Reason studios demonstrates why piracy is completely justified

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tzzsmk, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Or we stop paying to these ungrateful developers... That's what I did. I didn't bought the update. There are so many synth that compete with it anyways, it's not like I must have it...
    If we all boycott those developers, they'll have to change their policy.

    Incredible... But the law allows them to do so...
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    Jun 21, 2019
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    To be sincere i dont think they will change their ways even if people stop buying from them so yeah we are pretty hopeless
  3. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I miss Propellerhead...
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  4. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Read a EULA sometime and you'll find that NO ONE "owns" anything except for the developer of the software. Every retail user who pays good money for whoever's sucker-ware are "given a license by the developer to use the software" but the end user has no other legal rights under the law as far as ownership. This is the entire premise that started the "subscription" or "rental" paradigm's like what mickeysoft and adobe and hundreds of others are doing. You don't even ever see a copy of the software in your hand or on your machine - you log into a server that allows you to use a hot copy of the software, if your "subscription" is paid that is, you do your work and then you go away until the next time you need to use the sucker-ware. If it wasn't for the scene you would never be able to grab a copy of anything anymore and install it and use it whenever you wanted - even offline!

    The same thing happens when I tell folks to remove internet, A/V, OS updaters, store apps, firewalls, etc, etc, OFF of machines that do/use production softwares especially scene releases. hey look at me like :woot:...
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  5. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    As much as i hated that Camel Audio Sold to Apple, they gave 6 months period of time to download all your Expansions and Alchemy with your Watermarks stripped from the installers. This was a really good way ... and in the end they cared about that al teast ...

    I asw the video and i can understand that the person in the mail is really made.

    I am wondering how Ableton handles authorization of older versions? can you still auth. version 9 if you only own that? it was the first one with online auth?
  7. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  8. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    By the way, universal audio still has my bid (among others) for being the shittiest under handed dev in the industry. Paying BIG bucks for a UAD-1 AND some select accessory plugins (at some odd $2xx.00 a pop) all the while operating under the notion that the UA hardware allows many UAD plugins to run SEPARATE from the processor cycles of the host machine. THIS IS WHAT DOING THE RESEARCH BEFOREHAND TELLS A BITCH BEFORE THEY GO OUT AND BUY SAID HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE. This is what the UA marketing and specification info for the UAD-1 stated in the days of the UAD-1 and the rest of the pundits and forecasters of the time (where one does the research) simply parroted UA's marketing bs...

    In REALITY the UAD-1 was incapable of supporting more than 2-3 UAD plugins SIMULTANEOUSLY before the host machine was brought to it's knees. A host machine well in excess of the spec's given by UA for a host machine for the UAD-1. A host machine that could run a 100 regular NON-UA VST's with ease, but not with the UA/UAD-1 combo. Tech support case after support case was opened with UA to FIX this issue as the UAD-1 in reality did in no way shape or form live up to the hype given out by UA in it's marketing literature. After a while of going round and round with UA support I found out my case was not unique. There were plenty of others having similar issues with the UAD-1 and their plugins. Eventually, after 700$ was dropped on the UAD-1 hardware, AND an additional 3-400$ was dropped on UA plugins, the UAD-1 and it's plugins hit the scrap heap. Mainly because only being able to load 2-4 max (4 was really pushing it) UA plugins at a time when I had projects in the 20's or 30's of tracks sometimes, was a complete deal breaker.

    Enter the Native UA plugin era. The plugins I bought and paid for in the day of the UAD-1 are still there on the UA site, still being sold, still called the same thing, and still cost the same amount of ca$hy money for their "license"... YET, UA has now decreed that "legacy" plugins are INELIGIBLE for upgrade to the new native counterparts, not even for a reduced fee - not that I would be anytime soon waving a stupid ass iLOK anywhere near my new production machine, but I digress.... So, over $1000+ later, and the reality of the piece of shit that the UAD-1 was, and I have the documented support cases to prove it, they had NO answers to fix the issues with the UAD-1 and no Native upgrade path period. Needless to say UA is not on my top 10 hit parade.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
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  9. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    I have one rule when it comes to piracy - I own license for samples/sample libs/recordings that I use in the production that I'd "officially" release/register/copyright. Not bc of ethics or morale. I don't have that. I'm dead on the inside ;) It just makes sense in my situation legally and workflow wise. I "test" sample libs and see if they fit but own the license before the release.

