Ring mod side chaining plugin (RMSC)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by xorome, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Not heard of this technique before - not sure how it's done in danpo's plugin. The idea is to complement or replace sidechain ducking by forcing phase cancellation with a source by ring modding. There are a couple videos on manual setups, but someone's now made a plugin implementing part of the idea. The plugin can be found here: https://justdanpo.ru/data/projects/misc/rmsc.zip

    Here's a video demonstrating danpo's plugin, which appears to combine RM and regular sidechain ducking:

    The idea may have orginated from Borrasca's video (English) from two years ago:

    Which may have inspired this (Russian) video, which then inspired danpo to write his plugin:

    I don't speak Russian, so here's an AI summary of the above video:

    - Ring modulation allows extracting part of the bass' amplitude based on the kick drum signal, removing conflicting frequencies.
    - The bass signal is multiplied by the ring modulated kick drum to "cut out" conflicting parts.
    - This produces a sidechain signal of shorter duration, matching the kick drum length.
    - When the original bass and sidechain signal are summed, their amplitudes cancel out when the kick drum is active.
    - This prevents both clipping and dips from the combined bass/kick drum mix.
    - The approach effectively resolves amplitude conflicts between the bass and kick drum.

    I've only tried the plugin on a single source, but it seemed to worked quite well on that material. Might be a useful tool for the toolbox.
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    At a quick glance or without testing it out, you have to admit this looks like some "omg new sidechain technique!" -style clickbait. And of course, the accompanying plugin. The "shorter duration than the kick" comment is about something people do all the time. Instead of linking the compressor's external sidechain to the kick, a duplicate of the kick track is created to link it to and then that channel muted. The duplicate channel kick waveform can be shortened or shaped, while still having the matching transient to trip the compressor. Or they do it the faster way, and just put a midi channel with whatever note duration they want. The plugin includes a Mac VST3, but not an AU plugin. Using it inside a wrapper like Patchwork might not produce the same results; but trying it the manual way will.
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  4. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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  5. uladzislau

    uladzislau Producer

    Sep 29, 2018
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    Very useful plugin. Thank you!