R2R cracked Acustica, I just can't believe it

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by justwannadownload, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. ProCeela

    ProCeela Member

    Dec 25, 2014
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    is that really true that these plugins are based on the trials versions ?
  2. spectator

    spectator Member

    Nov 26, 2023
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    From GS :unsure:
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  3. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    ive tried it, just removing all the plugin + files and then opening Aquarius, no problems here. Btw, im using the original framework so i dont need to replace it.
  4. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Giancarlo can't seem to stop talking about this in his facebook group, so might as well share the latest...

    From 16 hours ago:
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  5. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hey Guys.

    I've Followed All Instructions To a Tee Including Install Make_APPDATA_Acustica_Dir Creates a directory in the USER/AppData/Roaming folder)..

    All Acustica Audio Plugins Are Working Fine and The GUI Looking Good In Studio One 6 and Working Fine, But Acustica directory in the USER/AppData/Roaming folder "Is Empty"

    So Is Acustica Audio Application Settings To Be In The Appdata Folder? I'm Not So Sure What's To Be In This Folder And Why Acustica Audio AppData Folder is Empty.

    So,What Does Exactly Goes Into This Acustica Audio Appdata Folder And Why Acustica Audio AppData Folder Is Empty.

    Looking For Some Explanation..
    This Would Truly Help Me Out

    Thank You
    Studio One V6
    Windows 11
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  6. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    TO be quite honest if acustica actually thought it was legit enough to bring heat to R2R for copyright, DMCA or any other such wankerdom violations, they would have done it by now. With acustica stealing (pardon me, "acquiring") the "sounds" of hardware manufacturers patented physical devices and then marketing those as their own brilliant creations, AND, then treating the patronage of the retail sales of said dubiously obtained IR tech as though they were interned in some sort of acustica prison camp, I don't think qualifies acustica to be bringing any sort of wrongful legal trouble to anyone. Did acustica pay royalties to all those supposed hardware oem's for sampling audio run thru all these patented devices that they then stockpiled into terabytes of impulse responses?? I highly doubt it. Talk is cheap. So are accusations. The reasoning behind there being so much "product" on acustica's shelves stems from the fact that the cost incurred to them for spewing out yet another compressor, limiter, eq, saturator, butter churn, or electric dog polisher plugin, etc, etc, is more than likely so low that they would be way more embarrassed to reveal that information than them getting hacked by R2R. Yet they slap prices tags of anywhere from 50€-250€ on a single one of these "creations". Personally I have not found any of their stuff more compelling than the plethora of more compact and cheaper offerings out there. And none of these other more compact, cheaper solutions expose the user to the clunky operation and clumsy interfaces that accompany ALL acustica "products"... I am still at a loss to explain why there is even a user base for any of this stuff.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
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  7. Bocchi90

    Bocchi90 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2023
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    Salve a tutti, just wanted to say that I’m a psychologist that also makes music in spare time, and I have been reading these threads on this site and some other forums as well and I think Giancarlo is a nice guy but I can definitely diagnose heavy signs of bi-polar disorders in his behaviour and strong signs of what we in Italy call “comportamento narcisistico” which is basically a mental problem where you think you are better than other people and have no empathy.

    The most obvious sign of the bi-polar disorder that Giancarlo has is the fact that he is creating other accounts to insult paid users of his plugins. You can see the pattern on the Acustica thread on Facebook and Gearspace whereby 5-10 users gang up on someone if they make a negative comment about Acustica’s products.

    I believe that those users are not Acustica fanboys but they are actually Giancarlo using proxy accounts because if you read the past history of those fanboy accounts they only write about Acustica products and use the same writing style and tone of Giancarlo - like an evil version of Giancarlo - which is where his split personality comes into play.

    Another worrying thing that R2R alluded to is that Giancarlo might be a hacker himself and might actually be cracking rival plugins as he knows too much about copy protection and he knows too much about rival plugins and how they are protected to be simply testing them.

    I would not be surprised at all if Giancarlo cracks smaller companies Neve, SSL, API vsts and puts them onto websites under strange names.

    About the Acustica plugins themselves, I think it is something like a Ponzi scheme, where he is reskinning the same plug-in over and over again with different impulse responses and then selling it as a new plug-in.

    Most of the plugins are just “spazzatura di marketing” which is just impulse responses with some soft clipping and wave shaping attached which run at 10x cpu of rival plugin companies.

