How would your perfect life look like?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    My life just changed, some of you heard about it. This is not meant negativly, just to make that clear. Its just that Im young and I stand at the beginning of my life, and just this moment the above question came into my mind.

    I dont mean that question like "I wanna be stinking rich and do nothing all day"... Thats stupid. I really mean think about what would be a perfect scenario. That doesnt mean being happy all the time, that unrealistic and boring. I think its more about satisfacion, if youre satisfied with everything, even with all these small things that you dont like, than thats perfect. Just being generally happy...

    I think I would feel that way as a investor, or properly not a stereotypical investor, more like a guy who always has new projects. I hate doing the same thing in the same place for to long. Maybe I would help design, organize and build a club for a while, and after that maybe I will build an apartment house, than maybe work on a studio... You know, something creative, some diversion. And whats very importan, a job where I can be flexible with the timing. I dont mind working 11 hours at one day, but than again whats wrong with working 2 or 3 hours, than just enjoing the day?
    I would want to live in a small city or maybe a big village... You know, somewhere inbetween these two. Maybe even a bit outside. Have my privacy, my own house, and calmness. But nobody minding me being loud, because sometimes I am loud (who of us isnt?). The landscape should have some hills, nothing to big. Some forest here, some grassland there... Maybe some fields inbetween. Nature, with paths for me to ride my bike or motorcycle, some good streets to have fun with the car... Not to much civilization. Kind people around, no "bourgeois" (hope thats the right word), no prolets, no people who think they are better for some reason... Just kind people.
    Not to much... well how to say it. I dont like how smartphones turn people stupid, make them blend out the world. I mean I like many of that technical stuff, but life should be less circled around it. Maybe some of you understand what I mean with that...
    I would love to have a wife some day, and kids. Lets say I like a woman in my life, who understands me and makes me happy, and let me make her happy. SO pretty chliche :rofl: By the way dont understand that whole mariage thing... If you love someone you love someone, who cares?
    I would love to be kind of away from the politics and officials... I would love a police and state that is mainly con criminals in the meaning of morality and physcial effects, and pro people, more open to certain things and not making us pay for shit.

    Well that are my thougths so far. I dont even think it is that far away from reality...

    Let me hear some of your thoughts/dreams! What would be your "perfect life"?
  3. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    There is no perfect life even in my dreams seem a ridiculous, we do not live in a perfect world,just live day to day, the moment without thinking much, or little.
    If I think of the future gives me an anxiety attack and I lose, if I think much about the past I get nostalgic and depressive.
    But what shit, even my dreams are not about a perfect life, let me combine the best of my past with intriguing future without thinking way too and that's what keeps me alive.
    All I ask me compliance is when I arrived the time of my death is at least making happy a person, that is for me to have had in this world full of bugs a "perfect life" No claim money, fame or power, only happiness and good memories.
    Sorry for my bad English and if it fails to understand this message correctly. :mates:


    No hay vida perfecta ni siquiera en mis sueños, me suena a ridículo, ya que no vivimos en un mundo perfecto, solo vivo el día a día, el momento sin pensar mucho, ni poco.
    Si pienso en el futuro me da un ataque de ansiedad y me pierdo, si pienso mucho en el pasado me pongo nostalgico y depresivo.
    Pero qué mierda, mis sueños aunque no son sobre una vida perfecta, me permiten combinar lo mejor de mi pasado con lo intrigante del futuro sin pensar demaciado y eso es lo que me mantiene vivo.
    Lo único que pido que se me cumpla es cuando llege el momento de mi muerte es por lo menos haber hecho feliz a una persona, eso es para mí haber tenido en éste mundo lleno de bichos una "vida perfecta". No reclamo dinero, fama ni poder, solo felicidad y buenos recuerdos.
    Lo siento por mi mal inglés y si no se llega a comprender en su plenitud éste mensaje. :mates:
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Lots of Unbrella drinks, lots of T&A and a perfect DAW. :dancing:
  5. paradise_hell

    paradise_hell Newbie

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Married with pretty wife raise son/daughter
    Then work like idiot 5-1/2 day a week...
    Buy house and bought 2 local car.
    Struggle on paying bills every months.
    Weekend spent time with family.

    Night time try Audioz stuff. Office hour audioz became my forum to watched news and latest plug/tut etc. Office are the best place to download torrent to..for movies.

    -Politics are total control crime. Benefits getting less,Minimum wages.
    -Neighbour are MUTE
    -Money always been issues.

    So how is PERFECT LIFE all about?
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I'm currently living it. :)

    There are some things I will change over time, but everything starts with the thought - everything will follow.
  7. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    This one's easy lol. I was worried you were going to ask "what do you want to do when you grow up?" lol! For me, it would be endless grass, and enough money to spend all of my time with my dogs and studio. :thumbsup:

    Oh and I'm with One Reason--a perfect DAW would be just lovely. For me, it'd have the speed of Reason's workflow with the sequencer and midi editing of Cubase. It would have layering track freezing from Studio One, and the Pro Channel from Sonar--but with the ability to load in whatever plugs you wanted. It would have Cockos type politics/pricing, and no ".5" updates to speak of. A man can dream...
  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    :wink: :mates:
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    finished my graduation and working on my PhD.
    have a girlfriend/wife and im always traveling the world and giving talks about my studies/work.
    in the freetime im still doing some sound design.
    ive met lots of new people from around the world and i enjoying to be open to the world and its people.

    just need to overcome that anexity to talk in front of people and big groups of people.
  10. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Yea, that sounds about perfect
  11. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    My perfect life would be only if i'd be powerful enough to make happy any unhappy person i meet, which i meet often. No matter how good my life would be, as long as i see people suffering around facing sort and sort of problems and i always dreamed to have a supernatural power to fix everybody's problems, because i just can't cure my caring for the suffering people. Maybe i was cought in a lot of sorrow in the past facing alot of shit, which "gifted" me to feel other people's pain in a "first-person view".

    I don't say i'm never happy, i know how to get fun and i'm happy too, but not always (which reminds me how imperfect my life is...)