Suno AI Music Creation Platform

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Rodger, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    unfortunately that time is here right now anyone who spends mass amounts of money on building a studio thinking they are going to make money from it is ludicrious those days are gone brother go invest your money in another venture.
    bedroom guys with basement studios have good enough gear these days to create very professional polished tracks.
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  2. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    when that day comes ill sell everything as i dont have any emotional ties to this industry that is for sure, its a investment nothing more once it has no moneytary value ill sell ita all and move to a different investment stream, dont allow emotions to cloud your judgement within this industry. i been around 30 year long enough to see the changes as they start to evolve as i mentioned go with the change or cease its that simple.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  3. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Best Answer
    Leaving aside the reactionary positions, the concern with AI is always the same: the nightmare that it will steal our work as sound engineer / musician / composer / graphic artist / novelist / journalist / etc... Yes: it will definitely happen and we cannot fight that so there's no point in complaining. What we can and must do instead is seize the opportunity and take advantage of AI by inventing new ways of communicating by exploiting this new technology. I am sure that a creative mind using AI can achieve artistic output not imaginable before. The sooner we get to work the better.
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  4. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    i hear you man. i'm one of those bedroom musicians. well now its my shed that used to house my lawnmower and weedeater bc my girl eventually got sick of my gear being in the bedroom lol. but same difference.

    like i said in an earlier reply. i'm all for lowering the barrier to entry for artists to create. but i still have to come out to the shed and write and perform and perfect the songs.

    i know this is coming regardless. it's an inevitability. that doesn't make it suck any less and it sure as f**k doesn't mean i ever have to call someone who types a few lines of text into a program that makes auto songs an "artist". bc i know how many thousands of hours i've spent out in my shed progressing toward being an artist.

    heres my little studio shed btw.
    Fo0crKu+Qyeme8EXSJvyGw_thumb_5e93.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_450d.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_4529.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_44c2.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_40bf.jpg
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  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    And what does that have to do with anything? Just because they are generated randomly doesn't mean you created the lyrics. The correct statement is that the AI generated lyrics for you randomly

    No, you're quite mistaken. I don't consider myself the owner of anything; things should be called by their function. A hammer is used to drive nails; now, you can try to drive a nail with pliers, but you can't call it a 'hammer.' The same thing happens here. A person can ask the AI to generate a melody and lyrics, but they can't attribute that they created the lyrics and melody; the AI did it. Therefore, one cannot be called a 'musician' when an AI provides everything ready.
  6. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Very Nice Studio :wink: Feel very proud of your acheivements :winker:
  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    This is what the AI says:

    "In a scenario where an individual asks an AI to write lyrics about rain, and the AI generates the lyrics accordingly, the authorship of the lyrics would primarily be attributed to the AI. While the person may have provided the theme or initial idea, the actual creativity and composition of the words are performed by the artificial intelligence.

    In this case, the person might be seen more as the idea initiator or the creative director, but the specific contribution to the wording of the lyrics lies with the AI. This is an example of how collaboration between humans and technology can yield creative results, but distinguishing authorship is crucial to reflect the actual contribution of each party."
  8. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    20190220_175343.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_502f.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_5039.jpg UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_31ae.jpg

    those are the befores, all the way from the bedroom haha
  9. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    unfortunately the rational you are using does not come into play when recording an artist
    its absolutely an over step if you concern yourself with how that artist created any musical content
    your only there to record what they want you to record, if you were to start asking any question in relation to how the content was created you are in breach of the privacy clause within your contract as that is none of your business regardless of YOUR opinions.
    so in turn you would never know if the content was AI created in the first your rational is defunct within the contracted process.
    so with that its time to move on and dont worry yourself with how the artist created there musical just do what your contracted to do
    record.track and engineer what they pay you to do.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  10. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    yea. but unfortunately i don't think the masses will care any more than they care whether beiber actually writes his shit or not (he doesn't). you ask any normy that listens to top 40 who wrote "baby" and to them thats a justin beiber song. won't be any different with the ai i would presume.

    so i guess the silver lining is that not much will change anyway lol...
  11. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I have the right word, it would be like this: 'Hello friends,' I 'GENERATED' lyrics thanks to the AI. If you tell the AI to compose lyrics about a forum called AS, the AI is 'GENERATING' lyrics for you. Now, it would be different if you start writing something like, 'We are here in the forum discussing music, oh oh AS is the best, oh oh, come on, baby, let's rock on AS,' and then you say, 'AI, take it from here, how could this part continue?' Well, there you have a co-participation between you and the AI, like composing lyrics with a friend. Another scenario would be if you have the entire lyrics, but some words don't convince you, or you want the AI to review it for you, give feedback, and then you make modifications. In that case, yes, you have created the lyrics, and the AI was a collaborator, a tool. Do you understand the BIG DIFFERENCE?
  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Is this your recording studio, or is it NASA? xD. Congratulations, it looks great.
  13. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Mate lets bring this back to the primary post content did you actually read the first post i made in this thread at all or have you decide to go off on your own tangent to create a narrative to bring you some attention?
    i dont care for your opinion the post was not about orginality of content the post was not about any of the deflections you have decided to move the orginal posting from to suite your narative, so this will be the last response from me as I will not enter into any further narrative about the rational of your opinion on the furture of AI technology within the music industry
    as i said your opinons are yours to own but that is not what the primary information and content if you want to further that narrative go make another post of your own.
    Have a great Christmas enjoy your family time and reflect on not moving the narrative from an orginal post to your own narrative to suite your needs.
  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    At first, you posted saying 'created a lyric.' False, you didn't create anything; the AI did it for you. And I told you this at the beginning. Later, I engaged in a debate with another user who discussed things related to AI. Then you returned, saying 'it's not a big deal, just a post,' and I told you, 'I don't mind if there's an app that creates everything for someone else; it seems incorrect to call it creation when you didn't create it.' I never deviated from the topic. Now, if you're bothered by reality and want to feel like a great composer using an AI that does everything for you? Good for you. And you say, 'I don't care about your opinion,' great. I clarify that if you post something, all users have the right to express their opinion. If you don't like it, disagree, etc., just look away and that's it. But don't expect everyone to agree with you. With that said, I wish you an excellent Christmas, and I hope you have a wonderful time with your loved ones!
  15. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    you are laughable i must admit you should of been a comedian
    with that said go drink some beers and have this conversation with yourself the outcome of that conversation with yourself may be of interest to you.

