Acustica and how funny it all is... smh.

Discussion in 'Software' started by PHASE360, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    a bit. But the whole fuss makes one think ...

    In advertising, there is an age-old insight: there is only good publicity.
    Staying in the conversation is more important and cheaper than spreading only good news in ads.
    And you would have to spend a lot of money to achieve the same propaganda effect with advertisements.

    There are a lot of musicians who didn't even know AA exists before all the fuss. That changed definitely.

    If GC wasn't so ignorant, he would use the whole rumor spreading here to turn the free propaganda into new business.

    So yes, repeating the same thing over and over again is certainly boring.

    But no. You can also learn something from it if you want to.
    In this respect, you can use every new thread as a starting point for insights, regardless how stupid it may seem at first. :rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
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  2. RajuPalliBabu

    RajuPalliBabu Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2023
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    What i have tried so far seems nice to my untrained ears and iam thankful for this opportunity to finally see whats it all about

    Acustica is an attempt to bring rare vintage gear available to everyone. I would be careful to not rush saying it has failed in this matter completely. Its not an easy task to make it happen in digital world, also not an easy task to review the work

    Its also somewhat genre dependent whether or not you really need these plugins. They dont sound clean and they are not trying to
  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I don't see the point of ranting about something so trivial.

    I tried one plugin from Acustica back in 2014 I think it was.. A red EQ if memory serves me correctly. I didn't see what the fuss was about then, and I've never bothered trying again. There are more things to worry about in life than whether or not a plugin you got for free is any good!
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  4. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    lmao i am not on any hate train. I downloaded a bunch of their plugins, and they really are tosh. I wont be downloading any more. Hate train.... smh. Sorry if me laughing about it hurts. Aww, really apologise. But uh... nah. This tech is completely unsuited to the task it is aiming to solve, and for the cost in performance there are few benefits that I can see. Care to correct me?

    The tech is sub-par, the copy protection is a joke, and giancarlos reaction is priceless. Am I surprised that there is a "hate train"? Nope. Still I was laughing a lot while writing it. It is a good Christmas run up. Forgive my excitement. :D.
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  5. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    I know full well what they are "attempting" to do, but they are not succeeding in any kind of efficient way. As for me being thankful... I very much am. I am thankful that I have tried a whole range of their stuff and have come to the realisation through analysis that they are not achieving anything special in this day and age. They are behind the curve to be honest with ya.
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  6. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    No Olymoon, see despite being accused of being on a hate train, I stayed away from all that and decided to reserve my judgement until I could try a whole range of the plugins. I now have, and so this is my opinion basically. I am not bored as a result. I feel AA are some of the biggest grifters at this point that's all. I suppose we can all wait and see if this stuff ever actually improves. I have said my bit though now. I just wanted to share a laugh, and thank the crackers for this hilarious advent calander release. :D.
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  7. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Maths cannot keep up with the human ear? What does that nonsense even mean? Your ears rely on mathematical principles to hear at all. Everything can be expressed in mathematics. It is about performance and accuracy. Write performant and accurate algorithms, and get perfection (EDIT: dependant on the level of accuracy of course and our current understanding - this is where AA should invest more time being perfectly frank about it).

    How do you think convolution works in the first place? AA's tech is using mathematics just as much as anything else, it is just really inefficient for what it achieves.
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  8. Fernando Roma

    Fernando Roma Ultrasonic

    Nov 10, 2016
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    You know when someone dont work with music 24/7 when they have time to make treads about how bad is a plugin.

