The Human Race Is Going To Make It After All

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    :bleh: Happy April Fool's Day :bleh:


  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    So I think I get the award for the most morbid April Fool's Day EVER!!! *yes* *yes* *yes*
  4. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    Unfortunately it's so true :rofl:

    Catalyst you absolutely right :wink:

    this the second i tried to follow :rofl: , instead of click on it "BIG LOL" I GUESS :rofl:
  5. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    We're gonna make it for just as long as we're supposed to. That's how it's gonna be cause it's the only way it can be.
    But in the end nothing is going to make it. It's just a matter of time with dark energy slooowly tearing the universe apart... :blues: :hug:
  6. Big Mike

    Big Mike Newbie

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Hey Catalyst,

    I'm totally with you. Loving that quotation: "The reason the world is in chaos is because things are beeing loved and people are beeing used"
    Hail materialism and stupidity...

    Big Mike
  7. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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  8. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I hope to live to see the zombiepocalypse before we screw the planet up too much for even zombies.
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Sorry, but I don't agree with such ideas *no* .
    I actually believe in better tomorrows and leave pessimism to the people used to see the world in grayscale.
    There's one saying that sums it all up:

    "A soul afraid of dying, never learns to live."

    So true.
    I couldn't care less what media has to say, nor what politicians came up with. I have my own life to live and so does you. *yes*
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Andrew I'm actually hesitant to post the last batch of articles I read recently. As they say: ignorance is bliss. *yes*

    It's not the media, it's NASA and other scientists. It's the environmentalists, it's a person that predicted the housing collapse, etc. No bueno Andrew, no bueno. *no*

    And I don't even need to read the papers because all the shit in there I'm living right now. We are born into slavery, pure and simple.
  11. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    this is awesome
  12. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Do you know what? I am happy that you are not only a person of the second sort.
    You wouldn't moderate this forums if that would be the case. *no*

    Btw. Piss has healing qualities. Number four could be someone who is drinking it. :rofl:

    But isn't it always a bit of everything? A matter of viewpoint. However these two gentlemen here in any case have no problem to change theirs very quickly :rofl: :

    Honestly, it’s a pretty challenging time we’re living in. From one reasonable and somehow realistic point of view we are in fact fucked.
    But if so: so what? Imagine the worst case….. How important do we think we are? We are not even a fly shit in the universe.
    From an altered point of view it doesn’t matter if there’s a blue marble more or less existing.


    But i personally believe that we are not that fucked as we might think we are. *no* I believe in the inexhaustible creative creativity of the universe and i believe in consciousness expansion of mankind, that means a general accelerated and increasing change of our awareness. That’s what this time quality stands for, if we can believe in what is said by the archaic world traditions.

    I spent 25 years of my life to experience and explore nonordinary states of consciousness. It was part of my profession to work with people in shamanic states of all kinds, with different methods. After all what i have experienced, i have come to the conviction that our unconscious still has a few surprises for us in stock, which will gradually come to light.

    Currently many of us experience/perceive only the dark tunnel and there’s still no light visible. Globally it looks like we are increasingly more aware of the dark sides too. The avalanche seems to roll only downhill. Up to the point of no return. We are witnessing dying processes on a personal and transpersonal/global level. We can’t stop that process directly, because it is just impossible to externally stop the dynamic forces of such a process in the long run. This counts on many levels. Everybody who already lost a beloved person knows that…… Not only Don Quichotte tried to fight against windmills. One day we die. The earth will die one day too. Not necessarily from our own hand, since this is their very natural way anyhow. That’s what the indian tradition calls the Shiva aspect of any living.

    But we can internalize the process and finish it there instead of acting it out externally respectively we can act it out at least to a certain extent in a supported empathic environment. Catharsis. Music can be a great helper in that matter and i actually use it to support the sessions mentioned above. There’s another option existing. We can’t stop the dynamics but we can channel it back to it’s source, which is our own mind. We currently live in the time were we all have to decide which way we want to go further, personally and as the human race in general.

    What i actually want to say is that it is necessary from to time to take a deep look inside whether what kind of bliss or cruelty we might find there. Meditation, shamanic journeys, psychedelic substances f.e. could be a useful part of this self-reflective healing journey. To know and to face our own (self-) aggressive component and to accept it as natural part of our collective psyche helps us to reduce it to a certain extent, however it helps us to diminish our own projections towards others and the outside world in general.

    Though it sounds crazy, the Shamans say the right thing when they state: „When you (learn how to) die before you die, then you do not die when you die“
    And we all know: dying processes are a necessary precondition for creative changes on any level. But we doesn't necessarily have to kill the earth and all living on it. It’s up to us.

    But this is a very big topic. I already wrote a book about it…… There’s an audio book version coming out at the end of this year. *yes*

    P.S. puh, i may sound weird. English is not my mother language. Is difficult to write about serious themes and not causing misunderstandings or making different kinds of mistakes. Well…
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Alraun you have given quite an answer and I don't want to rush my response since you gave yours the royal treatment. I know I have been bad lately on getting back to you in a decent time but I am sick, overworked, resetting my computer and that's put me really behind. I promise that I will return to all of our conversations and respond shortly. Please be patient.
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