Switching from Ableton Live 9 to Studio One?

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by MrAnonymous, Mar 31, 2014.


What DAW do you prefer?

  1. Ableton Live

    18 vote(s)
  2. Studio One

    18 vote(s)
  3. None of the above

    7 vote(s)
  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Hi so im been thinking of making the switch from Ableton Live 9 to Studio One but i am finding it very hard to use compared to Abelton..

    So my question is:

    1. Any one here go from Abelton to Studio One and don't regret it?

    2. Studio One anygood for EDM?

    3. Is it easy to use like Ableton?

    4. Does it have duel monitor support like Ableton?

  3. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    i've used studio one, but i didn't switch. i use logic pro x as my main daw and ableton as a secondary. and i'll use pro fools when i need to.

    i love lpx to much switch too anything else. and as long as it fits my needs, i'm sticking with it. if i had to give up lpx, cubase would be my next stop.

    i think studio one or any daw is good for EDM. the differences imo is just the workflow of how you get things done. as far as ease of use, i think studio one is harder to use than say the ableton session view. but when compared to ableton's arrangement view, studio one runs rings around ableton.

    yes studio one supports dual monitors and i think the implementation is much better than ableton's.
  4. DJIntel

    DJIntel Newbie

    Jan 20, 2013
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    most up to date ableton supports dual monitors also
  5. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    1. I use both

    2. Ableton is in its own class when it comes to creating music of any type because of the session view (unless you count Bitwig I guess, but let's not go there...) Studio One functions pretty much like any other DAW, but works really well and has a nice workflow in my opinion. My personal experience with the two, is that I use Ableton for messing around or jamming with other people, and Studio One when I know exactly what I want to accomplish.

    3. For me, Studio One's learning curve is not particularly steep especially if you have used any other DAW besides Ableton. And it has a lot of tutorials and stuff. It would probably take maybe a couple of days of steady work before you had the workflow down to where you could just work and not constantly be trying to figure out how to do stuff.

    4.Studio One has a modular approach to monitor layout, so most of the main components can be detached and docked wherever you want, which is way better than the way Ableton does it, but it's not anywhere near as crazy as how far Sonar takes it, so it's a pretty happy medium to me. The one thing about Studio One's approach to VST windows that drives me nuts, is it locks all the plug ins in use on a single track to one floating window, and you can only look at one at time... but it's a small thing I guess
  6. liam1895

    liam1895 Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Studio One all the way, wouldnt change it for the world. First DAW I actually bought and it was well worth the investment. I produce only EDM and I feel its suitable for all types of music.

    If you want to open more than one instrument/fx at the same time you just click the pin next to the cross button to close fx/instrument like seen below with Spire and V-Station!

  7. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    he he, there is a complete two threads with the same problem

    1. searching decent daw for mixing and mastering 1: http://audiosex.pro/index.php?/topic/10083-sequoia-cpu-problems-searching-for-decent-mixingmastering-daw/

    2. searching, vol.2... http://audiosex.pro/index.php?/topic/10441-searching-for-decent-mixingmastering-daw-is-continued-pro-tools-or-not/

    you should look

    Let's say this:

    If you like to work with Live (concept of making music and translating ideas into daw) then you probably will have a lot problems to switch to another daw, just because of concept of the "new" daw.

    Live is great app for musical ideas etc... but as I said, and you should look at this threads, I hate mixing and arrange view, so another DAW is must, but which to choose? For me probably best solution will be x64 Cubase 7 or x64 ProTools.

    Now I decide to play and fun with orchestral stuff and as you know lot of big and great orchestral libraries came from Kontakt...
    Because my Live is x86 I have problems with ram amount, just you load some stuff and there is no available memory. Reasonable.
    Even Live is x64, it's realy mess to work with 60 channels in Live :) arrange view. Sure I can do that, but concept of Live is not desiged for that type of stuff, it's easy to understand.

    Best result I have with PT10, all routings etc... superb, but it's x86 app again... :(

    S1 can realy make mess with this also. Last thing I try was a DP8 :) and you should look at impressions here: http://audiosex.pro/index.php?/topic/10441-searching-for-decent-mixingmastering-daw-is-continued-pro-tools-or-not/page__view__findpost__p__74179
  8. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Studio One, for the best stability, sound quality and fast workflow !

    If I need some experimental sounds, I just rewire Ableton Live
    and enjoy it with Studio One's better sound engine.

    I'll maybe replace Live with Bitwig ?
    Have to see how Jack works...
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Myth's about better sound quality and sound engine :)

    Quality came from your soundcard. You should try export one wave loop (dry) with S1, Live, PT, FL, whatever you want and try to figure out differences.

    Every difference may came from plugins if you put on master channel per example, Live comp + limiter, FL comp + limiter, that's the difference in character of sound.
  10. d32r

    d32r Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I made the switch and I still own Live 9 Suite. Session Mode aside, Studio One beats Ableton Hands down in all departments but one - It has no midi fx like Arp and Chord (useful for electronic music sometimes)

    Everyone says Live has amazing workflow, this is until you see Studio One's, its just better. Editing tools,Creating Buses and sends, Event FX, Instant access to everything and when it comes to mixing and mastering you cant even compare the two - S1 is light years ahead. Then there is the very important issue of S1 having what is amongst the Best PDC engine out there compared to Live having the worst.

