R2R 2023/2024 AA Guides, Bug Reports, Issues & Fixes Megathread (WIN)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Stevie Dude, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    that JST Howard Benson. R2R never released JST product before. JST started using ILOK last year for all their new plugins. So it's the new-gen ILOK after R2R's end of 2021 big wave. Falcon has everything by PACE, eden, wrapwarden, fusion, metafortress still got k'd. That's why Falcon crack matter and is a big deal for them. 3 dev in a row for FUSION (TC, JST, UVI). Fusion and Metafortress are two of the strongest for plugins I think. What else is there ? PACE strongest new protection is White Box but only used by banking and corporate. Basically R2R already broke them all, just spending time with the boring tedious work for each of them plugins I guess ?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  2. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hey Guys.

    I've Followed R2R Advanced Framework Instructions To a Tee Including Install Make_APPDATA_Acustica_Dir Creates a directory in the USER/AppData/Roaming folder)..

    All Acustica Audio Plugins Are Working Fine and The GUI Looking Good In Studio One 6 and Working Fine, But Acustica directory in the USER/AppData/Roaming folder "Is Empty"

    Question, So Is Acustica Audio Application Settings To Be In The Appdata Folder? I'm Not So Sure What's To Be In This Folder And Why Acustica Audio AppData Folder is Empty.

    So,What Does Exactly Goes Into This Acustica Audio Appdata Folder And Why Acustica Audio AppData Folder Is Empty.

    Looking For Some Explanation..
    This Would Truly Help Me Out

    Thank You
    Studio One V6
    Windows 11
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  3. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    my humble advice for this kind of things is just one: use ears and hands, not eyes and mouse

    I mean, sometimes I use an easy plugin like Khz GAIN which is a so simple tool, only volume
    I put one before the "sensible" plugin and another one after in the chain, I calibrate the input/output gains on 2 knobs on a hardware midi controller, and I tweak both by hand and by ear. This easy technique helped improve my ears a lot and helped obtain the best from "analogue emulation plugins"

    this give me the opportunity to keep the "analogue plugin" in set and forget mode, and work only on the gain stage

    obviously that is a basic example, you can use other tools or different techniques with the same principle

    I would only say that "a plugin for automatic gain stage doesnt exist", also, I disavow and dont use the auto gain function in plugins that has it 90% of the times

    PS: I also use DMG trackcontrol, which has more functions that the Khz GAIN, but it is very light as well, you can open hundreds
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Even with iLok and all the other security, legit Falcon is still fast as hell, and the size it needs to be to work. He is grasping at straws there. If r2r's versions are actually "faster", it can't be by much; because everything on an ilok protected Falcon is as immediate as any software gets. You'd need a stopwatch to tell any difference. UVI generally make great products. There were no dishonest business practices revealed when Falcon2 was cracked. No customers upset with them. They attempted to protect the program as best as they could, but did not screw up their products or their reputation to do it. They did not go on social media every time they came up with another story.

    I'd love to know how this guy's server bills compare to some ilok encryption. The bandwidth used by all these downloads is ~10 times bigger than it should be.
  5. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Giancarlo is more like a music politician. He is active on social media, responding to people on their messages, publishing statements. At the same time, he conducts his dirty business and tries to extract money from his "electorate"
  6. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    You are definitely right, He is very active even on this forum, but many of his plugins give a unique sound with the least amount of time. this is his plus.

    I know that you don't like the complexity of these plugins, they also have many mathematical errors, errors with the Hilbert engine in equalizers and other minor pitfalls.

    Now R2R has done its job and you can use it in a more convenient way) Therefore, it is worth respecting Gian Carlo a little for his work, even if it is a little dirty.
  7. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    I respect the people who realized the whole technical system, who resampled all the hardware.
    But not a talking head like Giancarlo, who only tells his workers what to do.
  8. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    Well, this is also your right, of course. I'm not defending him, believe me.
    However, it was this man who created this company and organized a lot of work.