    That ofc doesn't apply to say EQ/comp/ algo VSTs. But than again it's not a problem since I don't mix/master. Even stock plugins would be more than enough.

    I usually buy stuff that is cracked and some ppl wonder why. Why not just pay for what's not cracked. It's exactly this situation. When something that I paid for gets cracked I don't get butthurt but relieved since I have a backup for when the dev will fuck up.

    Right now, I am quite nervous regarding the PA, iZo, NI marriage. I own like all the collectors ed. and shitload of other stuff. I sincerely hope that the idea of Gianni-like spying on customers or similar ideas don't cross anyone's mind at NI. Let me just reiterate what the witches wrote in their nfo:

    "Hi, Native Instruments : Drop it."
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Don't underestimate the power of boycott. It's a tested way to make real pressure. In the past, when a majority of people have done it, they where able to force big enterprises and even countries to change their policy. But for this to work, we need conscious consumers, which is unfortunately rare today.
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  11. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Maybe that story is true. On the surface. Or maybe it's that you are allowed to use pirated software if you have the original paid version with receipt on the shelf. This is practice in a lot of studios since the 90s, where Cubase was run as the cracked version because the legit paid one used a dongle and had issues with stability because of that. So ... if you see cracked software, it does not mean that it is illegal to use it. Beside the fact that I am quite sure that these kind of stories are ... let's say ... an assumed "good" story, but not very close to be true.
  12. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    It starts with simply lies and misrepresentations about Netflix. Obviously he is to stupid to make his account work correctly. So ... that kind of misleading "arguments" are BS that helps nobody.
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  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    what else do you expect from a company still selling 20 years old underpowered (six) SHARC DSPs for 3300€ (Apollo X8P) which doesn't even support 16 channels expansion on two ADAT pairs :rofl:
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  14. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    that shit's vintage now, of course it's worth big money
  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    almost forgot - it's so vintage they don't even include Thunderbolt 3 cable with a 3300 bucks interface :facepalm:
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  16. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    no opinion on the matter but none of their DSPs are 20Y old
  17. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
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  18. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure that what Propellerheads / Reason is doing there is not compliant with EU-law. Someone should finally take the step and challenge these criminals in court.
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  19. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    or maybe they don't really care, seen that quite a few many times, where people that run successful business and can buy all that software with one work check just don't care to do that, but would rather even go for more convoluted way of doing things, bridging cracked plugins and etc.

    There's no reason to use cracked FabFilter or Valhalla for better experience standpoint, they are lucky because not many developers put registration name on GUI, like that Fab Dupont guy that was caught using k'd apulSoft plugin or countless folks with Sylenth and etc. If all developers practiced that, we would see too many of this happening, especially if the teams wouldn't provide keygen, but just license or wouldn't let you change the name even on those keygens that work in combination with your MAC address.

    Some folks don't mind doing whatever it takes to land the job and paycheck, so their moral compass revolves around that for most part, beg, barrow, steal, if their client wants rip off track, they will gladly provide that, spend hours recording and editing someone who just isn't a good singer or musician, take whatever crap that pays, not many are in position to reject those jobs, especially if they can cash in on that dream. Even engineers on highest rank take jobs they probably hate and try to find anything good about it to land huge paycheck and more jobs. So overall, those folks make quite a lot of compromises revolving their career, doubt they can't sleep at night knowing they use k'd plugin or they care they just helped polishing and unleashing some trash music for consuming, it's good old, I just did my job to put food on the table and that's end of their moral dilemma.

    ...or interviews with people doing trash music, it's almost always, I started from nothing and now I'm finally able afford living doing music... and good old story when they made music they loved, it wouldn't sell, so that is end of their moral dilemma, I don't want to have day job, would do anything that takes to make money in music industry and they basically are just doing that. Piracy is pretty much not big moral priority there... add profit driven record labels to the equation and you pretty much have whole picture of the people that are involved there.

    So it's not unthinkable that some of them just don't care about doing right thing, just whatever it takes to do their own thing and earn as much money as they can, ripping off whoever they can on that way.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  20. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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