Updating OS from Mojave 10.14.6

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by doobie, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Hello Mac users... been running mojave 10.14.6 for the last few years and love it. has anyone updated from Mojave to Ventura or Sonoma? (i thought about updating by creating a new volume so i can still run mojave if needed)
    ive been hesitant to update and probably wont for awhile if i do at all but just wondering if the update went smooth....i backup everything often and keep files and everything things very organized , store everything i can to an external drive
    2018 Mac Pro 15 inch w touchbar. 16gb ram 512 gb storage 2.6ghz i7 processor. thanks!
  3. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    i'd love to hear some feedback on this as well.

    we're in the same boat. well nearly. i've been on 10.14.5 for 2-3 years as well on my studio macbook pro but have been running more and more into new software or plugins i want to use not being compatible at this point. been afraid to make the jump to update. i just know some things will end up lost or i'll need to re-install a bunch of stuff..
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i updated my 2017 Macbook pro from Mojave to Ventura and had no problem at all. identical machine, just the year before yours. I was stuck waiting on new Motu software for about a month, but other than that everything migrated correctly. But I do use a 5.1 pro for my main machine and it is still on High Sierra. You may lose any older plugins you were able to still use in Mojave.
  5. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Same here , and theres not much info on the web about it atleast from what ive seen lol. i guess we'll see what people have to say!
  6. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Hell yeah sounds good Clone! thanks for the info. Did you install by adding a new volume or just did a whole new install?
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I upgraded directly, using the Migration Assistant in your applications/utilities folder. It was a while ago, when Ventura was first released. Thats why my drivers from Motu took as long as they did. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254572879?sortBy=best
    I did not do it as the 2 steps one person mentioned, because I already knew it would work. I did create a Time Capsule backup first.

    If you have no real reason to upgrade, I'm not saying you should do it. You will have work to do possibly reinstalling sister site version plugins. Updating Logic, etc. All of that usual stuff. But the machine is not going to have any problem with going from Mojave to Ventura.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    if you are going past Monterey, from a performance point of view you may as well go straight to Sonoma. The difference is not noticeable and it has already received its first point updates. That way you will not have to upgrade for a good while, just smaller updates
  9. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Okay sweet. Thanks Eddie
  10. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Sounds good. thank you for the info! even brave browser is "not supported" on mojave at this point lol
    yeah i figured that ill have some work to do but i backup once or twice a week or more and ive already made some documents of everything i currently have. appreiciate the help very much!
  11. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Hey I meant to ask. After the new OS install is complete will most of my applications show up on the new OS or will I have to restore from Time Machine backup ? Haven’t updated in so long I forget. Thanks!
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    As i mentioned, I did the Mojave to Ventura Migration almost a year ago now. I don't remember either. But you shouldn't need to access your Time Machine backup for anything. Particularly not applications. Usually Migration will miss files like settings files, or some presets. I almost always lose some dumb little things like that. The applications I use outside of MacOS are basically all for music. Firewall (i use the free LuLu firewall and I did have to update it), dbpoweramp file convertor, VLC, Soundforge, Audacity, or Wavelab are always my wave editor; Transmission torrent client, My MOTU software definitely needed to be replaced, iLok, Keka, Falcon and Kontakt, and a number of my "plugin manager" applications had to update. I copied my /Components folder for sure, all my Logic files, to my external drive, my documents folder with all my hardware manuals, and thats about it. It was not as much to do as a full re-install, but there is quite a bit of things to do. It took me some hours, but not days. A direct upgrade is not entirely unlike a full reinstall in that regard. But none of it is done via Recovery Mode, Terminal, or any other low level partition tool or anything of the sort. It is GUI driven the entire time. For me, that is the main benefit. If I can get booted and to the desktop, I can fix whatever I might run into. You have internet access. The worst things to fix are where your only computer is at a command line and you cannot get it online. You can use a phone to surf, but good luck transferring any sort of files you need to the machine without another. If that doesn't happen, it's all good. :)
  13. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    @clone hell yeah , thank you for the in depth explanation . alright ill get on that and let you know how it goes!!
  14. m.sarti

    m.sarti Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I just upgraded from Mojave to Ventura (OS 13.6) a couple months ago. I'd loved Mojave, but found some software that I use or want to use had a minimum requirement of 11 or 13, so I ended up upgrading my 2017 iMac and Macbook Pro to 13. In the process, as I've come to know to expect, some software was deprecated by it, most especially Altiverb 7 (K'd) and Arturia Oberheim SEM (the original version), but also BatChmod and some other useful utilities.