    If plugin X is bad and you have better ones,just use what work for you... move on and make some music.
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  9. Pat22

    Pat22 Member

    Apr 6, 2023
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    You have also time to read and answer a thread about how bad is a plugin instead of make some music ........ hahahahahahaha
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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    AA has around 100 plugins, and around 20 employees; according to a post on another site. Care to take a guess how many of them are not very busy?
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    And so must the consumer ... :rofl:
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  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Great. Made my day :rofl:
  13. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Producer

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Thank you for creating another belligerent Acustica thread to give us your pompous opinion of dysfunctional TRIAL software.
  14. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    i wonder how many of them are related to giancarlo
  15. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Producer

    Oct 21, 2023
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    I've been on this analog emulation journey for just a few months. I gave up on even trying AA right at the beginning, when I saw a video from Henry Olonga actually going shopping for computer parts to assemble his own machine so he could even get Nebula running properly. I praise the effort and all the contributions he must've made for the Nebula community in the past — but that was funny.
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  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I'm not thinking about hate or not. It's just that I wonder how people have time to make music while spending so much time speaking about it...
    (obviously it's my opinion as a member, not a mod.)
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  17. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Lolz... that is the point of this thread. I tried the plugs, and now I am moving on. ;).
  18. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Well to be honest... I haven't spent much time speaking about it Oly. It only took me a couple of minutes.
  19. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    ok so back to the plugins...the sister site was down...back up, but does this mean no more Mac versions because of some pressure?
    I doubt anyone here is a sell out, but one wonders what happened while the site was down.
  20. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    This is ridiculous. I would not consider myself an AA hater per se, BUT I keep reading this line over and over from acustica fanatic's whenever someone else says anything REAL about this acustica stuff. Truth be told, if one "cannot hear the difference of these plugins without a $5K+ monitoring system" then what is the point in the first place? That pat line has zero basis in reality when talking about what AA "products" bring to the table of any audio production. If one must have a so called "big-buck, high end monitoring system" just to "hear" the difference of the AA stuff as opposed to other more effective state of the art algo processors (that are cheaper, use way less disc space, and do not operate like tinker toys) how is your target audience (you know, those folks you're mixing your tunes for when you release them into the wild) supposed to "hear the difference"? Your average Joe Listener does NOT have anything close to a "high end monitoring system" with which to "hear" your AA processed tunes... So by the flawed logic of the acustica fanboi credo, your listeners won't be able to "hear the difference" either. Just sayin'...

    Acustica as a "developer" seems to be stuck in a very serious rut. EQ's, Compressors, Limiters, and Pre-Amps. This is what comprises 99.9% of the entire "product" line. How many acustica eq's, comp/limiters, and pre-amps does one need? There is no real subtlety in sound between one acustica "product" and the other except for what was messed up or anomalous during the "sampling" phase of the dev process. Personally, I believe that they operate from a large pool of IR samples that they reuse over and over. This would explain the abysmally high volume of redundant "products".

    Also, because of the limitations of the tech used for these plugins there is no analog operation to them at all. For example, on any acustica EQ you get, at any given time, a finite set of frequencies with which to boost or attenuate an input signal with no IN BETWEEN frequencies at all. Sure there might be 'Q' settings included, but they don't really operate like real 'Q' settings. More like tone controls on a stereo set but frozen in time and not malleable. There is no way to EVER get a full sweep of frequencies IN BETWEEN the given ones due to the convolution process used to create the plugin. The same thing goes with any of the AA plugins. They are limited in their operation by the very process used to build them in the first place. So basically you get a ghost of whatever supposed real world piece of hardware they are trying to sample.

    IR convolution technology is a very INEFFICIENT process for attempting to digitally re-create a piece of analog signal processing hardware. I will grant you it's probably the easiest tech to use to get a partial sampling of a hardware device. But to FULLY recreate that device (which all of AA's products fail to do) in a digital realm requires much more development power than simple impulse responses. It's that kind of development power that AA lacks along with vision to expand a product line beyond the stale and redundant rut they are in currently.

    There are some uses for AA "products", but in reality they are by and far not the be all end all of processing nirvana that fans claim them to be. In reality they are CPU processing power hogs that sport tedious looking interfaces that operate clumsily. In many instances they come up too small to view comfortably on modern computer video systems, and a great many of them cannot be resized. The lack of "in-between" parameter control is simply a result of the tech. Price wise they are way out of league given the true nature of the "products" both in the way they sound and the way they operate. In many ways their interfaces resemble the old 8/16 bit plugins of the Win95/98 days... Not nostalgic.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
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