    Just believe me, I’ve been watching his work for more than ten years and I know what I’m talking about):winker:
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    But you edited out the portion of your comment which said "Even if it's a little dirty". But we are not discussing "a little dirty". That would be something like a "security problem" in the coding because of not following best practices, skipping code audits, or even something like emulating a famous hardware device but not using the name/model # to avoid comparisons or even licensing costs. Unproven claims or inaccurate measurements. Those would be "dirty" practices but they certainly happen in Audio. Frequently.

    Taking up ten gigabytes of space on someone's hard disk with DRM bloat; and then telling customers that the file size is 10 gB because of the sampling methods, emulation accuracy, and high quality sound results are outright misrepresentation. Bordering on the F word, I would think. Imagine buying some product at a store that says it is 10 ounces of a product on the package. But when you get time to look at it, you find out the store sold you 1 ounce of the product, and 9 ounces of packaging and a lead weight. That isn't "dirty".
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  10. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    Gian Carlo just put some garbage in your bag, I agree with you)

    However, I wanted to say something slightly different, that he is not so bad)

    Everything regarding the bloated defense, R2R cleaned it up as much as possible. Now we can not be afraid of dirt and just live and watch further events)

  11. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    @Stevie Dude
    I think this 2 videos by Dan Worral will be helpful for some people.
    Maybe add them to "Useful Reference For Beginners" section?

    Samplerates: the higher the better, right?

    Oversample Everything! Reaper FX and FX Chain Oversampling

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2023
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  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    There is a complete thread about problems and solutions for AA plugins.
    Please use the search function.
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  13. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    added to the topic. thanks. I really need to finish some others topics. Will try again after LFC game today.
  14. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    oh, seems like we need one more thread :)

    I've been for Arsenal for the last 2 seasons. I really like their squad and the way Arteta works with young players.

    Hopefully today Trent will be in as good a form as the last two matches
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  15. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    what if Gian Carlo changes the plugin protection and switches to a subscription method?,
    would you like this to happen? :excl:

    I'm just curious
  16. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Giancarlo, we recognize you.
    No. If it's just $1 a month (maybe)

    The size of every plugin is so big. First AA need to remove that bloat
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  17. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I completely understand R2R when they say that cracking iLok is not fun, it must be a huge and tedious job. But it must also be said that it is the "thing" that makes his fans and the whole community around the world happiest. Do you remember the Big Wave? However, R2R has dramatically improved his work on iLok. They perform superbly. Especially the iLok released in 2023. Regarding this Christmas and New Year it is best not to expect anything about it. R2R will surely wait IMO. I don't expect any major iLok R2R releases this holiday season. Unless they have changed their way of operating. But, I do not think so.
  18. Antonius

    Antonius Noisemaker

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Fairy forest
    Thanks for the answer, but I'm not Gian Carlo.

    I want to write him a message asking him to change the plugin protection. This is the only way he can save money and clients for further development.
  19. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    It seems to me that majority of people in this thread abandoned AA and switched to R2R, so why are you asking about that right here?

    Feel free to open a thread and maybe a poll, would be more interesting for you. Here we are busy to fix JKdS errors. We are not good at marketing strategy
  20. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I Did Use search function For AA plugins (Tags- Etc; Long & Wide For An Hour Or So Before I Started This Thread But Nothing Came Up Specifically On My Question..I Normally Don't Post a Question As To Most Of The Time I Get Around Of Solving My Own Issues So I Thought On My End With No Harm Posting a Question On This Particular Question..With That Said Thanks For Bringing This To My Attention But Olymoon Would You Be Inclined To Have a Hint To My Question Issue?

    Apparently No One Has An Answer To My Question Which Is Fine & Dandy All Right,Excellent To The Extent That Maybe All It Will Take One Other Person Will Have An Answer..

    TY For Leaving This Post Thread Open
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
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