    merry christmas
  16. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    My perception is you are happy more because musician will be unemployed and miserable with advent of these AIs and less because you can create something interesting. This looks something personal.
  17. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I would have replied to this the way you deserv, but I have already got 4 warning points and I ain't intending to get banned.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  18. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    Took a break on this thread due to being flabbergasted by some of what I'm seeing. Now I'm starting to think those here that are such proponents of this AI-music composition monstrosity may likely be people who always wanted to be musicians and composers and never had the talent to get anywhere with it. They view having a machine now potentially do the work for them is their break of a lifetime! Great!!!

    A few points....

    @Rodger - you seem to have an overwhelming level of faith that somehow you know precisely what the future is. Where that comes from, I don't really know. What I do know is that you could easily be quite wrong. I can remember when America Online was the future. So were Sony Walkman's. Moving up to the more recent, one of our most well known technologists tells us that his driver-less cars are the future, but that's not looking all that swell at the moment either, unless you feel like dying in one of them. Either are his changes to Twitter, which increasingly appears to be falling apart. Musk's ideas about how X would be the future of communication certainly aren't looking that keen. History is full of folks who were quite misdirected in their understanding of what was coming next. Unless you're Einstein, maybe a bit less certitude and some more open-mindedness might be of some value.

    @El Cycer - Your comparison to the Luddite movement is false equivalency. The Luddites were textile workers who saw their jobs being replaced by machines. Now, I have absolutely nothing against anyone who goes out and works for a living. But comparing factory textile workers to artists and creative types just doesn't pass muster. The two think, act, react, and live in entirely different spaces and planes, and the comparison is useless. Manual laborers don't work from the heart, they work from their hands. Replacing work from the heart and the mind is far more complex.

    There are 2 perspectives regarding music composition via AI that I view as relevant. First, is the loss of work for people who have worked hard in their field, only to be replaced by product that is currently of lesser quality and originality than what artists will come up with. Some here wish to argue that the future will bring a quality of AI machine made work that is just as good if not better than what artists can create. The fact is though, that's an assumption for which there is, as of now, no evidence. If anything, when it comes to music I see a greater likelihood that AI will lead us into a period of intense mediocrity. Music that comes from the heart and from feelings, in my view, speaks much more vibrantly to people than music that comes from algorithms.

    The potential for massive job losses from AI is of course a concern in many different fields and presents a challenge that may be impossible to overcome anyway. Replace enough jobs with AI, next you'll need governments massively providing full financial support to people that used to have work. I'm not convinced governments have that desire or capability, and so we've got tremendous problems and challenges to deal with that might lead many to view AI as not being much of a blessing at all. Businesses keen on moving to AI might quickly see cost savings in doing so that are quickly eaten up by the lack of customers who no longer have jobs and money to spend on whatever their business was selling. Are those who are so gung-ho on AI thinking these things through to that degree, or are they just looking at the 3 minutes of music a machine just spit out for them? Businesses may find that what sounded so good turns into a nightmare... for example, recently a number of businesses are closing down automated self-checkout systems at stores due to a variety of problems inherent in them. What was supposed to be a savings, turned into a loss. However, I've no doubt many at those businesses were at one time convinced those self checkout's were certainly the future.

    So much of popular music is about expressions of love and love lost. To me the difference between music created by machines and music created by people can be expressed along these lines... Would you rather come home from work and be greeted by a wife or girlfriend that sincerely expresses her love to you, or would you prefer to come home and be greeted by a wife or girlfriend who quickly calculates what she'd say to you that emulates how a person that actually loves you would act when they greet you? It's sort of like the difference between having a lover and having a sex doll. This, in essence, is what we're dealing with when it comes to AI and music composition. For music that touches your heart it needs to come from the heart. The rest is suitable for supermarkets and elevators. If that's your idea of a good future for music, then enjoy!
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  19. Thotu

    Thotu Producer

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Not really interested. I don't think I will be getting that dopamine shot, when I compose the dope melody myself. And really, how many people here make music for money? It is more of a passion. I enjoy the process of making music. To sum up...

    We have sex for pleasure, not for making babies.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  20. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Guys, there comes a point where it makes no sense to argue with people who lack common sense, and even worse, who are not musicians, never in their lives picked up an instrument. They must be a failed attempt at being 'wannabe musicians,' and above all, 'lazy.' You know why? Because in life, we experience failure to succeed, and this was said by a great recognized psychologist. Surely many of us wanted to be singers or guitarists, pianists, etc. But we persisted here, persisted there, and maybe we turned out to be guitarists or pianists or whatever, but we have worked hard throughout our lives, and surely many of us still do it. Why? Because we are musicians, we are artists, we love music. We come here and to the brother site in search of tools to further develop our things. But you have these people who don't want that effort; they prefer total failure and believe themselves to be composers just by pressing a button that generates lyrics or a melody. If they feel happy believing a lie, so be it. We, as musicians, as true musicians who have spent years and years making music, know well what art is and what garbage is. Merry Christmas, and have a beautiful time!
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