    Since all of the software that "broke" with the migration to Ventura had to do with audio production, I made a 256GB partition on my iMac's drive to install Mojave, Logic Pro, and whatever other compatible software and plugins might be necessary to work on or re-work projects done in Mojave with the stuff that will run on it.

    Mac OS 14 "Sonoma" requires these machines as minimum:
    • iMac: 2019 and later
    • iMac Pro: 2017 and later
    • Mac Pro: 2019 and later
    • Mac Studio: 2022 and later
    • MacBook Air: 2018 and later
    • MacBook Pro: 2018 and later
    • Mac mini: 2018 and later
    - so any software with Sonoma as minimum requirement will also require at least those models. I made the switch at a time when I'm still ahead of the curve enough to not be on the trailing edge. To be safe, one should clone one's drive, then run the OS upgrade, and see what software might not survive the migration. From the looks of it, Silicon-only software isn't coming any time soon, since Intel machines are still spec'ed for new OS versions.

    As far as Ventura itself, I find it pretty snappy. Also, the look of the dialog boxes and the System Settings (formerly Preferences) menu is a lot more concise, and better to navigate.
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    They have made some serious progress getting some workarounds of the dylib methods for old software like Altiverb 7 you mentioned, Adobe patched, openssh stuff working again on newer OS. But of course it is YMMV. I am leaving my 5.1 alone, even though people have even been opencore patching them to almost current macOS versions. Dual boot is not a bad idea, but I think it may become mostly unnecessary. There's always stuff that just will not work.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
  16. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Thanks alot thats super helpful to know ! ima install ventura or sonoma on new volume that way mojave is still there for me as wwell.. appreciate it !
  17. Lacuca

    Lacuca Newbie

    Apr 30, 2023
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    Hi Musician people,

    Acustica plugins are great!!, but they takes a lot of CPU. I use High Sierra, but would like to try other plugins such as Cubase 12 or 13 ,so I need to upgrade to a newer iMac, which one should I get not older than 2020 Mac, what MacOS it is the one that all cracked plugins works without any major problems?, and that is the best for most cracked plugins to guarranteed they will work?. Would you recommend building a hackintosh with a Intel 12 core, 96Ram, 4 GB SSD and 8G video card?.

    Thank you in advance!
  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    32bit apps and plugins don't work at all beyond Mojave,

    Apple's obsession with security and integrity will kick in hard, so anything older/non-notarized/modified/cracked will be trippin',
    be sure to understand concepts of DeQuarantine, CodeSign,

    compatibility is more of a problem with hardware and DAW, plugins usually work if DAW works, but do expect some plugin updates to do, because devs mostly don't give a shit about supporting older products in newer MacOS versions,

    Apple hasn't yet cut off ability to use drivers/kexts, so despite blabber warnings on incompatibility and push towards less-privilleged DriverKit mode, you'll be able to use devices and virtual devices just fine on latest MacOS on Intel platforms,

    performance-wise expect higher graphical demands from gpu, but not a huge deal - I still got one 2014 MBP 15 (16GB ram) running Big Sur just fine,

    with all that said, if you happen to have external SSD (or SATA SSD in USB enclosure), I'd definitely do a complete backup (with something like CCC or TimeMachine) before any upgrade, because from Mojave to Ventura (or Sonoma) it's a huge jump and you could especially loose ability to de-register and re-register things if situation gets messy,
    and for actual upgrade process, I'd suggest using MDS (Mac Deploy Stick - older version, compatible with Mojave) to make a full installer to run from Applications folder - but also create bootable USB stick from it as a backup option to have at least something bootable
  19. NeeboObeen

    NeeboObeen Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Many places
    I jumped to Monterey over a month ago. I chose it because of the firewire issue for one of my interfaces. It is so much quicker and responsive then Mojave. I was tempted to go higher as in Ventura but am okay for a while here. On a 5,1 Mac Pro on Digital Performer with no issues at all except for loosing Altiverb. I may buy an old laptop to run it as an outboard unit. I would recommend the jump.
  20. m.sarti

    m.sarti Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    You're welcome. Good luck!
  21. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Just put Windows on it if you rely on warez, than use it as Audiogridder server.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
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