New Track for Review and Plans for my First Album

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by tylerv, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Hi everyone! i've just finished up this track. the working title is "Cold Floor" but that'll most likely change. i think it has a "feel" and i'm planning to put together my first album with this likely being the opener. over the last 5 years of teaching myself to record i've created ALOT of songs that were all kindof unique to one another by which i mean they all sound like "me' i guess but they probably wouldn't fit on an album together bc i like to experiment with different genres and sounds etc (if anyone has listened to other tracks i've shared here you'll probably know what i mean. i think the last track i shared was my attempt at modern radio country lol). so i've finally come to a point of wanting to put together something cohesive that works as a whole.

    it'll be nearly entirely live instrumentation and likely sound a bit raw like this track that i'm sharing. my hope is to create something that feels big and dynamic and strong but still imperfect and raw and loose with lots of heart. depending on how it all comes out and if i'm really feeling like i'm on to something great by the end of it i may send it out for mixing/mastering professionally but for now as with everything i've ever done to this point, i'm doing it all from writing to master completely on my own. so it's probably going to take a bit of time. although this one actually came out in only ab 5 days (evenings after work) which is the fastest i've ever managed to finish one so maybe that's a good sign..

    anyway, hope you enjoy even if it's not what you normally would listen to genre wise. it's short and not a typical song structure but they don't alll have to be ABABCB right..

    also open to thoughts on mix or things that stand out. thanks!

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
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  3. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    probably wasn't the best idea to post in the morning when no one's on... :facepalm:
  4. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    Hi Rük, I liked it, sounds top to my ears. You are a very talented person, and your voice is young and interesting for this style. The composition is cool, Keep going!!!!:wink:
    There is no perfect time to publish, so be proud of yourself
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  5. Sunna

    Sunna Member

    Dec 14, 2023
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    Reminds me of this song

    If you keep going, maybe one day your song will be among the top 10 but with the dramatic shifts in tastes and genres, you must compete harder.
  6. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thank you! really appreciate your encouragement
  7. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks for the comparison. i hear you ab competing harder as well. that's actually why i'm going to put my focus on an album where all the songs will be in the same genre and be more of a cohesive body of work rather than so many different styles. i feel like i've spent the last 5 years learning to record and just having fun experimenting with sounds and trying to find my "identity". but it's time to pick a lane and push into it as hard as i can. thanks for taking some of your time to listen and tell me what you think.
  8. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    mix sounds pretty good overall. balanced tonally for the most part. I personally think the drums can come up maybe 2 db. Kick could use a little thump. Vocals could be a little louder / more present as well. Little bump somewhere in the upper mids or slight high shelf to give it life.
  9. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    good mix notes shinyzen. i actually have gotten the same note regarding drums on the last track i shared (basically being a bit too low and specifically the kick lacking some punch) which makes it valuable feedback bc thats leading me to think i may have something i need to address in my room. much appreciated!