    The coding of the plugins themselves is basically DIY D-grade coding - it is obvious Giancarlo codes the plugins himself and has not hired a professional coder. You can tell the code is bloated and amateur by seeing how bad the plugins run.

    He probably hired a 3d graphics designer, as some the designs look ok but again what is the point if the underlying code is bloated and not efficient.

    I actually ashamed he is a fellow Italian because Italian people are not like this and although we may be arrogant and proud of our products we do not lie and trick other users for our own gain.

    I doubt they will last any longer than 2-3 years, they do not have a professional user base, the coding is pessimo and look what happened to tone2 which is closing down because the developer had a mental breakdown.
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  8. erminardi

    erminardi Kapellmeister

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Some interesting passages even if they are suppositions all to be confirmed (the part accusing him of cracking other competitors), but I notice that you only signed up to write this, and if I were one of your clients I would be a bit worried by how unbiased you are about your analysis. And above all, it's easy to hide behind a pseudonym (who's to say you're not one of those competitors?), at least, and this is frankly a point in its favour, your 'patient' always (or often?) puts his face on it.

    I honestly don't care if they put a gerbil under the bonnet to run the engine, the fact is that for me and others a vast majority of AA plugins sound interesting and differently, often better, than the average alternative.
    For SSD space, processor and RAM it has honestly never been an issue as I have a pro system from 2021 and above all I know how to optimise it.
    I read so many crying here about this, but for me it's nonsense if my work comes out better.
    Having said that I sincerely hope that in the future all the junk that weighs down will be officially removed, so instead of 56 Gold full stripe I can load 150 in a project.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  9. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    who told you is closing down? ...
  10. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    Gift for AA users :welcome:
  11. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    So are these Acustica sound better than any other plugin or sound shit ? :) thanks for help
  12. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    You joined yesterday to post this ? what does it means ?
  13. Leila

    Leila Noisemaker

    Oct 4, 2016
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    This comment is ORO.
  14. yuk461

    yuk461 Member

    May 20, 2021
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    I wish someone would develop something like open Nebula, creating a dynamic deconvolver and convolver environment that anyone can use freely. Even if there is a patent, it may have expired since it has been around 15 years. Acaustica Audio's monopoly is harmful to many people.
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  15. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    All Right

    But it is important not to forget that any such technology, including VVKT, has its own big drawbacks. for example, with VVKT - this is chirp and ripple, as well as some defects with a phrase when taking samples.
    Of course, these defects can be corrected in two main ways - by adding a pre-calculated algorithm (according to the scheme), or by redundantly calculating each sample.

    But I am sure that we will be able to see this in the near future, however, this is all for old people like me.
    Who else will sort through a ton of paperwork?
  16. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    BLATANTLY. Nobody achieved anything that benefits the human race through insults, and the worst thing humans ever did was attempting to Pidgeon-hole other humans into a type or into a square box, labelling it psychology. Anthropology is far more useful.
    CAN WE PLEASE go back to topic and forget Giancarlo. He does not care if he's bi-polar or not, and neither should anyone else because it is about the plugins whether cracked or not. As you were
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  17. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest

    Giancarlo is completely healthy.
    But unfortunately, I experience mental problems when I read all the nasty comments about different plugins - although they are normal like everyone else....:unsure:

    But I like this torsion confrontation with the witches)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Consider this - with ANY plugin - if it is made well enough, the engineer driving the project can make it sound good. This said, it stands to reason that many people have not focused on only one plugin at a time for a length of time. How can anyone be truly objective about something they tried once and because it crashed, or did not do what they thought it 'might', or used more of their resources than they liked, or their HW was not capable of running it as intended, it is canned?? Some statements are designed to get reactions. Do not react. That simple.

    True story - If anyone knows what they make or do is great, they have no need to defend it. This is because their product will speak for them. :)
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    R2R does not do what is sometimes termed landmark hacks unless the product is worth doing. They also get really pissed off if they hear anyone is making money from it because they clearly state do not make money from this.
    If software had 3 months instead of 2-4 weeks trials, a lot of software would probably sell more. I know that if I used something 2-3 times a week for three months, it's a certainty I'll buy it because it would have become part of my workflow.
  20. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    The problem with Giancarlo is he talks too much.
    1.Remove the bloat and make the new plugins avialable in aquarius.
    2. Update the older plugins and correct the bugs poeple have been talking about for years.

    This is all that is needed. We are tired of promises and promises, yet they dish out 1-2 new plugins per month.
    We, the old customers who supported this company from the start are being treated like idiots.
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