    I have never used a better DAW than S1. I recommend you get some video tuts from groove 3 or something. At first its easy to think it cant do things compared to Live - But its just different methods.

    I would like it if s1 were skinable though, it can look bland at times but that's hardly a problem!
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    after trying bitwig for a few days i think ill use it together with ableton - its seems to be a perfect duo.
    but well bitwig need a lot bugfixes still to work round.

    i know a few trance producers who are using S1 for their productions. S1 in v2 is pretty stable and also with lots of features. i would keep it for production.

    well it depends how many daws you have used, the easier it is for you to get used to a new one.
  12. liam1895

    liam1895 Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Your answer to arp and chord plugin, Xfer Cthulhu.

    Best arp/chord plugin out there
  13. d32r

    d32r Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Yeah I use it, but its far from being as convenient as dropping the fx at the start of the chain like ableton. Midi effects have to be routed in S1. Not a big deal, but still.....
  14. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    A big trouble with Live is mixing/routing.
    Track grouping was introduced in AL 7 only,if i remember well.
    And other mixing features are lacking.

    The session/arrangement is nice, but i tried for several years to use session for ideas, but it doesn't work for any complex idea, in witch you need micro-editing, short transitions and variations.
    I ended up using arrangement view only, and so, asked me why i should use only half of a software, and not the best part too :bleh:
    I will probably keep it for Live use only, when all creation/mixing work is done. And "sketchpad" only.

    I tried Studio One on PC, and found it was the best compromise between complexity and effectiveness, composition and mixing.

    I don't want to use Cubase (killer MIDI), because it gives me headaches since the beginning.
    FL Studio (very good piano roll and arrangement): mixing workflow is worse than Live.
    No Mac, so no Logic (i erased my hackintosh, because i was bored with Logic X and my freeware missing PC VSTs)
    Protools is very good mixing wise, but totally sucks at VSTi and MIDI programmation.
    Reaper is like Linux : you can do a lot of things...but you need to do them yourself :rofl: And bad piano roll, too.
    Samplitude,Sonar : too complex for my use
    Digital Performer : too complex and too late on PC
    And more and more...

    If you want a single DAW on PC, Studio One is probably the best balance for composition/mixing/mastering (all in one).
    But if you want two DAWs, combinations are exploding, and making choice a lot more harder.

    That's why Logic work so nicely on Mac for most : you can use only Logic for (almost) anything.

    Studio One is Logic for PC...and you can use it on Mac too :wink:
  15. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Im sure Bitwig, will keep loading up on features. And also you gotta remember the companys do have to pay for license fees when adding extra stuff like rewire and so on, etc... .If people do remember, the first cubase didn't support audio, just like the first ableton didn't support midi. Anyways for myself, I personally do like studio one, ableton, bitwig, reaper and reason. Yes, I like all of them but for different reasons. If all of those DAWs had rewire, I would be totally stoked. Until then, I'll just have to keep using multi. computers. :rofl:
  16. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I'm not sure if it's possible to rewire Bitwig and Ableton at the moment?
  17. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Rewire will never happen on Bitwig, just like many other things never will !!!

    The reason is simple. There is no Rewire on Linux !
    And there is no AU plugins on Linux.

    So basically you can say that any feature that isn't on
    all three OS, also will not be in Bitwig.
    Has to do with cross compatibility of Bitwig on all OS's. Make sense ?!!?
  18. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Why rewire would happen/be added at all if you have Jack Audio? Someone cares to elaborate?
  19. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I tried to do the same a few times...

    I've been an ableton user for about 7 years now but there's something about it that keeps making me want to change or at least try something else. I love studio 1 I really do it's so much better in so many ways than ableton but I always go back to ableton because I can work so much faster using it.. Maybe I haven't give studio 1 enough time to learn, I don't know :dunno: but I always get to the point where I think sod it I could have done the same task 10 minutes ago using ableton and switch back.

    I've not long made the switch to mac and inevitably I'm trying out logic x now and I have to say I'm picking it up a lot faster than I did with s1. Then again I've watched a hell of a lot of tuts which happen to use logic over the years so I kind of feel familiar with it anyway.

    Just try it and stick with it for a while and make your choice! Good luck :wink:

    Yeah I think thats all it can be, but for what ever reason I do think s1 "sounds" better than ableton but don't flame me for that!
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    bitwig has no rewire, but my main interest is to create sounds, not music, so i can easy use both as long as both can export wav@32bit.
    rewire isnt planned also, so far i interpret the roadmaps of bitwig right.

    @8-bit i never got JACK working on my windows pc here, so i would consider it equal to rewire, which always worked fine, when i wanted to use it (rewired ableton, FL mostly - FL was the slave)
  21. dosage

    dosage Newbie

    Mar 31, 2014
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    What are you studio one users using for drums? Impact ? I really want to get down with S1 but I find impact really cumbersome and not fast enough for my workflow. Tried battery, was never really my thing.

    If S1 had a drum rack like plugin I probably would've completely switched over by now.