but surely the buyer of the present would find out if they truely needed that specific mic. Why sell it cheaply too if it's unused. But hey I maybe completely wrong. It is was me I'd play it safe - learnt the hard way with a mobile a few years ago and it was a pain to sort out afterwards.
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  15. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    It is more related to seller profile than anything else.
  16. rlinn

    rlinn Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    I would definitely pass. I think the sm7b is probably the most counterfeited microphone because of its popularity right now. Imo this is an obvious pass.

    Reverb unfortunately also has a lot of counterfeit and fraud too.
  17. They have feedback of 9 on their profile and only one of those is for selling which is a pair of reduced Prada sunglasses

    although it says 5 items sold

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  18. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Given the variety of seller items I would consider it a scam.
    Prada sunglasses and an SM7B?
    I guess he had other sunglasses, too.

    Sure, maybe legit items, but I would not trust it.

    If he sold a lot of recording stuff I might risk the mic.
    If he sold a lot of Prada, I might risk the sunglasses.

    But if he sells a variety of the most counterfeited stuff, what can you guess...
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  19. Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, I mean it is eBay and they’re supposed to have a counterfeit selling policy in place but yet the number of sm7b’s I saw listed in china was unbelievable

    I know they say you have eBay buyer protection but that means s**t!
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  20. I have someone wanting £200 for one on Facebook quite local to me. I have asked if I can
    Go up to look at it which they’ve agreed and given me their address or given me an address anyways

    in the photos though on the box where it says SM7B the 7B is in green where as some unboxing videos I have seen the text is all in grey…I’m very confused

    Is there any reason as to this or is this a counterfeit slip?
  21. shafeeqbeats

    shafeeqbeats Ultrasonic

    Feb 25, 2020
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    The most important box related item is the sticker on the end that has the serial number. I'm fortunate enough to have a friend that works at their corporate office in Niles, IL so I get them at cost. :wink:

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